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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing reforms and policy developments


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Last update: 22 June 2022

This section gives an overview of the national ongoing reforms and policy developments in education and training. It groups reforms in the following broad thematic areas that largely correspond to education levels:

  • Early Childhood Education and Care
  • School Education
  • Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning
  • Higher Education
  • Transversal Skills and Employability

Inside each thematic area, reforms are organised chronologically. The most recent reforms are described first.

This chapter provides a thematic and chronological overview of national reforms and policy developments since 2015.

The introduction of the chapter describes the overall education strategy and the key objectives across the whole education system. It also looks at how the education reform process is organised and who are the main actors in the decision-making process.

Finally the section on the European perspective provides links to European strategies in which education and training have a prominent role.

Overview of the education reform process and drivers

School education

Any changes of systemic character take place in the field of education on the basis of the following legislation:

For the programmes co-financed from the EU funds the key document is evaluation plan for the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development.  

The Act on public statistics defines rules and gives basis for a reliable, professional and independent statistical research which results have an official status and it establishes the organisation and procedure for such research and related responsibilities.

Act on School Education Information System defines organisation and operational rules for the School Education Information System which’s purpose it to obtain the data necessary for: 1) drafting and implementation of educational policy at the central, regional and local levels including support to school education management; 2) efficient functioning of education financing at the central, regional and local levels; 3) analysis of cost effectiveness of public funds expenditure earmarked for educational purposes; 4) supervision and coordination of pedagogical supervision in the whole country and improvement of quality assurance. The system provides open access to information on school education.

Act on the Council of Ministers gives the ministers a right to establish at the post of minister various teams and bodies with opinion making and advisory capacity. The regulation by the minister further regulates the purpose, tasks, members and functioning of these bodies. For example in 2015 the Minister of National Education established a Team for Strategy at her post giving it a right to commission analysis, opinions or experts’ work.

For information on reform process in higher education please refer to the text below (Current reforms of the higher education system). 

Overall national education strategy and key objectives

Education as an element of the Polish Deal (Polski Ład)

Until 2020, the primary strategic document of the Polish government was the Strategy for Responsible Development. At present, the role of the main strategic program has been taken over by the Polish Deal, the outline of which was announced in June 2021. The Polish Deal includes a separate chapter on education entitled. "Friendly school and culture for the new century".

The strategy announces the establishment of a Child and Family Centre as an institution to support the development of children, learners and families expecting or raising children. Additionally, it announces a new model of psychological support and a psychological-pedagogical office in every school. The Polish Deal also announces a new post-pandemic COVID-19 equity programme.

With regard to the development of students' skills, the Polish Deal draws attention to the further development of students' digital competences and promises to increase the role of history in the curriculum.

Within the framework of the "Green School" program, the new strategy also announces thermal modernization of schools improving energy efficiency, equipping buildings with ecological heating systems, energy-efficient lighting and better ventilation systems.

The following strategic projects related to education have been identified in the Polish Deal:

  • Child and Family Centre
  • Psychological Support Program
  • National Educational Equity Program after Covid-19
  • Digital Core Curriculum
  • Green School
  • Day Care Centre Fund
  • Youth Community Councils Fund
  • Friendly and Accessible Schools for All
  • Educational Workshop of the Future
  • Student Loan
  • Modern Skills Fund.

Information about the Polish Deal Program is available at

The Lifelong Learning Perspective (PLLL)

In September 2013 the government adopted the integrated strategic document entitled The Lifelong Learning Perspective, covering various forms of learning (formal, non-formal, informal) at different educational levels (from ECEC to senior education). This document’s aim is to develop a consistent attitude towards lifelong learning, not only within formal education system, but also in other aspects of the State’s activity in which the question of qualifications and competences of citizens is important.

Currently, support for lifelong learning is implemented by the Institute for Educational Research (IBE) through such tools as the Integrated Qualifications System (ZSK) and the Integrated Register of Qualifications (ZRK).

Current reform of the structure of school education system

Current changes which take place in the Polish school education system were initiated in December 2016 when the Polish Parliament has approved an Act "Law on School Education”. Transformation of the two-stage general full time compulsory education (6-year primary school + 3-year lower secondary school) into one stage general full time compulsory education (8-year single structure called primary school) is a central element of this reform. Consequently education at ISCED 3 level (upon graduation from single structure) will be prolonged by one year. At the same time complusory education  has been limited to single structure education (8-year primary school) as before it covered both primary and lower secondary school.

