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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for academic staff working in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.5Conditions of service for academic staff working in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Professors’ and practicing lecturers’ election promotion and permanent appointment procedures are determined by Law 4009/2011.

Professors are elected as full time teaching staff.  Upon completing three years of actual execution of duties in the first appointment rank, they are eligible to enter the part time employment category.  Income, retirement status and statutory sabbatical or other leaves are determined at central level and are applicable to all rank professors.  It is pointed out that the professors’ duties, rights and obligations are determined by the respective Higher Education Institutions Organisational Charters.

Planning policy

Every HEI is responsible for assuring the quality and constant development of its work in education and research. It is also responsible for effective operation and efficiency of services in accordance with international practice and, first and foremost, with the principles of the European Higher Education Area and the directions of the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency  (ADIP), (L. 4009).

In Accordance with the provisions of L. 4485/2017, the Senate in Higher Education Institutions is comprised of:

  • The Rector
  • The Deputy Rectors
  • The Deans of Schools
  • The Heads of Departments
  • Student representatives
  • One representative per category from members of  the Institution’s collective bodies, such as EEP (Special Teaching Staff), EDIP (Laboratory Teaching Staff) and ETEP (Special Technical Laboratory Staff)
  • One representative of the Institution’s administrative staff. 

The competences of the HEIs Senate are stipulated in the provisions of L. 4009,  its Organisation and Internal rule of the Institution.

One such competence of the Senate is to draw up opinions for the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on the creation of new positions for:

  1. Teaching and Research Staff members (DEP)
  2. Special Teaching Staff (EEP)
  3. Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP) or Special Technical Laboratory Staff (ETEP).

It also distributes the positions agreed.

Entry to the profession

The teaching and research work in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), performed by DEP (Teaching and Research Staff) members. Teaching and research staff is distinguished to first rank teaching staff  i..e. professors, associate professors, assistant professors and practicing lecturers

Main qualifications to be eligible for the position of professor for all first rank professors (senior academic staff)  are:  a doctoral diploma (PhD), as well as academic work equivalent to the object of the vacant position.

Eligibility for being recognized a first rank /professor (L. 4521/2018) also requires:

i. A minimum of six (6) years of autonomous teaching, after having acquired the doctoral diploma in the requested cognitive field. The eligible academic should, also, be able to attest in:

  • The planning and teaching of the curricula of at least two modules or
  • The planning of academic work in a relevant field, in acknowledged (greek and/or foreign) research centres.

ii. Original research published in acknowledged academic journals, a number of which should be autonomous or original scientific monographs

iii. Teaching experience of at least three years in post graduate programmes of national or foreign HEIs or experience in the supervising of at least one doctoral thesis, which has been successfully completed or

iv. Participation in counselling committees for at least two successfully completed doctoral theses  or

v. Directing an acknowledged Research Centre or

vi. Previous experience in a directing position of an International or European Organisation

To be taken into account during the selection procedure, the entire research work of the candidate should be acknowledged by the academic/scientific community.

Selection in the position of Associate Professor requires:

i) A minimum of four  (4) years:

  • In Autonomous teaching after having acquired the doctoral diploma in the requested cognitive field or
  • Of acknowledged professional work in a relevant academic field or
  • Of working experience in acknowledged research centres in Greece or abroad or payable participation in organized research programmes.

ii)   Original publications in acknowledged academic journals, a number of which should be autonomous or original scientific monographs

To be selected, the candidate’s research work should be acknowledged by the academic community.

Selection in the position of Assistant Professor, (L. 4521/2018),requires:

i) A minimum of three (3) years:

  • In autonomous  teaching after having acquired the doctoral diploma in the requested cognitive field in HEIs or equivalent Institutions abroad or
  • Of acknowledged professional work in a relevant scientific field or
  • Of working experience in acknowledged research centres in Greece or abroad or of payable participation in organized research programmes.

ii) Original publications in acknowledged scientific journals, whether autonomous or in collaboration with other researchers or an original scientific monography or a combination of the above.

