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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing reforms and policy developments


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Last update: 9 June 2022

This chapter provides a thematic and chronological overview of national reforms and policy developments.

The introduction of the chapter describes the overall education strategy and the key objectives across the whole education system. It also looks at how the education reform process is organised and who are the main actors in the decision-making process.

The section on ongoing reforms and policy developments groups reforms in the following broad thematic areas that largely correspond to education levels: Early childhood education and care; School education; VET and Adult learning; Higher education; and Transversal skills and Employability. Inside each thematic area, reforms are organised chronologically. The most recent reforms are described first.

Finally the section on the European perspective provides links to European strategies in which education and training have a prominent role.


Overall national education strategy and key objectives


Recovery and resilience plan of the Slovak Republic


The recovery and resilience plan (SK) includes, among other areas, the "Education" area. Within this area, three main components have been identified:

  • accessibility, development and quality of inclusive education at all levels
  • education for the 21st century
  • increasing the performance of Slovak universities

For these three components will be allocated 892 mil. eur. Key reform steps in the field of education also include the introduction of compulsory education for children from the age of 5 and the gradual introduction of a legal right to a place in kindergarten from the age of 3. Within the component "Accessibility, development and quality of inclusive education", the following reforms await the Slovak Republic at all levels:

  • compulsory education from the age of 5 and the gradual introduction of a legal right to a place in kindergarten from the age of 3 (Q4 2022 - Q4 2025); 142 mil. eur
  • definition of the concept of special educational needs of children and pupils, model of eligible support measures in education (Q4 2022 - Q4 2025); 23 mil. eur


National  Programme of Education Development


Based on its programme statement, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved a new National programme for Development of Education and Training for 2018-2027 (SK) in June 2018.

The National Programme for Development of Education and Training aims to provide a long-term concept of education content from pre-primary education, through primary and secondary education to higher education, as well as further education, focusing on personal development and acquirement of relevant knowledge and skills required for being successful on the job market. The strategy’s strategic goals include the increase of quality of the education system, greater accessibility to quality education for everyone, and modernisation of the education system in terms of the content, management, funding and evaluation.


National reform programme of the Slovak Republic 2018


National Reform Programme of the Slovak Republic 2018 (SK) describes structural measures to be taken by the Slovak Government in the next two years after programme’s approval. The department of education will implement measures from education expenditures revisiion, which took place in  2017. Increasing of the attractiveness of the teaching profession continues mainly by means of raising salaries in accordance with the Slovak Government Policy Statement.  The amendment will motivate more schools and employers to get involved in dual education.

As far as higher education is concerned, reforms are being implemented in accreditation commission and accreditation process.  Internal management of higher education institutions will be amended, study programmes focusing on professions will provide a better connection with labour market. In 2018 and 2019, renovation of dormitories will be supported.


Action plan for the National programme of education development for 2017


The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic created an Action plan for the National programme of education development for 2017 (SK) containing a list of specific tasks including further details and deadlines.

In 2017 the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic is planning to:

  • Discuss a draft amendment of the act on funding of primary schools, secondary schools and school facilities in the government meeting 
  • Create educational programmes for pre-primary education of disabled children, 
  • Increase statutory salaries of teaching and professional staff in regional education by 6%, 
  • Provide funding for higher education institutions’ development projects focused on the support of the institutions’ internationalisation,
  • Present a proposal for the change of higher education quality assurance system,
  • Create a proposal of a new set of higher education study fields.


Updated Action plan for the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Romany Integration up to 2020


In January 2019, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the Updated Action Plans for the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Roma Integration up to 2020 for years 2019 – 2020 (SK). Its main goal in the education area is to reduce the differences between the education level of Romany and the population average by means of improving the access to quality education at all levels for children from marginalized Roma communities. The government set the following partial goals:

  • To increase the participation of children from Roma communities in pre-primary education and to support early education and care programmes. 
  • To increase the proportion of pupils from Roma communities educated in regular primary school classes.
  • To improve education results of primary school pupils from Roma communities to the level of the national average.
  • To prevent formation of primary schools where pupils from marginalised Roma communities will be concentrated.
  • To increase the proportion of pupils from Roma communities who achieve lower secondary education during the compulsory school attendance; to provide accessibility of effective second chance programmes for early school- leavers.
  • To increase the proportion of individuals from Roma communities who achieve secondary vocational education or full secondary education.
  • To provide accessibility of teaching of Roma language and Slovak language and literature in schools attended by pupils whose mother tongue is Roma language.

The action plan aims to bring Romany population education level to the national average by means of a systematic and well-addressed support of education of children and pupils of socially disadvantaged environment. The budget for the implementation of individual measures and activities defined in the action plan for education totals 55 721 387.70 Euro.


Overview of the education reform process and drivers


Department concepts approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic, by which the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic defined the strategic objectives of long-term development in individual areas of regional education:

  1. Concept of Informatisation and Digitalisation of the Department of Education with an outlook to 2020,
  2. Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Roma Integration up to 2020,
  3. Updated Action Plans for the Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Roma integration up to 2020 for period 2019 – 2020,
  4. National Strategy for Human Rights Protection and Support in the Slovak Republic,
  5. National programme for the Development of Living Conditions for Persons with Disabilities for 2014 – 2020,
  6. Material and Time Schedule of measures for increasing pupils’ performance in international testing of OECD pupils – PISA survey,
  7. National Strategy for Increase of level and continuous development of reading literacy,
  8. Concept of Education in Language Schools – Action Plan 2017 – 2020,
  9. National Action Plan for Prevention of Obesity for 2015 – 2025,
  10. Strategy of the Slovak Republic for Youth for 2014 – 2020,
  11. Concept of Youth Work Development for 2016 – 2020,
  12. National Action Plan on Physical Activity Support for 2017 – 2020.