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Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.5Teaching and learning in general upper secondary education

Last update: 11 July 2022

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The curricula and timetables of genika lykeia (general upper secondary schools) are drawn up by the Pedagogical Institute. The Pedagogical Institute has been replaced since 2011 by the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), which among other things offers consultation and makes suggestions about issues concerning secondary education study programmes, textbooks and other teaching material. The curricula serve as complete guides for teachers and include the following:

  • Explicitly stated aims for each subject, in the context of the general and grade-specific aims of education
  • Syllabus organised in units
  • Indicative guidelines on the method and the teaching materials per subject.

The curricula for grades A, B and C are defined by ministerial decision Ministerial decision 94196/Δ2/29-7-2021 currently in effect. The following apply:

Grade A

Grade A of general lykeio is an exclusively general education grade with a timetable for subjects of general education of 35 hours per week. 

General upper secondary school grade A timetable

General education subjects Hours
Greek Language *1Ancient Greek Language and Literature    5
Modern Greek Language and Literature4
 Religious Education
History 2
Mathematics  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Algebra3
English     3

Second  Foreign Language (French or German)




Natural Science *3Physics






Physical Education  2
Social Education (Economy, Civil Institutions, Law Principles and Sociology) 2
Information Technology Applications 2
Total taught time 35
  1. * Greek Language, 9 teaching hours, a single course with 3 distinct teaching subjects, that is: Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Modern Greek Language and Literature as distinct teaching subjects/fields covering 5, 2 and 2 hours respectively.
  2. * Mathematics, 5 hours, a single course with two distinct teaching subjects, that is Algebra, and Geometry as distinct teaching subjects/fields covering 3 and 2 hours respectively.
  3. * Science, 6 hours, a single course with 3 distinct teaching subjects, including Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Grade B

The curriculum applicable to grade B of the day general lykeio includes general education subjects of 30 teaching hours per week in total and two groups of specialization courses, human and science studies, of 5 teaching hours per week in total. General upper secondary school grade B timetable

General education subjects Hours
Greek Language *1Ancient Greek Language and Literature    2
Modern Greek Language and Literature4
Mathematics *2Algebra3
Natural Sciences *3Physics2
Introduction to the principles of IT Applications 2
History 2
Philosophy 2
Religious Education  2
English  2
Second Foreign Language (French or German) 1
Physical Education  2
Total hours for general education 30
Group specialisation subjects    Hours
Human Studies Specialization Group  
Ancient Greek Language and Literature 3
Latin 2
Total hours for specialization group 5
Science studies specialisation group courses     Hours
Physics 3
Mathematics 2
Total hours for specialization group 5
Total Taught Time 35

1 Greek Language: a single course with two distinct subjects:

  1. Ancient greek language and Literature
  2. Modern greek language and Literature

2 Mathematics: a single course with two distinct subjects:

  1. Algebra
  2. Geometry

3 Science: a single course with three distinct subjects:

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology

Grade C

The curriculum in grade C of day general lykeio is split into school subjects of general education and school subjects of specialisation taught 32 hours per week. There are 3 specialisation groups: 

  1. Human studies
  2. Sciences and Health studies
  3.  Economics and IT.  

Students are required to select subjects of their specialisation group along with general education subjects.  Students specializing in Sciences and Human studies are required to select either Mathematics or Biology. Timetable of day general lykeio for grade C

  General education subjects



Religious Education


Modern Greek Language and Literature 

6  (5hrs for the main school subject and 1 hour on answering questions posed, recapitulation etc)

History (it is taught to students who opt for the Science Studies and Health Studies Specialization group as well as the Economics and Information Technology Studies specialization group )


Mathematics (it is taught to students opting for Human studies specialization group)2
Physical Education2

Total hours for general education


Groups Specialization  Subjects

Human Studies Specialization GroupHours
Ancient Greek    6




Total hours for the specialization group18
Sciences and Health studies group    hours
Mathematics (for students opting for the second Discipline) or Biology (for students opting for the third discipine    6
Total hours for the specialization group18
Economics and Information Technology group    hours
Mathematics    6
Information Technology6
Total hours for the specialization group18
Overall total of hours32

Specialization group subjects are linked with entry into higher education institutes and lead to specific academic disciplines. In particular HEI Departments are grouped into 4 disciplines under law 4610/2019:

  • Discipline 1: Humanities, Law and Social Sciences
  • Discipline 2: Science and Technological Sciences
  • Discipline 3: Health and Life Sciences
  • Discipline 4: Economics and ICT

