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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Statistics on educational institutions


2.Organisation and governance

2.8Statistics on educational institutions

Last update: 9 June 2022

This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-primary to post-secondary non-tertiary education level (ISCED levels 0-4). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions (ISCED levels 5-8) can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of the categories of institutions providing publicly-subsidised adult education and training can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.

Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education

Type of educational institution in English (and in national language)

ISCED levels providedMain orientation of the programmes provided​Number of educational institutions


PublicGovernment-dependent privatePrivate independent
Day-care centres for children under the age of 3 (Kindertageseinrichtungenfür Kinder unter drei Jahren)0(-)1,8755291,346(-)
Day-care centres for children from the age of 2 to 8 years (excluding schoolchildren) (Kindertageseinrichtungenfür Kinder im Alter von 2 bis 8 Jahren (ohne Schulkinder))0(-)17,5495,77611,773(-)
Day-care centres for children of all ages (including schoolchildren) (Kindertageseinrichtungen mit Kindern aller Altersgruppen (einschließlich Schulkinder))


Primary schools/Grundschulen1(-)15,44714,505942(-)
Schularten mit mehreren Bildungsgängen (types of school with several courses of education)2,3G1,8781,656222(-)
Cooperative comprehensive schools/Integrierte Gesamtschulen1,2,3G2,1411,861280(-)
Freie Waldorfschulen1,2,3G2360236(-)
No classification possible(-)G4514492(-)
Berufsschulen in the dual system3,4V1,4861,290196(-)
Berufsoberschulen/Technische Oberschulen4V1971898(-)
Berufliche Gymnasien3V899780119(-)


Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Subject-matter series 11, series 1, General education schools, school year 2020/2021 (Fachserie 11, Reihe 1, Allgemeinbildende Schulen, Schuljahr 2020/2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022)

Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Subject-matter series 11, series 1.1, Private schools, school year 2020/2021 (Fachserie 11, Reihe 1.1, Private Schulen, Schuljahr 2020/2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022) Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Subject-matter series 11, series 2, Vocational schools, school year 2020/2021 (Fachserie 11, Reihe 1, Berufliche Schulen, Schuljahr 2020/2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022)

Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Child and Youth welfare statistics. Children and persons employed in day care centres and in publicly supported day care provided by child minders on 1 March 2021 (Statistiken der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Kinder und tätige Personen in Tageseinrichtungen und in öffentlich geförderter Kindertagespflege am 01.03.2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022)


ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= GeneralV= Vocational
(:) Data not available(-) Not applicable

Terminology The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26)

Notes With regard to day care-centres for children, the local site approach to counting is used. Day care centres for children are institutions in which children are admitted all day or for part of the day and are cared for regularly in terms of nursing and education, who have the appropriate personnel and for whom an operating permit in accordance with paragraph 45 of the Social Security Code VIII (Achtes Buch Sozialgesetzbuch – Kinder- und Jugendhilfe) or a comparable permit is available. The term "institution" is understood to mean a combination, for a certain period of time, of material and personal means relating to a place and a building for a specific purpose under the responsibility of an executing agency.

The counting unit for the number of educational institutions providing regular education in the school sector is a ‘type of school’. A type of school has an independent character with regard to curricula, educational objectives and qualification level. Counting ‘types of school’ is different from counting organisational units/legal entities, as an organisational unit/legal entity may combine more than one type of school under one umbrella.

‚Type of school’ may correspond to a specific study programme. The study programmes Vorklassen, Schulkindergärten, Orientierungsstufe, Berufsvorbereitungsjahr and Berufsgrundbildungsjahr are counted as separate types of school in German school statistics although they are in almost all cases established under the legal/organisational umbrella of a larger educational unit. These types of school are not included in the table because they fall outside the scope of the Eurydice understanding of the term ‚educational institution‘ which privileges counting according to the legal entity or local site approaches.

In the case of Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium, ‚type of school‘ may apply to institutions who are legal entities/organisational units in their own right as well as to those who are not. ‚Schools offering several courses of education‘ refers to a type of school in the Länder providing the courses of education otherwise offered by the Hauptschule and Realschule and in some cases also the Gymnasium. Designations for this type of school vary between the Länder. The different courses of education offered at this type of school are not counted as separate types of school.

The category 'private independent' is not relevant in Germany.

Statistics on separate educational institutions providing special needs education

Type of educational institution in English and (in national language)ISCED levels providedMain orientation of the programmes provided​Number of educational institutions


PublicGovernment-dependent institutionsPrivate independent
Day-care centres for handicapped children (Kindertageseinrichtungen für behinderte Kinder0(-)21617199(-)
Special schools (Förderschulen)1,2,3G2,8062,135671(-)


Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Subject-matter series 11, series 1, General education schools, school year 2020/2021 (Fachserie 11, Reihe 1, Allgemeinbildende Schulen, Schuljahr 2020/2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022)

Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Subject-matter series 11, series 1.1, Private schools, school year 2020/2021 (Fachserie 11, Reihe 1.1, Private Schulen, Schuljahr 2020/2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022) Federal Statistical Office (Bundesamt für Statistik), 2021. Child and Youth welfare statistics. Children and persons employed in day care centres and in publicly supported day care provided by child minders on 1 March 2021 (Statistiken der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, Kinder und tätige Personen in Tageseinrichtungen und in öffentlich geförderter Kindertagespflege am 01.03.2021). Wiesbaden: Federal Statistical Office (last accessed 30/03/2022)


ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= GeneralV= Vocational
(:) Data not available(-) Not applicable

Terminology The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26).

Notes With regard to day care-centres for children, the local site approach to counting is used. For more detailed information, please see the notes on "Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education".

The counting unit for the number of separate educational institutions providing special needs education in the school sector is a ‘type of school’. For more detailed information, please see the notes on "Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education".

The category 'private independent' is not relevant in Germany.