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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

Chapter Topics

Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

This topic provides a thematic and chronological overview of ongoing national reforms and policy developments since 2012. If you would like country specific information on this topic, please go to the "This chapter by country" tab and click on the appropriate country.


Overall national education strategy and key objectives This describes the overall education strategy and the key objectives across the whole education system.

Overview of the education reform process and drivers

This describes how the education reform process is organised in country in question and who the main actors in this

Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Reforms are broad together in the following broad thematic areas that largely correspond to the education levels:

Reforms in early childhood education and care

Reforms in school education

Reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Reforms in higher education

Reforms related to transversal skills and employability

European perspective