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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice


4.Early childhood education and care


Last update: 9 June 2022

Place guarantee to ECEC

Access to nurseries

According to statistics, about 18 % of children receive formal care; this should be understood in the context of the 20 % employment rate for women aged 15–49 years raising children. This is because it is traditional in Hungary for stay-at-home mothers to provide care for young children, using state family support benefits. Hungarian family support benefits are among the most generous benefits on an international scale. Family support benefits enable mothers to stay at home with their children until they are 3 years old.

There have been a number of changes in the regulatory environment in recent years to make nursery care more accessible and to facilitate the reintegration of women into the labour market after childbirth. Since 2017, municipalities have been required to organise nursery care (in nurseries or mini-nurseries, and possibly family nurseries) if the number of children under the age of 3 years living in the settlement exceeds 40 or if at least five families request it. The use of nursery care is not compulsory but an option for parents.

Municipalities may operate a nursery, mini-nursery, family nursery or workplace nursery independently, in association with another municipality or through a service provision contract with a non-governmental entity (a non-governmental organisation or church).

In 2018, the government published a call for applications in the county of Pest (where nursery places were most needed) for support – amounting to HUF 4.5 billion – to create the conditions for capacity building. The aim of the scheme was to improve access to daycare services for children, especially in settlements where the demand for care exceeded the number of available places.

The Hungarian state provides tax-free support of up to HUF 40 000 (approximately EUR 114) per month to parents who enrol their children over the age of 20 months but not yet of kindergarten age in a family nursery or workplace nursery in order to be able to work. This is financed by an European Union call for applications with a budget of HUF 9.8 billion (approximately EUR 0.028 billion). In practice, this scheme means that the government provides a fee subsidy from EU funds to parents until mid-2022 at the latest, in order to contribute to their (family/workplace) nursery costs, which are typically HUF 40 000–120 000 (approximately EUR 114–343) per month.

Number of daycare institutions, available places and children enrolled (2017–2019)

Type of care

Number of institutions

Number of places

Number of children enrolled














40 040

40 648

41 205

37 977

38 223

38 611







1 622



1 556

Family nursery




6 032

5 840

5 805

5 732

5 680

5 668

Workplace nursery














46 475

47 169

4 802

44 093

44 577

45 889

(*) Several forms of nursery care can be provided within one institution; therefore, the number of institutions cannot be totalled. This does not apply to the number of places and enrolled children.

Source:Central Statistical Office.

National development policies and the government continue to focus on capacity building and infrastructural development in order to further increase the availability of childcare across the country and make it more territorially balanced. The establishment of new institutions, the expansion of the capacities of existing nurseries and greater financial support have significantly increased the available capacity.

Measures to raise the professional standards of nursery care and improve the quality of care have also contributed to improving the quality of institutions and services.

Despite the improvement in the national coverage of nurseries, the better utilisation of institutions and the amendments to the legislation in recent years, there are still territorial inequalities in access to care. However, the number of children under the age of 3 years who did not have access to any form of daycare in their area of residence has decreased in recent years.

Number and proportion of children below the age of 3 years with no access to daycare locally (2019)

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Source:Central Statistical Office.

Access to kindergartens

Attending kindergarten is compulsory from the age of 3 years.

The provision of kindergarten education is mandatory for all local governments. Local governments include local governments of towns with county rights, local governments of towns and local governments in the districts of Budapest. In every settlement where at least eight preschool-aged children are resident and, on the basis of demographic data, it is assumed that this will remain the case for at least 3 years, the local government must provide a local kindergarten, if requested by at least eight of the parents concerned. Local governments must also ensure that children of ethnic minorities attend kindergarten, as well as children with special educational needs, who can be cared for also in an integrated manner.

Kindergartens may be established and maintained by the state, minority self-governments, local governments and ecclesiastical legal persons registered in Hungary, and by other organisations and persons if they have acquired the right to provide this service in accordance with the provisions of the law.

In state and municipal institutions, as well as in other institutions providing childcare on behalf of the state, the use of kindergarten education and additional pedagogical services is, in almost all cases, free of charge for children.

Most of the institutions are maintained by local governments. Nearly 15 % of institutions are operated by churches or foundations (or other). Only 4 % of kindergartens are maintained by a foundation or a private entity; some of these operate on a for-profit basis.

Number and proportion of kindergarten operators in Hungary (on 31 October 2017)

Type of operator

Number of institutions

Proportion (%)

Municipality / district municipality in Budapest

3 787


Central budget / state budget



Church / religious organisation










4 583


Source: Kirstat (Public Education Information Management System) 2017/2018 (prepared by Balázs Török).

All institutions providing public kindergarten education, regardless of their operator, are subject to the same legislation. Therefore, equality of care is ensured. In addition, the right to establish an institution can be widely exercised.

