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Last update: 21 June 2022

Akademska godina - academic year  Akademsko osoblje -  academic staff, according to the Law on Higher Education, are persons carrying out the study program at an institution or otherwise engaged in carrying out the study program.  Akreditacija - accreditation  A procedure of acknowledgment of validity of study programs i.e. of an institution, their sustainability to the existing standard of quality and the labor market and certificate ensuring the right to an institution to confer degrees for education, profession or vocation.  Andragog - andragogue  Expert on adult education and training.

Agencija za kontrolu i obezbjeđenje kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja - Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education 

The Agency performs activities related to quality assurance in higher education in accordance with European standards and guidelines. It is responsible, among other things, for accreditation and re-accreditation procedures. Centar za međunarodnu saradnju i razvoj karijere na Univerzitetu Crne Gore – Centre for International Cooperation and Career Development at the University of Montenegro  Career guidance services are available at the University of Montenegro within the Centre and students can get information about different possibilities while they are studying as well as upon graduating. In the area of international cooperation, Centre is in charge of the preparation of the strategy of interuniversity and international cooperation, participation and preparation of the applications for international projects, coordination of the mobility of students and University staff.   Centri za informisanje i profesionalno savjetovanje - Centers for Information and Professional Counseling (CIPS)  Centers that exists within the Employment Bureau.  Cjeloživotno obrazovanje - Lifelong Learning (LLL) 

Diploma Luča - Acknowledgment awarded to students of primary and secondary school  for excellent success in all subjects that are rated by a numerical grade. Talentovani učenik - gifted student  A student of above-average intellectual, academic, creative or psychomotoric abilities, which qualify him/her for the high-level achievements.  Djeca sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama - Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)  Term covers children with disabilities and developmental difficulties.  Docent – docent  A member of the university teaching staff immediately below professorial rank. Dodatna nastava - additional classes  Individualized form of work with gifted students. Doktorske studije -  doctoral studies  Educational degree that equals to level VIII of NQF; title is issued after completing study program lasting up to 3 years and defending doctoral dissertation (system 3+1+1+3, 3+2+3, 5+3 or 6+3). It consists of minimum 180 ECTS credits.  Doctoral studies can be organized only at the HEIs which have university status.   Dopuna diplomi - Diploma Supplement (DS);  An additional document which describes the study program and acquired knowledge, skills and competences.  As a part of diploma, a Diploma Supplement (DS), based on the official European model, is issued to graduates. As of 2006/07, the DS was made mandatory for all degree programs. The content of the DS is bilingual, in both Montenegrin and English. If the student studies in the language of minorities, then diploma and diploma supplement is issued in the language of minorities as well.  Dopunska nastava - remedial classes A form of work with students who do not achieve satisfactory results in the regular programme.  Ekskurzija - excursion  is organised for students of the 9th grade primary education and last grade secondary education conducted at the beginning of school year.  Eksterna evaluacija  - external evaluation  External evaluation is assessment of performance and results of institutions providing education.  It’s integral part of quality assurance.  Eksterna gimnazijska matura - external  general  matura exam  Pupils who have completed four-year upper secondary general curricula and have passed external upper secondary general Matura exam, which provides inclusion in the labor market and right to continue their education.  Eksterna stručna matura - external vocational  matura exam  Pupils who continue education pass external vocational  matura exam. Pupils who do not continue education pass vocational  matura exam in school organization. Evropski sistem transfera kredita - European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)  An accumulation and transfer system for undergraduate, postgraduate (specialist – specijalističke studije), Master’s studies (magistarske studije) and doctoral studies (doktorske studije).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Etički komitet - Ethics Committee 