The discipline refers to the total of the same or related cognitive subjects that refer to respective schools of higher education institutions. Access to the specific discipline is granted depending on the specialization group chosen by the student. Hence, the candidates of the specialization group of humanities have access to the schools and department of the discipline.  Therefore, candidates of the Human studies specialization group have access to HEI Schools and Departments of Disciple 1 and they are required to sit on exams on Modern Greek Language and Literature, Ancient Greek, History and Latin. Candidates of the Sciences and Health studies specialization group have access to HEI Schools and Departments of either Disciple 2 or Disciple 3, depending on the academic disciple they have chosen:

  1. candidates choosing Disciple 2 are required to sit on exams on Modern Language and Literature, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and
  2. candidates choosing Disciple 3 are required to sit on exams on Modern Language and Literature, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Candidates of the Economics and IT specialization group have access to HEI Schools and Departments of Disciple 4 and are required to sit on exams on Modern Language and Literature, Mathematics, IT and Economics. The curriculum of evening general lykeio is defined with Ministerial decision 94201/Δ2/29-7-2021.    

Teaching methods and materials

Until school year 2017/18 school advisors had the responsibility for the scientific and pedagogical support and guidance of secondary education teachers. Law 4547/2018 replaced them with the institution of coordinators of educational work and established new structures for the support of educational work:

  • Regional Centres for Educational Planning (PEKES). The Regional centers for educational planning (PEKES) are abolished but continue to perform their tasks according to the provisions of law 4547/2018 (A’ 102) as before as far as the selection and placement of Education counselors, Regional supervisors of the quality of education as well as Supervisors of the quality of education.
  • Centre of interdisciplinary assessment, counseling & support (ΚΕDASY).        
  • School Networks of Educational Support (SDEY)
  • Interdisciplinary support committees for general and vocational education school units (EDY).
  • Environment and sustainability Training Center (KEPEA).

School textbooks and curricula are developed under the supervision of the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) and are approved by the Ministry of Education.  Authorization by the Ministry, after proposal by IEP, is required also for all other educational material or/and the programmes and any research conducted in general lykeia. The publication and distribution of the textbooks is conducted by the Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diophantus” (ITYE), a research and technology organization focusing on the research and the effective use of Information and Communication Technologies in the sector of education (law 3966/2011). Textbooks are distributed for free in public schools.  They are common for all students of the same grade.

New interventions and actions in general lykeio

During 2017-2019, important changes were introduced in the curricula and the teaching material of individual subjects. The aim was to improve education in higher secondary education. Relevants examples include the following: 

  • New curriculum and related portfolio of educational material for the subject "Modern World: Citizens and Democracy" of grade B of general lykeio.  It replaced the subject of Civic Education (Economy, Civil Institutions, Principles of Law and Sociology). The new subject is set in a wider framework of historical and social approach of the modern world under the prism of social sciences. Students approach critically the social, economic and political reality.
  • New teaching examples in the language subjects of grade C of lykeio. The aim is to reinforce students in interpreting and critically assessing texts, as well as producing critical speech.  Hence, a new curriculum was designed for the subjects of ancient and modern Greek.  For its support and implementation, since school year 2019/20, there are 3 portfolios of material for students (Modern Greek language - literature - ancient Greek) and two portfolios for the teacher (Modern Greek language and literature).  A new assessment mode was determined nationally.
  • Portfolios for the subject of Religious Education (ministerial decision 53814/Δ2/11-5-2020)
  • Portfolios for the subject of IT: restructure, updating and modernizing the subject of IT in grade C of general lykeio with new material.

In general upper secondary school, the application of modern teaching methods depending on the subject, and the use of traditional as well as modern teaching materials, constitute a major aim. However, teachers enjoy a relative independence since they can modify their teaching methods in ways that suit the nature of the subject they teach and students’ abilities, interests and inclinations. In any case what is sought is an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to learning, which helps develop the pupil’s skills for a more effective response to the problems of everyday life.  At the same time, the knowledge-oriented teaching approach is reduced and school time is used at the maximum degree. Within the context of optional school activities, teachers undertake actions on:

  • Environmental education
  • Health education
  • Culture and arts oriented issues.

Teachers take the initiative to implement various educational programmes-activities inside or outside school with the participation of students. The methodological approaches applied in lykeio include:

  • Active approach to knowledge through research and discovery. This approach aims at helping students to think, to handle complex concepts, to investigate and to reach knowledge themselves and ultimately to facilitate critical thinking. This is achieved through a range of techniques, including: observation, comparison, measurement, classification, investigation, solving problems, formulating inductive or deductive reasoning, brainstorming
  • Illustrations by means of using appropriate teaching aids, such as slides, videos, models, pre-made kits, by means of which the interest of pupils is triggered, their attention is focused on a specific goal and learning is facilitated.  The help of a computer and appropriate dynamic simulations can be useful for the pupil in order to identify and better understand concepts and procedures.
  • Discussion/debate of the teacher with the pupils or discussion in groups.  Debates give pupils the opportunity to think, to be puzzled, to evaluate and to formulate their opinions through the dialectical process of confrontation. The involvement of the pupil in the debate and their active participation achieved by the appropriate puzzling questions, which should be planned before teaching
  • Direct form of teaching/narration. Human beings are able to communicate their knowledge and ideas, by the means of reason. This enables the teacher to be directly involved in the learning process at the time of teaching, when he considers that the indirect forms of teaching are not appropriate for the occasion
  • Teamwork forms of teaching. Teamwork teaching styles are recommended for the preparation of work plans (projects), which are provided for the organization of interdisciplinary activities.