The candidate’s work is also examined in terms of existing prospects for   further academic career development.  As part of their participation in the administrative bodies of the Institution,  Teaching and Research Staff (DEP) members should exercise instructive, research-scientific work but also administrative work. In particular:

The instructive work may include:

  • Undergraduate instruction
  • Instruction of post-graduate subjects
  • Task organisation, supervision and operation of workshops and clinics, workshop and clinic tests and exercises
  • Participation in tutorials and seminars
  • The writing of instructive companions
  • Co-operation with undergraduate and graduate students.

The research-scientific work mainly includes:


  • Basic or applied research
  • Guidance and supervision of undergraduate dissertations, dioplomas  and doctoral  theses
  • Participation in conferences and research seminars.


The administrative tasks mainly include participation in HEIs governing boards DEP members also have the task to offer services relevant to their specialization and position to the entire community.


Senior academic staff is appointed for full time occupation, they may, however, work part time after applying to do so, on condition that this does not fall under the preconditions of irreconcilable behavior and  suspension of their status as DEP members.  Planning, monitoring and announcement of Institution professors’ election procedures, as well as candidates’ applications, are organized through the electronic system APELLA.  Each Institution draws up and keeps its internal and external members registers (L.4405/2016).

Professors’ selection, promotion and permanent appointment are realized by electoral assemblies (consisting of eleven or fifteen members), depending on the Department’s number of teaching staff (Professors and Lecturers).

The electoral body consists of members who hold a rank equal or superior to that of the position to be filled and the equivalent scientific research or in some cases in relevant scientific field.Regular andalternate membersof electoral assemblies, are selected by a fully justified decision of the Department’s Special General Assembly, on the cognitive and scientific part of the work of its members

Each Department draws up an internal and an external member register.

The internal member registers include professors, associate professors and permanently employed assistant professors of the relevant faculty and institution while external member registers include professors or permanently employed associate professors of other HEIs in the country and of equivalent HEIs abroad as well as researchers of a corresponding rank employed in research institutions in the country or abroad.

The electoral body forms a recommendation committee, consisting of three members, to make recommendations concerning the following:

  • Evaluates the candidates’ academic qualifications
  • Their scientific work and personality
  • Draws up a comparative and value rating ranking of all candidates (if there are more than one).

The members of the electoral body meet, assess the candidates, take a vote and select the candidate with the most appropriate academic qualifications .

The professors’ appointment is concluded by act of the Rector of the Institution following the legality control on the selection procedure

Teaching as well as other teaching and research activities held in HEI may be assigned to Adjunct professors.  Adjunct professors are PhD holders or persons fully recognized for their professional achievements.  Having Phd degree is not necessary for exceptionally and undoubtedly specific cognitive scientific fields in which the writing of a thesis is not possible.

The selection procedure follows an open announcement while responsibility for the selection lies with the relevant Education Institution.

With a view to meeting existing educational needs and promoting the faculty’s scientific activities, the following categories of professors may be brought in:

  1. Visiting professors, established Greek or foreign scientists holding or having the qualifications to hold the position of professor or researcher in a research centre, as well as Greek or foreign post-doctoral researchers, young scientists, PhD holders
  2. Retired professors, only in postgraduate and PhD studies programmes
  3. Academic grant holders, scientists with recognized standing and professional experience, PhD holders, doctoral candidates, persons with exceptionally excellent technical experience.

In addition to the above-mentioned categories in Higher Education Institutions:

A. Special educational-teaching work is carried out by the members of the Special Teaching Staff category.  This category includes the education staff teaching Foreign Languages or the Greek language as a foreign language, Physical education, Design as well as Fine and Applied Arts 

Main qualifications for appointment in the position of the Special Teaching staff category is a 1st cycle university degree relevant to the cognitive field of the position and a relevant doctoral diploma

B. Laboratory-applied teaching work is carried out by the members of the Special Laboratory and Teaching Staff (EDIP) category.  Their work primarily involves conducting laboratory and clinical as well as practical exercises in the relevant universities’ application fields.  The formal qualifications required for appointment to positions for this HEI staff category are a first cycle degree associated to the cognitive field of the position in question as well as a relevant postgraduate title.

