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Teaching and learning in vocational upper secondary education


6.Upper secondary education and post-secondary tertiary Education

6.5Teaching and learning in vocational upper secondary education

Last update: 22 June 2022

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

From 2020 there are around 211 subject curricula in vocational education. Also, there are seven common core subjects. Mandatory subjects in all the vocational programmes are Norwegian, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, English, Social Science and Physical Education. There are at present ten areas of vocational education in year 1. These lead to 52 different subject curricula in year 2 and further craft and trade specialisation which most often takes place within enterprise-based training.

The subject requirements for pupils/apprentices within the vocational education programmes are stated in table 17 of the regulation on the distribution of Subject and Time Frames Vocational Education (in Norwegian).

During the course of the two years, the pupils shall have 588 hours Common Core Subjects and 954 hours Core Curriculum Options from their area of study. Also, they shall have 421 hours of Vocational Specialisation. The ten programme areas of vocational education (from 2020) are the following:

Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 
Building and Construction
Crafts, Design and Product Development
Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology
Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development
Hairdressing, Floral, Interior and Retail Design
Information Technology and Media Production 
Restaurant and Food Processing
Sales, Service and Tourism
Technological and Industrial Production

Subject and time frames for pupils in vocational education programmes after 2 years in school:

Natural Sciences56
Social Studies84
Physical Education112
Total Common Core Curriculum588
Common Core Options from an area of Education Programme955
Vocational Specialisation421
Total over a two-year period1963

Pupils and apprentices wishing to achieve University Entrance Qualifications can do this by taking an extra year 3 in upper secondary education by taking additional Common Core Curriculum Subjects (701 hours) and 140 hours Core Curriculum.

Additional options from the Education Area for General Subjects for achieving University Entrance:

Natural Sciences84
Physical Education56
Total Common Core Curriculum588
Common Core Options from General Studies area140

Teaching methods and materials

Same as for General upper secondary education. See chapter 6.2.