Upper secondary schools for adults (aikuislukio). Either separate schools for adults or separate sections for adults in normal upper secondary schools. In ‘aikuislukiot’ it is possible for adults to complete the comprehensive school 'peruskoulu', upper secondary school or take courses in individual subjects.
Ammatillinen aikuiskoulutuskeskus
Vocational adult education centres (ammatilliset aikuiskoulutuskeskukset) are municipal or private educational institutions which arrange vocational adult education.
Ammatilliset erikoisoppilaitokset
Ammatilliset erikoisoppilaitokset are special vocational institutions, owned by industry and business, mainly offering additional training for the staff of the maintaining company.
AMK institutions (ammattikorkeakoulu) provide higher non-university vocational education in usually multidisciplinary surroundings for matriculated students and those with qualifications from secondary vocational education.
Avoin yliopisto
Open university (avoin yliopisto) education is offered mainly to the adult population. Regardless of educational background, students can take parts of basic university degrees, but not the degrees themselves.
Kandidaatin tutkinto
Bachelor’s degree (kandidaatin tutkinto) is the lower academic degree in the new two-stage degree system in the universities; before year 1994 the higher academic degree was called with that name; see also Master's degree (maisterin tutkinto).