The above mentioned changes resulted in a necessity to elaborate a new core curriculum  and new formulas for external exams. In the school year 2018/2019 the last cohort of pupils has graduated from the phased out lower secondary school in parallel with the first cohort of 8-year primary school graduates. In the school year 2019/20 both cohorts of pupils started education in general, technical and sectoral vocational secondary schools. This means that the reform has reached its transition stage when  in which both graduates of lower secondary schools and 8-year primary school follow two different programmes in the same post-primary  schools (general upper secondary schools and technika). In the school year 2021/2022 the third year of students will be educated according to the new program. At the same time, it is the last year of general secondary school education for graduates of lower secondary schools.

Support to distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

During the time of temporary closure of schools and education settings due to Covid-19 pandemic a free internet platform with textbooks was made available in order to support distance learning (, additional funds for purchase of computers and software were disbursed together with a VAT reduction for those who purchase equipment for schools. Free internet connections were open by commercial internet providers, and on-line training sessions for teachers were organised. Continuation of student support related to the COVID-19 outbreak is to be provided by the National Educational Equity Program after COVID-10, as envisioned under the Polish Deal.


Current reforms of the higher education system

At present systemic changes in science and higher education are implemented in the framework of “Strategy towards scientific excellence, modern higher education, partnership with business and social responsibility of science”  (Strategia na rzecz doskonałości naukowej, nowoczesnego szkolnictwa wyższego, partnerstwa z biznesem i społecznej odpowiedzialności nauki).

This process is implemented on the basis of three elements:

  1. Constitution for Science (Konstytucja dla Nauki) (systemic changes in science and higher education)
  2. Innovations for the Economy (commercialization of research and partnership with business)
  3. Science for You (Nauka dla Ciebie) (social responsibility of science).

According to the approved basis, the following groups will benefit from these changes: academic and research community, children, young people, senior citizens, entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, investors, creative and ambitious persons, inventors, teachers, and NGOs.

In the case of second and third elements the reform is implemented via a standard legislative procedure.. In the case of Constitution for Science the implemented process includes preparation of the new law on higher education known also as Act 2.0 which is organised according to the following time table:





Issue of the Communication by the Minister of Science and Higher Education „Act 2.0 – Basis for the higher education system” (Polish Monitor 2016 item 191)

23 February 2016


Open competition by the Minister of Science and Higher Education

29 February 2016


Directive by the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the establishment of an interdisciplinary team for the assessment of proposals for the „Act 2.0 – Basis for the higher education system” imitative. (Ministry’s Official Journal 2016 . item. 22)

7 April 2016


Submission of proposals to the Ministry by research institutions

Deadline 29 April 2016


Works of the intersdisciplinary team for the assessment of proposals for the „Act 2.0 – Basis for the higher education system” – assessment of proposals

4-5 May 2016


Conclusion of agreements setting the terms of financing, implementation,  reporting and accounting of the project accepted for financing in the framework of the Act 2.0 competition.

June 2016


Award Ceremony of the Act 2.0 competition

3 June 2016


Works by the winning teams including consultations with the research and academic community

June 2016 – January 2017


Announcement of the „Strategy towards scientific excellence, modern higher education, partnership with business and social responsibility of science”

September 2016 r.


Gradual presentation of proposals during thematic conferences of the National Science Congress:

  • Internationalisation – an opportunity and challenge for Polish HEIs  (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 20-21. 10 2016)
  • Development of humanities – what and how should be changed in humanities in Poland  (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, 24-25. 11. 2016)
  • Cooperation between science and economy & administration for the development of innovations (Politechnika Wrocławska, 8-9. 12. 2016)
  • Career paths for academic staff and development of young research staff  (Uniwersytet Śląski,Katowice, 26-27. 01. 2017)
  • Scientific excellence  – how to catch up with the best (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań in cooperation with the Polish Academy of Science, 23-24.02. 2017)
  • Excellence of academic staff  – how to focus on the quality of teaching (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 29-30.03. 2017)
  • Diferentiation of models of HEIs and R&D institutions – direction and tools for change (Politechnika Gdańska, 26-27.04. 2017)
  • Financing of science and higher education (the Łódź academic community: Politechnika Łódzka, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Uniwersytet Medyczny, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna, Akademia sztuk pięknych, Akademia Muzyczna, PAN, 25-26. 05. 2017)