Holders of a doctoral diploma or senior staff members have to perform the following tasks:

  1. Instructive work
  2. Tutorials in small groups of students
  3. Supervising of dissertations or other papers.

Special Laboratory and Teaching Staff members may offer their services to university clinics, workshops, or units set up in hospitals of the National Health System (ESY) or of HEIs and be remunerated for the performance of clinical work which does not hinder their instruction duties.

C. Specialised techniques and technological services pertaining to the HEIs’ overall operation are carried out by the Special Technical Laboratory Staff (ETEP) members category.  The formal qualification required for appointment to ETEP positions depending on the position announced is the acquisition of a tertiary education degree relevant to the announced position.

The Assembly of the Department or the Faculty, or the Senate, according to the academic unit the position refers to, declare the vacant positions and appoint the candidates of the three above mentioned categories.

Professional status

Since the incorporation of the first Technological Educational Institutes (TEI) in Tertiary Education (L. 4521/2019), University and TEI professors are all considered as Tertiary Education professors. There is a payment differentiation due to a difference of tasks, nevertheless, they are all Tertiary Education professors.

In accordance with article 16 of the Hellenic Constitution tertiary education professors are public servants and Teaching and Research Staff (DEP) members of HEIs.

Main qualifications for selection to all professor ranks (both for Universities and TEI) are:

  • Position of doctoral diploma
  • Research, scientific or artistic relevance of the candidates’ work with the cognitive scope of the vacancy.

Serving Lecturers (former teaching staff of applied sciences of TEI) are an exception from the above requirements and, therefore, do not need to hold a doctoral diploma. The latter do not fall under the category of serving university lecturers, but in the category of applied science lecturers.

If serving lecturers of applied sciences  acquire a doctoral diploma, they may ask for the conversion of their status to that of the serving university lecturer. They, also, may, ask for the conversion of their status following the specific procedure required of those whose cognitive field is of exceptional and unquestionable character. In all cases they preserve the right of acquiring a permanent position and of progression to the rank of assistant professor.

Conversely,  Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of former TEI are integrated into the academic status of the corresponding DEP member ranks of universities, solely upon applying, without any other procedure, since the qualifications for the above ranks for DEP members of TEI, are basically, corresponding to the qualifications for the above ranks of DEP members of Universities. (L.4521/2018 and later provisions).  

By virtue of L. 4009/2011 professors and associate professors are elected as permanent teaching staff. 

Professors’ positions belong to the institution and are distributed and re-distributed to the undergraduate studies faculties based on their educational needs, upon the Senate’s relevant decision and following the Rector’s relevant recommendation. 

Professors can teach in more than one undergraduate studies programme, in postgraduate and PhD programmes as well as in lifelong learning programmes. 

Professors are selected for full time employment.  Upon completion of three years of actual execution of their duties at the first appointment rank, they can enter the part time employment category, receiving 35% of their regular salary. 

Professors holding a full time employment position in the public or private sector, necessarily belong to the category of professors employed part time. 

However, in order for part time employed teachers to obtain a second paid position in the public or private sector, it is required that a  permission from  the relevant  Dean’s Office.

The capacity of Rector, deputy Rector, or Dean is incompatible with any other professional activity outside the institution. By ecxeption, the Dean may teach at the Hellenic Open University as a member of the Collaborating Teaching Staff (Law 4823/21).

Professors employed in equivalent HEIs abroad and elected for a position of professor in a Greek HEI for a 5 year service, share the same rights and obligations as their counterparts except for the right of participation in the institution’s administrative bodies.

Assistant Professors are selected for a three year term in office. However, within a  period of two (2) months from the ending of their term in office they may apply for:

  1. A renewal of their term for another three years
  2. The acquisition of  a permanent status in the rank of assistant professor or
  3. Their progression to the next rank

If,  none of the above opportunities is applied for by an assistant professor  during the two month period, then they are dismissed. If their assessment for permanence is positive, assistant professors become permanent in the position they already hold.

