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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Requirements for Appointment

Specialist advisors are available to the day-care centres for children and the staff of the day-care facilities for advice and professional support and play an important role in quality assurance and development. Support in questions related to the development of concepts and organisations, for example, are amongst the tasks of the specialist advisors. Depending on how the specialist advisors are anchored in the structure, they may also supervise the work and qualification of the staff in a day-care centre for children. Specialist advisors are usually qualified as an Erzieherin/Erzieher or have completed a pertinent degree course at an institution of higher education. Several years of practical work in the vocation – for example as director of a day-care centre for children – is often an admission requirement for work as a specialist advisor.

A member of staff responsible for supervision in primary, lower or upper secondary education (Schulaufsichtsbeamter) has to provide evidence of the same qualifications as teachers at the school level concerned and have completed several years of teaching service. They must also as a rule have acquired several years of experience as head teachers or deputy head teachers or in a senior position in a teacher training institution.

Conditions of Service

The tasks of members of staff responsible for supervision (Schulaufsichtsbeamte) comprise the Fachaufsicht (academic supervision of teaching and educational activity) and the Dienstaufsicht (supervision of educational staff and head teachers). The task of Rechtsaufsicht (legal supervision, carried out as a rule by lawyers) involves monitoring legal aspects of school administration (e.g. the establishment and maintenance of school buildings and the procurement of teaching materials). These staff are employed in the Schulämter(lower-level school supervisory authorities) or in the Oberschulämter or Bezirksregierungen (middle-level school supervisory authorities) and are civil servants employed by the Land.