These teaching strategies can be applied separately or in combination, depending on the module, the nature of the course, the pupils' needs and the circumstances of the school and the resources available to the teacher.

School laboratories (natural sciences and information technology)

School laboratory of natural sciences

The school laboratory of natural sciences (SEFE) covers the needs of natural sciences laboratory teaching. The implementation of lab activities is an integral part of teaching natural sciences subjects. In lykeio, SEFE is modern. It is a place for teaching and practical activities. Students work in groups on a specific subject, developing their creativity in a spirit of cooperation.  At the same time, they have at their disposal up-to-date instruments. The latter help them discover the environment and the laws that govern it.

Laboratory centres of natural sciences

In order to offer extra support to lab teaching of natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology-Geography), laboratory centres of natural sciences (EKFE) operate. There can be one or more depending on the number of school units at each education directorate. EKFE are centres of research, technical and pedagogical support of the lab teaching of natural sciences subjects.  They use all appropriate means.  They co-operate with the coordinators of educational work of natural sciences. Moreover, they contribute to the organization of SEFE of primary and secondary education schools.

School laboratory for information technology and computer applications

Parallel to SEFE, each school unit is also equipped with a school laboratory for information technology and computer applications.  Its function is to teach computer science and computer applications as defined by the curricula and the greater educational goals.  The lab operates complementary to the educational process.  It offers a modern and interactive way of learning and training through the teaching of subject fields via:

  • The use of certified educational software.
  • Pedagogical use of the Internet.
  • The support of project based learning in the framework of the school’s activities.
  • The European cooperation actions.
  • The broadening of the purely teaching activities (enhanced teaching, additional teaching support).

The laboratory is equipped with:

  • Computer equipment (hardware and software), peripheral devices, networking equipment (hubs, switches modems, routers), projectors.
  • Passive equipment (network and electrical installation).
  • Software in CDs, DVDs, discs, software manuals, software licenses, as well as other complementary material (guides and manuals).
  • Books and publications, as well as document files relevant to laboratories for natural sciences and the subject of information technology.
  • Expendable material, instructional material (stationary, projection screen) and furniture (bookshelves, lockers, whiteboard).

Educational platforms and digital portals

Through the official digital educational portal of the Ministry of Education, the educational community (teachers, students) and parents are informed of various issues of interest such as:

  1. Useful links
  2. Educational news and announcements
  3. Conferences – events of various bodies
  4. Approved educational programmes for the school year
  5. Educational visits
  6. Transnational programmes
  7. Health education programmes
  8. Career guidance matters.

The user can quickly and easily search for information. The portal is utterly useful to the education community since it is a major attempt to gather all relevant information in a single site on the Internet. The educational resource open-edu also supports this effort. The website aims at presenting all free:

  • Digital resources
  • Libraries
  • Services.

In parallel, the user generated content Photodentro operates.  Teachers and members of the wider educational community can:

  • Post their own digital content or
  • Search for digital content.

The aim is to gather learning material, developed by members of the educational community who wish to share them, such as:

  1. Experiments
  2. Interactive simulations
  3. Investigations
  4. Images
  5. Educational games
  6. 3D maps
  7. Exercises
  8. Educational scenarios
  9. Lesson plans.

Also, the Advanced Electronic Scenarios Operating Platform (AESOP) of the Institute of Educational Policy is a support website for the education community.  Various scenarios for different subjects of primary and secondary education are available. Part of the electronic platform of the Ministry of Education is the digital school-digital educational content:

  • It includes all textbooks in digital form
  • It has rich teaching and learning materials
  • It is a two-way channel for communication and learning support
  • Teachers and schools can post relevant educational material.

Foreign languages

The preparation of new teaching material for English, French and German has been a major change in foreign language education. This material is free for all students of public genika lykeia. The material is designed on the basis of scenarios.  It is divided in thematic units that include comprehension activities and production of oral and writing speech.  The aim is the development of communication skills in foreign languages through authentic communication situations. Teachers can plan their teaching, add or adjust the material available on the basis of the language proficiency, the needs and interests of students. At the same time, they can use the infrastructure of the school unit.