If the assessment for the renewal of their term of office or permanence or progression is negative, then they reserve the right to repeat their petition after at least one (1)  year.  However, in the case of a second negative assessment their term of office expires automatically.

If the term of office of assistant professors is renewed, they may apply for permanence or progression after one (1) year.

Adjunct professors are employed full-time or part-time under fixed-term employment contracts governed by private law lasting from one to three academic years.

The contracts above may be renewed but the total office of adjunct professors at the same institution cannot exceed the five academic years.

Even though professors’ special rights, duties and obligations are determined by each institution separately, professors are collectively forbidden to:

  • Be employed as advisors or assume administrative or teaching or research duties or participate in any employment relationship and for any period of time in a body providing educational or research services not belonging to the public sector (by exception, according to Law 4115/2013, HEI professors are allowed to work in any of the abovementioned capacities, in non-profit research institutes constituting legal entities of private law),
  • Establish or participate in any relationship or capacity, in enterprises or companies or consortia or profitable legal entities assigned by the relevant or other HEI to prepare studies or programmes or carry out a particular task, or supply material or provide services,
  • Hold a second permanent position in the public sector in addition to the position of HEI teaching staff member or judicial functionary or church official.

Violation of the incompatibility principle results in the violator’s mandatory referral to the disciplinary board by the Rector or the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and is punishable by dismissal.

Suspension from performing their duties in their capacity as professors applies to:

  • Ministers, deputy ministers and undersecretaries
  • Heads of regions, deputy heads of regions and mayors
  • General secretaries of Ministries
  • General secretaries in decentralized administrations
  • Presidents, deputy presidents, administrators, assistant administrators and their deputies in Legal Entities Governed either by Public Law or Private Law belonging to the public sector, with the exception of research centers and institutes falling under the authority of the Ministry of Education, as well as non-profit and public benefit foundations. 
  • The president of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
  • The president of the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) et als. (L. 4485/2017).

The time during which a professor may be suspended from exercising his duties is determined by the Organization of each institution, but may not in any case exceed eight (8) total years.


Law 4472/2017, for the salary classification of Higher Education Teaching Staff, defines 16 pay scales for each rank.  The starting pay scale is 1 (MK1) and the ending is 16 (MK16).

For first rank University Professors, the basic monthly salary for MK1 (entry-level position) is 2,122€ (gross earnings).

For all next pay scales of University Professors, the basic monthly salary is formed by adding 60€ to the salary earned from the previous pay scale.

More specifically the basic monthly salary for all the other ranks of Teaching Research Staff members (DEP) is formed on an average basis of the relevant pay scale (MK) of the Professor, as follows:

  1. Associate Professor: 85%     which is       1,804€ for MK1
  2. Assistant Professor: 75%      which is       1,592€ for MK1
  3. Lecturer: 70%                       which is       1,485€ for MK1 etc. 

For example: 






ΜΚ10 - 1 2.1221.8041.5921.485
ΜΚ21 - 32.1821.8551.6371.527
ΜΚ3 .................
... ΜΚ1629+3.0222.5692.2672.115

The basic monthly salary for the following members is classified in the same way:

  1. Scientific Staff (EP) in Higher Technological Educational Institutes (ATEI)
  2. Teaching Research Staff (DEP) in Higher Military Educational Institutes (ASEI)
  3. Educational Staff in the Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE).

Hence, the basic monthly salary of the above-mentioned categories is formed on an average basis of the relevant pay scale (MK) of the University Professor, as follows:

  1. Professors: 90%
  2. Associate Professors: 77%
  3. Assistant Professors: 68%
  4. Lecturers of Applications: 58%

For example:


Basic monthly salaries for all pay scales (MK) are rounded to the nearest euro unit.

Adjunct professors and visiting Professors are granted a monthly salary.  The amount and terms of the salary are defined by a joint decision of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Education.