The Ethics Committee performs work on preserving, promoting and protecting academic integrity. Specifically, the Committee adopts and monitors the implementation of the Ethics Charter; promotes the principles of academic integrity; decides on the proposal for determining the violation of academic integrity for those citizens of Montenegro whose work has been published, i.e. the qualification acquired outside Montenegro; gives an opinion on regulations and initiatives concerning academic ethics. Grant - grant  is given to gifted students of all educational levels by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports on the basis of a public call and legally predetermined criteria. Intention is to provide reward, assistance and encouragement to the students with above-average abilities for their accomplishments. Individualni tranzicioni plan -   Individual Transition Plan  is a planning tool and a supportive framework that helps SEN children and their parents plan for their life after school in a coherent and coordinated way. Inicijalno obrazovanje nastavnika - Initial Teacher Education Izlet - filed trip  is organized by a primary school for its students as a learning experience conducted outside school site. Individualni razvojno-obrazovni programi - Individual Developmental-Educational Programs (IDEP)  Program for children with disabilities developed at the educational institutions for each child with the special educational need.  Informacioni sistem obrazovanja Crne Gore - Main Project of the Education Information System (MEIS) of Montenegro, 2004, conducted by the Ministry.  Inkluzivno obrazovanje - inclusive education  Ispitni centar - Examination Centre  Competent for conducting the external assessment of achieved standards, knowledge and skills of pupils, i.e. attendees.  Izborni predmet - elective subject, compulsory and non-compulsory  Jaslice - crèche  Part of early childhood education and care, Crèche usually includes children from 1 to 3 years of age. According to the Law on Preschool Education, day nurseries include two age groups, although some educational units divide children in three groups.  Kredit - loan  is given for the tertiary education by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports on the basis of a public call and legally predetermined criteria. Kontinuirani profesionalni razvoj nastavnika - Continuous Professional Development of Teachers  Licenca za nastavnike – teachers’license  A public credential serving as a proof of the required level of general and professional competences. The license is renewed every five years (relicensing), in line with the program of professional development of teachers. Teacher, principal or assistant principal without a license or without a renewed license cannot work in an institution. Licensing and relicensing are conducted by a commission of the Bureau for Education Service.  Magistarske studije - master studies  Master study programs last two years. Students can be enrolled at the master study program after obtaining applied undergraduate studies or academic undergraduate studies diploma or specialist academic or applied studies diploma. In VII2 sublevel are accommodated qualifications acquired after completing master study program 180+120, 180+60+60 and 240+60 ECTS.  Majstorski ispit - the master craftsman's exam  It is taken by candidates who complete three-year vocational school and have three years of work experience in the profession, as well as candidates who complete four-year vocational school and have two years of work experience in the profession.  Ministarstvo prosvjete, nauke, kulture i sporta - The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports The Ministry is competent, among other things, for planning, implementation and revision of education policy at all education levels (preschool, primary, secondary and higher education). Modul - module, course  Nacionalne stručne kvalifikacije - National Professional Qualifications (NPQ)  Nacionalni okvir kvalifikacija - National Qualifications Framework (NQF)  Nacionalni savjet za obrazovanje - National Education Council  A governmental body decides on technical issues and technical assistance in the decision-making and preparation regulations in the field of education. It appoints three committees:   1) Committee on General Education 2) Committee for Vocational Education; 3) Committee for Adult Education.  Nacionalno testiranje - National testing  The goal of national testing of third and sixth grade students of nine-year primary school is to obtain information on the level of acquired knowledge standards.  Najbolji studenti – the best students  students with highest marks and special affinity towards scientific/artistic work, and who were rewarded prizes at state and international competitions.  Nastavni plan - curriculum  Naučni/istraživački rad - scientific/research work  Naučno zvanje - scientific title  Appointment to scientific titles (scientific advisor, senor scientific collaborator and scientific collaborator) for scientific-research work is done by the senate of the university. The same conditions apply as for the appointment to academic titles.  Obezbjeđenje kvaliteta - Quality Assurance  Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje odraslih - Adult Education and Training  Opšte srednje obrazovanje – upper secondary  general education  Upper secondary general education, lasting four years, is being implemented in 12 public high schools and 10 mixed public secondary schools and one private high school. Upper secondary general education is acquired by passing an external matriculation exam, which is a general requirement for continuing education at a higher education institution. It carries level IV of NQF.  