Governance in higher education (Uniwersytet Warszawski, 19-20. 06. 2017)

between October 2016 and June 2017


Eight student Oxford debates in the frame of National Science Congress devoted to gathering opinions by the research community

Starting February 2017


Proposals for basis for the act regulating the higher education system as well the regulation test, report on the consultation with the research and academic community and finacial report 

between November 2016 and June 2017


The Ministry of Science and Higher Education reviews the proposals of new regulations for HE including regulation tests

31 January 2017- February 2017


Presentation of basis for the act – competition

March 2017


Publication „National Science Congress” including outcomes of thematic teams work as well as conclusions from the conferences and thematic panels; presentation of three concepts – results of the Act 2.0 drafting competition, wrap up of the student Oxford debates.  

September 2017


Presentation of the Act 2.0 proposal during the national Science Congress in Kraków

19-20 September 2017


Public constulations of the Act 2.0 proposal.

20 September 2017 – 20 October 2017


Consultation of the project and collection of opinions, comments and points of view (public inter-ministerial consultations)

September-2017 - March 2018


Draft Act „Law on Higher Education and Science’ proceeded to the Polish Parliament

April 2018


Approval of the Act by the Polish Parliament

July 2018


The Act approved by the President of Poland

1 August 2018


Law on Higher Education and Science comes into force (a majority of regulations)

1 October 2018


Introduction of detailed framework for functioning of the reformed higher education and science system through issue of relevant regulations

Starting in April 2018


Full entry into force of the provisions of the Act

1 October 2022


The following main actors can be named in the above mentioned process:

  • The Ministry of Science and Higher Education (as contractor and initiator)
  • SWPS University, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, and Allerhand Institute (as institutions from which the winning teams come and which are responsible for drafting proposals of basis for the new higher education act).
  • The General Council of Science and Higher Education (Rada Główna Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego), the Polish Accreditation Committee (Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna), Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (Konferencja Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich), Conference of Rectors of Vocational Schools in Poland (Konferencja Rektorów Zawodowych Szkół Polskich) (in advisory and opinion making capacity).
  • The Foundation for the Development of the Education System (organisation of student Oxford debates).

Higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic

Temporary limitation of the functioning of certain higher education and science system institutions in relation to the prevention, counteraction and combatting of COVID-19

As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, a number of solutions were introduced to change the way HEIs operate, including:

  • all administrative matters concerning students and doctoral students should be carried out using electronic means of communication, so that they do not have to come to the university personally,
  • all bodies acting under the statutes of a higher education institution shall adopt resolutions by electronic means of communication, irrespective of whether such a mode of operation is laid down in the internal acts of the HEIs or in acts regulating the operation of these entities,
  • higher education institutions and other entities providing education for students and doctoral students have been able to conduct classes using distance learning methods and techniques, regardless of whether this was provided for in the given education programme.

The anti-crisis legislation package

The anti-crisis legislation package (Polish: tarcza antykryzysowa) includes a set of solutions developed by the government and aimed at preventing the negative impact of the coronavirus on various areas of state operation, including the functioning of higher education institutions. The new regulations are intended to improve, among other things, the functioning of higher education and science institutions during an epidemic. The proposed changes include the following:

  • extending the validity of student and doctoral student cards, as well as the identity cards of academic staff without the obligation to confirm their validity for the duration of the restrictions on the operation of the HEI or the suspension of education and for a period of 60 days after its conclusion.
  • granting hardship allowances to students and doctoral students without the obligation to apply the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure.
  • at the borrower's request, submitted by the end of the 2019/2020 academic year, it will be possible to suspend student loan repayments for a period not longer than 6 months.
  • HEIs have been able to conduct exams online, both end-of-term examinations and final examinations during studies, and also public lectures and examinations as part of the process leading to the award of the doctoral degree.