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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.8Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 8 June 2022

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The organisation of the specialised technological courses (Cursos de Especialização Tecnológica – CET) taught in non-tertiary institutions is based on the level 5 National Qualifications Framework (Quadro Nacional de Qualificações - QNQ) in the following education and training areas:

  • Audio-visual techniques and media production
  • Finance, banking and insurance
  • Computer science
  • Accounting and taxation
  • Commerce
  • Building and civil engineering
  • Motor vehicles construction and repair
  • Electricity and energy
  • Electronics and automation systems
  • Enterprise/organisation framework
  • History and archaeology
  • Hotel and hospitality
  • Textiles, clothes, footwear, leather
  • Extractive Industries
  • Materials (timber, cork, paper, plastic, glass and others)
  • Metallurgy and metal work
  • Tourism and leisure
  • Protection of people and property
  • Sport.

The duration of specialised technological courses is between 1,200 and 1,560 hours, which is the total contact hours of general and scientific training, technological training and the hours involved in the work-based training. The training plan is made up of the following components:

General and scientific training component - which aims to develop the right attitudes and behaviour for highly qualified professionals, the workload of this training component is 15% of the hours stipulated for all the components of general, scientific and technological training.

Technological training component - which includes technological areas geared towards understanding practical activities and solving problem within professional practice, the workload of this training component should be 85% of the hours stipulated for all the components of general, scientific and technological training.

Workplace training component - which involves the application of acquired knowledge and skills to the practical activities of the respective professional profile, the workload cannot be fewer than 360 hours or more than 720 hours.

The CET can be organised in the form of alternance training.

Teaching methods and materials

The presentation of specific methodological and assessment guidelines for each CET and the indication of the available resources and materials must be included in the CET application for authorisationand vary depending on the course.

As a rule, theoretical lectures alternate with practical sessions consisting of the presentation of group work.

The link between "knowing" and "know-how" is emphasised.

In the practical classes, which are part of the technical component, there is considerable individual and group work, as well as project work.

Vocational education methodologies are developed in which the teaching/learning process is based on learning skills. This is supervised, experimental and active learning.

There are no guidelines regarding the production and selection of teaching materials.