Osnovne studije -  undergraduate  studies  Undergraduate study program are organized as three years studies at the most HEIs in Montenegro. Exceptions are some undergraduate study programs like Philosophy, Teacher training, Teacher training in Albanian Language and Economy which are organized in duration of four years. Also, students who complete   undergraduate studies at Medical (6 years), Dentistry and Pharmacy (5 years) can be enrolled in doctoral studies directly. Qualifications acquired after completing undergraduate study program extent of 180 ECTS (Bachelor degree) regardless applied of academic are accommodated in VI level of National Qualification Framework. Qualifications acquired after completing undergraduate study program extent of 240 ECTS (Bachelor degree) regardless applied of academic are accommodated in VII1 level of National Qualification Framework and qualifications acquired after completing of Medical (6 years), Dentistry and Pharmacy studies (5 years) as well.   Osnovno obrazovanje - primary education  Primary education is compulsory for all children aged between 6 and 15; it is divided into three cycles and takes nine years. It is carried out at primary school, resource centre and educational centre.  Obrazovanje kod kuće - education at home  Education organized by parents during one term upon approval of  the school council. Pedagog - pedagogue Područno odjeljenje - branch class A class dislocated from the head school, and exists when the requirements for establishment of a branch school are not met. Produženi boravak - extended stay  An organized stay and meals for children in school, after the regular, compulsory classes and school activities are finished. Prosvjetna inspekcija – educational inspection performs inspection in the area of education and sports as regards implementation  of  legislation  in: preschool education and upbringing, primary education and upbringing, general secondary education, vocational secondary education, higher education, education of SEN,  adult education and students’ standard.   Populacija Roma i Egipćana – Roma and Egyptian population (RE population)  Predmet - subject  Predmetni nastavnik - subject teacher  Predškolsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje - preschool education and upbringing  Prenosive vještine - transversal skills In regulations and other documents from the area of education, transversal (transferable) skills can be recognized under a variety of terms: key competences, general competences, key skills, meta-competences, etc. They are developed through programs of certain subjects, and it has been striven towards their cross-curricular development.  Privatno obrazovanje - private education  In accordance with the provisions of the Law on General Education, a private institution may be established by domestic and foreign physical or legal person. Primary school can be established by foreign physical or legal person only for the purpose of foreign citizens education, taking into account that primary education is a constitutional obligation for all citizens of Montenegro. Children who are   Montenegrin citizens can acquire primary education in this school only as a supplement to the primary education acquired in accordance with a lawfully public education program, while pre-school and secondary education can be acquired without any restrictions. In accordance with the Law on Higher Education a private higher education institution can be founded by a domestic and foreign physical or legal person. A private institution can start working after obtaining a license. Working license is issued by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports.   Profesionalna orijentacija - professional orientation  Professional orientation plays an important role in preparation of young people for active and responsible approach in the decision making process concerning the selection of the future career and further education. It tends to develop the decision making ability of students. In general, the subject Professional Orientation represents a set of educational measures and activities providing as the final outcome competent and responsible young people capable of making decisions about career choices and further education independently.  Profesor i predavač visoke  škole - professor and lecturer of higher education school  Redovni profesor -  full professor  Rektor - rector  Responsible for efficient and high quality work and regularity at the University, as well as for management within the business policy determined by the Managing Board. The Rector is elected by the Managing Board among the full professors of the university upon the Senate proposal.  Ranjive grupe - vulnerable groups  Resursni centri - resource centers  Resource centers are strictly specialized for education of children with special educational needs.  Saradnik u nastavi – teaching assistant  Teaching assistant (and professional staff) participates in the provision of teaching at HEIs. They are appointed among postgraduate and doctoral studies students. Appointment is done based on a public call. The Statute regulates the procedure and the conditions for appointment. The Rector determines the number of assistant and professional staff, and elections are done at the organizational unit.  