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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for academic staff working in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.5Conditions of service for academic staff working in higher education

Last update: 16 June 2022

The conditions of service are defined and negotiated in a similar process as the conditions of service of teachers at primary and secondary level (see more 9.2).


Planning Policy

There is no national programme or initiative for anticipating the quantitative and qualitative needs of university academic staff as there is for teachers in primary and secondary education. The higher education institutions are themselves responsible for planning policies.


Entry to the Profession

In Finland, higher education institutions are responsible for employing and appointing their academic staff. They also determine the types and number of posts needed. The recruitment is an open process and the vacant posts are advertised in newspapers, professional journals and relevant websites.


Professional Status

Since the reform of higher education legislation, teaching staff at universities are appointed in accordance with general employment legislation.



Teachers’ salaries are agreed nationally as part of collective agreements (see also 9.2).

The salaries at universities and universities of applied sciences are based on demands levels, which are defined for each post. In addition the salary comprises a component based on personal work performance.

The actual annual gross salaries for teachers in higher education vary between 57 500 to  75 000 euro.

Working Time and Holidays

In higher education the annual working time of academic staff is 1 600 hours. This can comprise teaching, the preparations of teaching, research, administration etc. The number of hours devoted to the different activities is negotiated between the employer and the employee.

The annual leave of is determined according to the collective agreements.  Generally, the employees earn 2–3 days of holiday per working month, depending on years of service. The employees are entitled to a full leave if they have been in service a full year, from 1 April to 31 March.

Promotion, Advancement

In higher education institutions no direct promotion opportunities exist. Open posts are generally advertised and those who desire a career move can then apply for these.

Retirement and Pensions

The general retirement age in higher education is 65 years. The pension replacement rate for those employed on or after 1 January 1993 is no more than 60 per cent of the salary. For those employed before that date, the replacement rate alternates between 60 and 66 per cent.