Kindergartens can also operate as part of so-called multipurpose institutions. In such cases, the kindergarten operator organises the tasks of several types of public education institutions integrated into one institution; non-public education tasks may also be integrated into the institution.

As regards compulsory preschool education, in the year in which a child reaches the age of 3 years by 31 August, they must attend kindergarten for at least 4 hours a day from the beginning of the school year. At the request of the parent, which must be submitted by 25 May of the current year, the body designated by government decree may exempt the child from attending kindergarten, until 31 August of the year in which the child reaches the age of 4 years, if it is in the best interests of the child and if the child’s family circumstances and special situation justify it.

In the 2019/2020 school year, a total of 4 608 kindergartens operated in 2 184 settlements; children had access to kindergarten education locally in 69 % of these settlements. The number of children enrolled in kindergartens was 330 500, nearly 4 000 more than in the previous year. This was mainly due to the increase in the number of 3- to 5-year-olds born in the population.

Kindergarten education and care was provided to

  • 83 % of 3-year-olds;
  • 98 % of 4-year-olds;
  • 96 % of 5-year-olds;
  • 64 % of 6-year-olds.

In the 2019/2020 school year, a total of 1 200 children were exempted from compulsory kindergarten education.


Costs of nursery care

In accordance with the provisions of the Child Protection Act, parents must pay a fee for daycare for their children.

The local government determines (in a decree) the subsidy given to institutions by 1 April of each year based on legal regulations (§146(1) of the Child Protection Act). The subsidy is the difference between the cost of services and the financial support received in accordance with the Act on the National Budget (not including meals). Separate institutional subsidies must be set for meals and care. The fee paid by parents cannot be higher than the subsidy.

Nursery fees do not apply to children from families that receive a regular child protection allowance or if the child is chronically ill or disabled. Furthermore, fees do not apply to children raised in a single household with three or more children. The social support departments of local governments provide information and assistance concerning fee discounts and other rights and opportunities.

Those who are not eligible for any discounts must pay the fees in full. (In several municipalities, nursery care is free for everyone.)

The regular monthly per capita income of the child’s family must be taken into account when determining the individual fee (§150 of the Child Protection Act).

The individual fee is a customised fee calculated based on the institutional subsidy, taking into account the social and income conditions of individual children and their eligibility for discounts.

When calculating the family’s monthly per capita income, the following persons must be taken into account:

  • the parent and the parent’s spouse or life partner;
  • a parent’s child under the age of 20 years with no individual income;
  • a parent’s child under the age of 23 years with no individual income, who is enrolled in full-time education;
  • a parent’s child under the age of 25 years with no individual income, who is enrolled full time in a higher education institution;
  • regardless of age, a parent’s chronically ill or disabled child;
  • a relative dependent on the parent or their spouse under the rules of the Civil Code.

According to the law, the individual fee paid for nursery care may not exceed 25 % of the family’s net per capita income (if meals are included, or 20 % without meals).

Pursuant to the law, the local government also has the right to set the individual fee at a lower rate than the institutional subsidy, or even waive it in individual cases.

The fee for nursery care payable by a foreign citizen residing in Hungary and not covered by Act XXXI of 1997 on the Protection of Children and Guardianship Administration is also determined by the local government.

In a mini-nursery, the individual fee – including care – must be determined per day of care (i.e. depending on the number of operating days in the given month). The individual fee for nursery care is set for a full month, unless the nursery operator decides otherwise, even if the child does not use the service every day of the month. This means that the individual fee set and paid in advance is not refunded in the absence of the child, unless the operator stipulates otherwise.

In nurseries and mini-nurseries, families pay an average of HUF 7 000 (approximately EUR 20) per month.

In family nurseries, the estimated average fee that parents have to pay is HUF 40 000–100 000 (approximately EUR 114–286) per month.

Costs of kindergarten care

Kindergarten education is part of public education, so it is mainly financed from the state budget. Kindergarten care and participation in public education are free. The funding system is two-tiered: the majority of the central budget support is given to operators, who determine the expenses of their respective kindergartens as part of their own budget. Thus, the resources required for kindergarten operation are provided jointly by the state budget and the operator. Funding can be supplemented by fees paid by parents for complementary services used by children, such as school meals, and other public education institution revenues.

Unless otherwise specified by the parent, children have lunch and two additional meals (morning and afternoon snacks) in the kindergarten on school days. If the local government is responsible for providing the meals, the fee paid by parents for meals is determined by the local government. Children who receive a regular child protection allowance can receive kindergarten meals free of charge, meaning that they receive a 100 % discount on the reimbursement fee.

As regards further services, in micro-villages and farms, kindergarten associations (i.e. several settlements operating a joint kindergarten) are not uncommon and a kindergarten bus transports children.