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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 23 June 2022

Article 67 of Organic Law 6/2006 on Education (LOE), as amended by Organic Law 3/2020 (LOMLOE), establishes that educational administrations may collaborate with other public administrations with competences in adult education and, in particular, with the labour administration, as well as with local corporations and various social agents.

Teaching staff in the provision offered by education authorities

Article 99 of Organic Law 2/2006 (LOE) as amended by Organic Law 3/2020 (LOMLOE), establishes that teaching staff belonging to public educational institutions providing Adult Education (AE) comprise civil servants of the different non-university teaching bodies, in line with the educational levels and programmes offered. These are:

  • school teachers;
  • technician teachers of vocational training;
  • secondary education teachers;
  • teachers of official language schools.

Education authorities provide teachers with the training necessary for catering for the characteristics of adults.

The teaching of foreign languages must be provided by teachers with the corresponding specialisation or qualification or by teachers from the body of professors and secondary education teachers in the corresponding specialisation, a situation which will in all cases require the voluntary participation of the interested parties and will have no effect on the permanent staff of educational institutions.

Exceptionally, and according to article 97.2 of the LOE as amended by LOMLOE, in the case of Official Language School teachers, foreign professionals who do not hold the required certificate may be hired as specialist teachers on account of their qualifications and the needs of the education system.

Also exceptionally, in the case of Intermediate and Advanced Vocational Training, it is possible to hire professionals without the required certificate who work in the relevant field, on account of their qualifications and the needs of the education system. These incorporations have a labour or administrative nature, in compliance with the article 95.2 of the LOE, as ammended by LOMLOE.


Teaching staff in the provision offered by the employment authorities

Article 7 of Royal Decree 665/2015, establishes that the requirements for the teaching staff providing vocational training for employment depend on the type of education provided.  Thus, there are several trainers who take part in the various initiatives carried out in the field of vocational training for employment:

  • instructors-trainers, who provide technical contents at a theoretical level;
  • technical teachers, who provide technical and practical contents related to Vocational Training, in contexts closer to the reality of work.

More specifically, in the case of training leading to the obtaining of certificates of professional experience, trainers must meet the requirements established in the Royal Decrees regulating them.

If the training provided is not linked to the obtaining of Certificates of professional experience, trainers must meet the requirements specified in the training specialisation programme. In order to be provided, the specialisation must appear in the File of Training Specialisations of the State Public Employment Service.

According to article 10 of Royal Decree 189/2013, the teaching staff providing demand training not linked to the obtaining of Certificates of professional experience must meet the requirements established by the companies responsible for the management of this activity.

In general, in the case of alternance training (work-linked training), the theoretical part is provided by teachers with a high educational level, while the practical part is provided by qualified professionals with proven experience.