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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 23 June 2022

Spanish Constitution  of December 27, 1978 (Spanish Official Gazette 29-12-1978)

Royal Decree 6/2019 of 1 March on urgent mesures for the guarantee of equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in the area of employment and work  (SOG 7-3-2019)

Non-University education

Organic Act 3/2020 of 29 de December on the amendment of the Act 2/2006 of 3 May on Education (SOG 30-12-2020)

Organic Act 8/2013 of 9 December on the Improvement of the Quality of Education  (SOG 10-12-2013)

Organic Act 2/2006 of 3 May on Education [4] (SOG 4-5-2006)

Organic Act 5/2002 of 19 June on Qualifications and Vocational Training  (SOG 20-6-2002)

Organic Act 8/1985 of 3 July on regulating the Right to Education  (SOG 4-7-1985)


Act 4/2019 of 7 March on the improvement of conditions for the performance of teaching and education in the field of non-university education (SOG 8-3-2019)


Royal Decree-Act 31/2020 of 29 September on urgent measures in non-university education (SOG 30-9-2020)

Royal Decree 5/2016 of 9 December on urgent measures for extending the implementation schedule of the Act 8/2013 of 9 December on the Improvement of the Quality of Education  (SOG 10-12-2016)


Resolution of 2 July 2018, of the Labour General Directorate, which registers and publishes the National Collective Bargaining Agreement for private general or regulated education centres without any publicly-funded level  (SOG 11-7-2018)

Educational offer

Academic qualifications and validations

Academic qualifications and validations 

Academic staff and Leadership teams

Educational institutions

Educational Institutions

State Educational Administration (Ministry of Education)

Advisory bodies

Advisory bodies

Grants and financial support for students

Grants and financial support for students

Access to University

Access to University

Compilatons of educational legislation



Youth Employment Shock Plan 2019-2021

Youth Employment Shock Plan 2019-2021

National Youth Guarantee System

National Youth Guarantee System

National Employment System

National Employment System

Vocational Training System for Employment

Vocational Training System for Employment

Current regulation

Common Service Portfolio

Common Service Portfolio

Employment policies