In addition to the basic salary, University Teaching Research Staff members (DEP) and TEI Scientific Staff members (EP) receive a special teaching and research allowance, a family benefit allowance, etc. (Law 4472/2017).

University Teaching and Research Staff members (DEP), Special Training Staff members (EEP) and Special Laboratory and Teaching Staff members (EDIP) may offer their services in:

  • University clinics
  • Laboratories or special units within the National Health Care System (ESY).

They receive a special payment from the budget appropriations of the relevant hospital, for their clinical and laboratory work.  The amount of payment is defined by a joint decision of the Ministers of Finance and Health.

Full-time employment Professors can:

  1. Receive payment from financed projects
  2. Receive payment from intellectual property rights
  3. Perform with or without payment any type of duty or activity with the exception of commercial activities
  4. Receive payment for clinical work and on-call duties in University clinics
  5. Receive payment for participating in the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) and the Central Examination Committee for admission to Tertiary Education
  6. Participate as salaried members in maximum two committees and scientific or administrative boards of the public and private sector as well as in HEI administrative committees, as members of the Academy of Athens and as members or scientific associates of the Scientific Board
  7. Teach at any other HEI, public schools, public Vocational Training Institutes and Vocational Training Centers or assume administrative duties at the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP)
  8. Receive payment for participating in the institution’s administrative bodies, the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ADIP) or any other body supervised by the Ministry or Education, Research and Religious Affairs
  9. Pursue a liberal profession after informing the Dean of their School.

Working time and holidays

Working hours

By virtue of Law 4186/2013, full-time employed Teaching and Research Staff members are obliged to spend at least 12 hours weekly on the university premises, in addition to eight hours of teaching, for executing all types of research, scientific and administrative work. 

Part-time employed Teaching and Research Staff members are obliged to spend at least 7 hours weekly on the university premises, in addition to three hours of teaching, for executing research, scientific and administrative duties as does the full time employed teaching staff. 

By virtue of Law 1404/1983, the Education Staff working hours on a weekly basis are divided into 14 hours for professors, 16 hours for Assistant Professors, and 20 hours for Laboratory Instructors while according to Law 4186/2013, they are subject to increase by maximum two hours upon the competent bodies’ relevant decisions.


During the academic year, no classes are held at the HEIs for two weeks during Christmas time and two weeks during Easter time respectively. 

Christmas holidays are set from December 24 to January 7, while the Easter break is from Holy Monday to the Sunday after Easter.

In addition to these holidays, HEIs remain closed for another 7 days corresponding to religious and national celebrations.

  • October 28th: Anniversary of saying "OHI" (NO) to Italian fascism
  • November 17th: Anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising in 1973
  • January 30th: Celebration of the Three Holy Fathers
  • March 25th: Anniversary of the Revolution of 1821
  • Shrove Monday
  • May 1st: Labor Day
  • Holy Spirit Day: (Movable religious holiday).

No classes are held at HEIs between the end of the examination period at the end of the spring semester and the beginning of the winter semester in September.

Promotion - advancement

HEIs’ Professors and Lecturers in service may submit an application of advancement to the next rank upon completing three years at their ranks.

Higher Education Institutions’ Professors’ advancement follows an open procedure after declaration of the position to be filled.

Planning, monitoring and publication of the advancement procedures, like the selection procedures, are organized by the electronic management system APELLA

  • First rank Professors and Associate Professors are elected as permanent teaching staff.
  • Assistant Professors are elected for three years in service at their rank, and are entitled to submit an application for:
    • Renewal of their term of office
    • Their permanent appointment
    • Their advancement to the next rank
  • Permanent Associate Professors have the right to request for their advancement to the rank of Associate Professor any time after their permanent appointment.

Assistant Professors and Associate Professors who received a positive assessment but they have not advanced to the next rank, they have the right to request the position announcement again after at least three (3) years upon the decision of not being advanced.

Retirement and pensions

Higher Education Institutions’ Professors retire ipso jure from their position, at the end of the academic year, in which they turn 67 years old.