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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice


4.Early childhood education and care


Last update: 22 June 2022

4.1.1. Place guarantee to ECEC

In Norway, the statutory right to a place in a publicly subsidised kindergarten for every child entered into force in 2009 (Kindergarten Act section 16). The entitlement to a place in a kindergarten is guaranteed for all children from the age of 1 year, until then paid parental leave is available. Children who turn 1 year old no later than the end of August, are entitled to a place by August during the year in which they apply for a place. Children who turn 1 year old in September, October, or November are upon application entitled to a kindergarten place by the end of the month in which they turn 1 year old. The municipalities must secure enough kindergarten places to meet demand.

4.1.2. Affordability

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) is publicly subsidised, but not free of charge. See Chapter 3.1 Funding in ECEC.

The fees paid by parents or guardians are strictly regulated and are set each year in the state budget. The fee is limited to NOK 3230 per child per month (as of January 2021) [315 Euro, July 2021]. Since 2015, fees for a place in kindergarten are limited to 6% of the household’s income. Parents or guardians with more than one child in kindergarten are also entitled to a sibling discount. These regulations apply to both private and public kindergarten and are the same for centre-based and home-based settings. From the age of 2 years, children from low-income families are legally entitled to 20  hours per week of ECEC free of charge.

In addition, municipalities can set up their own schemes to reduce fees paid by parents or guardians.