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Organisation of general upper secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.4Organisation of general upper secondary education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Types of Institutions

Gymnasiale Oberstufe

In almost all of the Länder the Allgemeine Hoch­schulreife (general entrance qualification for higher education) is obtained after the successful completion of 12 (eight-year Gymnasium) or 13 consecutive school years.

At Schularten mit drei Bildungsgängen the Gymnasium course of education is not, as a rule, reduced to eight years.

Common principles for upper secondary education were laid down by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz) in the "Agreement on the structure of the gymnasiale Oberstufe in the upper secondary level" ('Vereinbarung zur Gestaltung der gymnasialen Oberstufe in der Sekundarstufe II') of July 1972, as periodically amended.

The gymnasiale Oberstufe is divided up into a one-year introductory phase and a two-year qualification phase. Grade 10 may have a dual function as the final year of schooling in lower secondary education and the first year of schooling in the gymnasiale Oberstufe. At the eight-year Gymnasium, successful completion of grade 10 will entitle the pupil to enter the qualification phase of the gymnasiale Oberstufe. At the nine-year Gymnasium, successful completion of grade 10 will entitle the pupil to enter the introductory phase of the gymnasiale Oberstufe.

Building on the foundations laid at lower secondary level, the classes in the qualification phase are usually structured in relation to half-year terms. Whilst still required to take certain subjects or subject combinations during the qualification phase, they now have scope for individual specialisation. Related subjects are grouped together under main areas. The three main areas with examples of subjects they include are listed below:

  • languages, literature and the arts (e.g. German, foreign languages, fine art, music)
  • social sciences (e.g. history, geography, philosophy, social studies/politics, economics)
  • mathematics, natural sciences and technology (e.g. mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology)

Each of the three areas has to be represented right up to the gymnasiale Oberstufe and in the Abitur examination. Religion in line with the provisions of the Land and sport are also compulsory. German, a foreign language, mathematics and physical education as well as, as a rule, history and one of the natural sciences must be taken throughout the qualification phase of the upper level of the Gymnasium and results must be indicated and taken into account in the certificate of the Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife.

The comparability of the examination procedures and examination requirements is guaranteed for all Länder by the Uniform Examination Standards in the Abitur Examination (Einheitliche Prüfungsanforderungen in der Abiturprüfung – EPA) or the educational standards for the Allgemeine Hochschulreife. By the end of 2008, the Standing Conference had passed 41 subjects for the Uniform Examination Standards in the Abitur Examination, which have, in part, been revised against the background of the results of international comparisons of school performance and on the basis of experts' reports.

In October 2012 the Standing Conference resolved educational standards for the Allgemeine Hochschulreife in German and mathematics and in follow-on courses in the foreign languages English and French which replace the Uniform Examination Standards. Based on the educational standards a pool of Abitur examination tasks was developed which the Länder could draw in 2017 for the first time. In June 2020, the Standing Conference established uniform performance requirements for the gymnasiale Oberstufe and the Abitur in the natural sciences in all 16 Länder. To this end, binding educational standards were adopted in the natural science subjects of biology, chemistry and physics. In 2021, examples of possible examination tasks were presented in order to provide suggestions as to how the requirements formulated in the educational standards could be tested in the Abitur.

The subjects at the gymnasiale Oberstufe are taught at different levels of academic standards in accordance with the Uniform Examination Standards in the Abitur Examination and, in the subjects German, mathematics and follow-on courses in the foreign languages English and French, as well as in the natural science subjects biology, chemistry and physics, the educational standards for the Allgemeine Hochschulreife. They are divided in courses at a basic level of academic standards and courses at an increased level of academic standards. The courses at a basic level of academic standards teach the propaedeutics of scientific work, and the courses at an increased level of academic standards provide in-depth teaching of the propaedeutics of scientific work by way of specific examples.

The courses at a basic level of academic standards in the subjects German, mathematics and foreign language comprise at three or four weekly periods, two or three weekly periods in all other subjects. The pupils are required to choose two to four subjects at an increased level of academic standards. The subjects at an increased level of academic standards are taught for at least four hours, and in the case of two subjects at an increased level of academic standards, for at least five hours. At least one of the subjects German, mathematics, a foreign language or a natural science must be taken at an increased level of academic standards.

Generally, the pupils are required to take two foreign language courses during the introductory phase. Pupils who have not or not continuously been taught a second foreign language before entering the gymnasiale Oberstufe are required to take a second foreign language course throughout the gymnasiale Oberstufe.

The four or five subjects of the Abitur examination must include:

  • at least two subjects at an increased level of academic standards
  • two of the following three subjects: German, foreign language or mathematics
  • at least one subject from every main area of compulsory subjects (the Länder may decide at their own discretion whether or not religion can represent the social sciences area)

In some Länder, lessons in the core subjects are only taught at an increased level of academic standards.

Geographical Accessibility

For the geographical accessibility of schools in the secondary sector, the information on the geographical accessibility of primary schools applies.

Admission Requirements and Choice of School

Admission to courses of general education at upper secondary level is based on leaving certificates and qualifications acquired at the end of lower secondary level. For the possibility of gaining admission into a specific school, see the section on the organisation of the lower secondary level. The admission requirements for the gymnasiale Oberstufe are set forth above.

Age Levels and Grouping of Pupils/Students

At the latest upon entrance into the gymnasiale Oberstufe, the pupils are, as a rule, no longer taught in annual classes. The class unit is replaced by a system of compulsory and elective subjects, with the possibility of individual specialisation. Within the scope of the relevant agreement of the Standing Conference (Kultusministerkonferenz), the responsibility for the organisation of lessons and for the design of the compulsory and elective subjects with the possibility of individual specialisation lies with the Länder. The above explanations regarding the gymnasiale Oberstufe equally apply to the Berufliche Gymnasien.

Organisation of the School Year

For the organisation of the school year in the secondary sector, the information on the organisation of the school year in the primary sector applies.

Organisation of the School Day and Week

There is no fixed end to teaching times at upper secondary level (Sekundarstufe II). The weekly instruction time at the gymnasiale Oberstufe usually is also 30 weekly periods which are completed within the framework of courses at a basic level of academic standards and of courses at an increased level of academic standards.

At the eight-year Gymnasium, the number of weekly periods at lower and upper secondary level is generally increased by two to four weekly periods. To guarantee the mutual recognition of the Abitur, all Länder have to ensure teaching of a total of at least 265 weekly periods in the lower secondary level and the gymnasiale Oberstufe to which up to five hours in elective subjects may be added.

For general information about the daily and weekly timetable and the five-day or six-day week, see the section on the organisation of the primary sector.