Savjet za kvalifikacije -  Council for Qualifications  A body responsible for improving the system of qualifications, approving and classification of qualifications in the qualifications framework.  Savjet za visoko obrazovanje - Council for Higher Education  A body responsible for the advancement and development of higher education, analyzes the situation and achievements in higher education and makes expert proposals to the Ministry and the Government. Smjena - shift  School shift as a form of organizing teaching with one group of students in the school building early in the day and the second group of students later in the day. Studentski dom - boarding homes for students (dormitories)  Institutions that provide accommodation, and usually board, for university students during their studies. Školska godina - school year  School year (of the primary and secondary education) usually lasts from September 1st to June 10th. Škole za balet - schools for ballet education  In Montenegro, there are two schools for primary ballet education (one state, one private).  Škole za osnovno muzičko obrazovanje - schools for primary music education  In Montenegro, there are 15 schools for primary music education (14 state, one private).  Školski odbori - school boards  Primary and secondary schools in Montenegro are managed by the school boards.  Strategija cjeloživotne karijerne orijentacije - Strategy for Lifelong Career Guidance  Strategija cjeloživotnog preduzetničkog učenja - Lifelong Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy  Strategija inkluzivnog obrazovanja - Strategy of Inclusive Education  Strategija ranog i predškolskog obrazovanja - Strategy of Early and Preschool Education  Strategija razvoja i finansiranja visokog obrazovanja - Strategy on the Development and Financing of Higher Education  Strategija stručnog obrazovanja u Crnoj Gori -  Strategy on Vocational Education in Montenegro  Strategija obrazovanja odraslih - Strategy on Adult Education  Učenički dom - boarding home for pupils  An institution that provides board and lodging for pupils during their studies and organize educational work, cultural and other pupils’ activities.  Učitelj - grade teacher, class teacher  Teacher that performs teaching in one class from 1st to 5th grade of primary education.  Upravni odbor - Steering committee, Governing board  The institutions in the field of preschool education, dorms of school students and university students, and adult education organization are managed by the Steering Committee. The Governing Board is the governing body of the HEIs. The Governing Board is responsible for the overall functioning of the institution.  Van-nastavne aktivnosti - extracurricular activities  Educational activities planned, programmed, organized, conducted in and executed by the school, in which students can participate on voluntary basis. Vanredni profesor - associate professor  Visoko obrazovanje – higher education (HE)  Visoko obrazovanje i istraživanje za inovacije i konkurentnost (INVO) - “Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness” (HERIC), project financed by World Bank loan.  Više obrazovanje - upper secondary non-tertiary education  Vrtić - kindergarten  Part of early childhood education and care. Kindergarten usually includes children from 3 to 5 years of age.  Zakon o obrazovanju djece sa posebnim potrebama - The Law on Education of Children with Special Needs  Zakon o gimnaziji - Law on  Gymnasium   Zakon o nacionalnim stručnim kvalifikacijama - Law on National Vocational Qualifications  Zakon o stručnom obrazovanju - Law on Vocational Education  Zakon o nacionalnom okviru kvalifikacija - Law on National Qualifications Framework  Zakon o obrazovanju djece sa posebnim potrebama - Law on Education of Children with Special Educational Needs  Zakon o obrazovanju odraslih - Law on Adult Education  Zakon o opštem obrazovanju i vaspitanju  - Law on General Education and Upbringing  Zakon o osnovnom obrazovanju - Law on Primary Education  Zakon o visokom obrazovanju - Law on Higher Education                                                                                                                                                                                                      Zakon o akademskom integritetu - Law on Academic Integrity Zavod za školstvo - Bureau for Education Service  Institution competent for provision and improvement of the education quality and implementation of development, advisory and research activities in the area of preschool education, primary education, secondary general education, general education in vocational education, education of children with special needs whereas the Centre for Vocational Education is in charge for development, advisory and research activities in the area of vocational education of adults.  Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva - Bureau for Textbooks and Teaching Aids  Institution in charge of preparing and publishing of textbooks and other teaching aids for education up to the university level and issuance of publications and informative papers for the need of education and issuance of manuals for teachers and pupils.