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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 16 June 2022


A-level refers to a subject’s level in general upper secondary education. A-level subjects are the most comprehensive level in general upper secondary education in terms of scope and depth of the subjects.

AMU - Arbejdsmarkedsuddannelse

Adult Vocational Training Course of varying duration, which takes place at adult vocational training centres and to some extent at technical colleges.

AUB – Arbejdsgivernes Uddannelsesbidrag

The Employers’ Reimbursement Fund.

AVU – Almen Voksenuddannelse

General Adult Education. Single subject courses which can be completed by and examination corresponding to either the leaving examination of the Folkeskole or the HF-examination.

BUPL – Børne- og Ungdomspædagogernes Landsforbund

The Danish National Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators.  


Day care centre for children over the age of three. 


Regulated homebased provision.


Refers to both public and private day care centres, which all fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of Children and Education. 

DLF – Danmarks Lærerforening

The Danish Union of Teachers. 

DPU – Danmarks Institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse

Danish School of Education. 


Continuation Schools. An alternative provision that enables 14-17-year-olds to meet the compulsory education obligation outside the traditional mainstream education system.

EGU - Erhvervsgrunduddannelse

Basic vocational education and training. EGU is an individualised basic vocational education and training programme geared towards both employment and continued education and targeted at persons under the age of 30 who are neither receiving education nor have a job; and who do not have the preconditions for completing another qualifying youth education.

EUD - Erhvervsuddannelse

EUD is a vocational education and training programme for young people up to the age of 24 who want to start a VET immediately after form level 9 or 10.

EUV – Erhvervsuddannelse for voksne

A vocational education and training programme for adults at the age of 25 or above who want to start a VET. The education will be adjusted to the students’ potential work experience and preceding education.

EUX – Erhvervsfaglig studentereksamen i forbindelse med erhvervsuddannelse

EUX is a vocational education and training programme for people who wish to combine a vocational education with an upper secondary exam. Students complete the part of the EUX, which gives access to higher education as a one-year course and continue with the main course of their chosen educational training programme.


Folk High School. Residential non-qualifying courses of 1-32 weeks duration, which offer adult students (over 18 years of age) liberal education. There are no examinations or tests, and the aim of the teaching is to further the personal development, maturity and independence of the students.


Non-qualifying provision of adult liberal education subsidised by the public authorities. A collective concept covering teaching and pedagogically organised activities, which do not form part of the formal education system.


Municipal basic school offering 10 years of comprehensive primary and lower secondary education (from the 0th to 9th form level), an optional pre-school class and a supplementary optional 11th year (the 10th form level).


The Danish Parliament (legislative assembly).

Folketingets EU-oplysning 

The EU information centre is a politically neutral information service set up by the Danish parliament (Folketinget). The objective of the centre is to answer questions from citizens concerning the European Union. 


A university that is open to everybody and has no exams or admission requirements. The state finances 25 % of the expense, while students pay the remaining 75 % of the expenses. 

Frie fagskoler 

This is a school for young people over the age of 16 who have finished the 9th form. The school prepare the students for their further education. 

FVU – Forberedende Voksenundervisning

Preperatory Adult Education. FVU aims to improve basic literacy and numeracy skills of adults (18+) who do not have sufficient qualifications to follow education and training or cope with the demands of working life.

GL – Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening

The Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School.

HF – Højere forberedende eksamen

Higher Preparatory Examination Course. A 2-year general upper secondary education based on the 10th form of the Folkeskole and completed by an examination, which qualifies for admission to business academy and professional bachelor programmes. An additional cluster of courses is required in order to fulfil the requirements for admission to a university degree programme.


Higher Preparatory Examination, single subject course. 

HHX – Højere handelseksamen

Higher Commercial Examination Programme (HHX). Vocational upper secondary school form offering a 3-year course of general and commercial education based on the 9th form of the Folkeskole and completed by an examination that qualifies for admission to higher education.

HTX – Højere teknisk eksamen

Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX). Vocational upper secondary school form offering a 3-year course of general and technical education based on the 9th form of the Folkeskole and completed by an examination that qualifies for admission to higher education. 

IKV – Individuel kompetencevurdering

Individual competence assessment.

KL – Kommunernes Landsforening

Local Government Denmark (KL) is the association and interest organisation of the 98 Danish municipalities. 

Kombineret ungdomsuddannelse

Combined post-compulsory education is an occupation-oriented, qualifying post-compulsory education offer for people aged 15-24 who do not possess the necessary vocational, social or personal skills to complete a VET or an upper secondary education.

KOT – Den Koordinerede Tilmelding

The Coordinated Admission (KOT) administrates the admission to higher education programmes. 


Professional postgraduate teacher training for teachers in upper secondary education


Professional bachelor's degree.


University College.


Particular kind of lower-secondary examination abolished in 1978.


Denmark is divided into five regions that have between 0.6 and 1.6 million inhabitants. The governing bodies of the regions are regional councils. The regional councils are composed of 41 members directly elected for a four-year period. The regions have the main responsibility for the provision of health services. 

RKV – Realkompetencevurdering

Validation of non-formal and informal learning. 

SPS – Socialpædagogisk støtte

Special pedagogical support, SPS, is aimed at students in higher education. The aim of SPS is to provide compensatory support to students with decreased functionalities in order for them to complete their education on equal terms with other students. The target group of SPS is students with decreased functionalities such as dyslexia, psychological difficulties, deafness or hearing impairment, blindness, weak sight and physical handicap(s).

STU – Særligt tilrettelagt ungdomsuddannelse

Exceptionally organised youth education. STU is for young people who are learning impaired and other young people with special needs who are not able to complete any other youth education even with socio-educational support. The aim is for the students to obtain personal, social and educational competences so they can live a life with as much independence and active participation in adult life as possible.

Studievalg Danmark 

Study and Career Guidance Denmark (Studievalg Danmark) is an independent organisation that is placed under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The organisation provides guidance relating to choice of education. 

STX – Almen studentereksamen

Higher General Examination Programme (STX). General upper secondary school form offering a 3-year course of general education based on the 9th form of the Folkeskole and completed by an examination that qualifies for admission to higher education.

SU – Statens Uddannelsesstøtte

State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme.

SVU – Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte

State educational support for adults.


A triparty agreement is an agreement negotiated between the three central parts of the Danish labour market: employer organisations, labour market organisations and the Danish Ministry of Finance. The triparty agreements are an important part of the Danish Model.  

VEU – Voksen- og efteruddannelse

Vocational education and training. Vocationally oriented adult education including AMU and EUD single-subject courses.


Day care centre setting for children under the age of three. 

VUC - Voksenuddannelsescentre

Adult education centres (VUC). VUC offers education for people with reading and writing disabilities, preparatory education for adults (FVU), higher preparatory examination courses (HF) and supplementary examination courses at upper secondary level (GS).

VVU – Videregående voksenuddannelse

Advanced adult education (VVU). VVU corresponds to the level of academy profession programmes within the ordinary educational system, i.e. a short cycle higher education. The programmes aim to prepare students for assuming occupational functions at specialist or middle management level and give access to relevant diploma programmes.