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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in early childhood education and care


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.1National reforms in early childhood education and care

Last update: 8 June 2022


Free creches and childminders

Following the measures adopted in 2020 and 2021 regarding free creches for children from families in the first and second family contribution scales, Law No 2/2022, 3 January establishes the gradual extension of free places for all children attending crèches managed by private not-for-profit institutions (IPSS and other legally equivalent institutions) with a cooperation agreement with the MTSSS, as well as in childminders managed by the ISS, I. P, according to the following schedule:

(a) In 2022, all children entering the first year of crèche (from 1 September 2022) b) In 2023, all children entering the first year of crèche and proceeding to the second year c) In 2024, all children entering the first year of crèche and proceeding to the second and third years.

Upgrade and expansion of the social facilities and provision network

As part of the Recovery and Resilience Programme (Component 03 - Social Provision, in investment RE-C03-i01 - New Generation of Social Facilities and Provision), measure C03-i01-m01 appears - Upgrade and Expansion of the Social Facilities and Provision Network. The main objective of this measure is to consolidate, adapt, upgrade and innovate in the area social provision for children, elderly people, people with disabilities and families. Applications are eligible if they focus on creating new places in facilities like kindergartens.  Regarding this measure, funding is focussed on new construction, renovations, extension and adaptation of infrastructures; building works that reconvert facilities to offer new social provision that responds to diagnosed needs and the acquisition of property or fractions and the respective adaptation for the creation of social facilities.  The time for application submission was from 7 December 2021 and 22 February 2022.

21|23 School+ Plan

Launched for the 2021-2023 period, this integrated learning recovery plan for students in basic (from pre-primary onwards) and upper secondary education focusses on three fundamental action areas - 1- Teaching and learning; 2 - Supporting educational communities; 3 - discover and assess. This plan is divided into (i) priority focus areas and specific actions, which are proposed to educational community; and (ii) means and resources made available.

For additional information, see Subchapter 14.2. National reforms in school education.


2020/2021 school year: exceptional and temporary measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The “Contributions to distance support and monitoring in pre-school education” handbook was drafted as a tool to support schools, pre-school teachers and parents regarding the implementation of distance learning in pre-school education.

Reference schools for the reception of essential workers’ children and other dependents and meal service for students receiving school social support

Common measure used in pre-school, basic and upper secondary education – see Subchapter 14.2.


Boosting health measures for 2020/2021 school year

Common measures implemented in pre-school education and in basic and upper-secondary education - see section 14.2.

2020/2021 school year: exceptional and temporary measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Common measures implemented in pre-school education and in basic and upper-secondary education - see section 14.2.

In view of the current pandemic crisis, there are three scenarios envisaged for how education can be organised: face-to-face, mixed and distance education, the first scenario being the general option expected to be adopted. This means that the mixed and distance options will be used on an exceptional and temporary basis, if necessary and preferably only in the third cycle of basic and upper-secondary education. Specialised provision from benchmark schools in the areas of visual impairment and bilingual education in special education establishments and the support provided under the National Early Childhood Intervention System should be face-to-face.

2019/2020 school year: exceptional and temporary measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Common measures applied in pre-school education and in basic and upper-secondary education - see section 14.2.

For pre-school education, activities were exceptionally based on a distance learning model, between 16th March and 31st May. From 1st June, a return to face-to-face activities in pre-school education was decreed, and specific guidelines were issued regarding the sanitary standards to be met to prevent contagion.

#EstudoEmCasa (#HomeStudy)

Common measures applied in pre-school education and in basic and upper-secondary education - see section 14.2.

The resources for pre-school education were made available via the RTP 2 channel.

The educational resources made available allowed for contributions by pre-school teachers. Those children and families receiving content exclusively via television were given special attention by their teachers and contact was maintained, individually and in partnership, with other organisations in the community.

Educational measures for the integration of unaccompanied foreign minors (MENA) in the educational system

As children and young people who are beneficiaries or applicants for international protection are more vulnerable, their reception at the respective school clusters/ non-clustered schools (including pre-school provision) is of paramount importance. Therefore, a set of educational measures are in place. For more information, see section 14.2.

Social infrastructure network extension programme (PARES) 3.0

The Social Infrastructure Network Extension Programme (Programa de Alargamento da Rede de Equipamentos Sociais (PARES) 3.0) was launched on 19th August 2020.

This new Programme aims to support the development, consolidation and improvement of the social facilities network, which includes crèches, home support services, day centres, residential facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities and occupational activity centres, according to Ordinance No 201-A/2020.

Support measure for emergency social and health infrastructure improvements (MAREESS)

The MAREESS measure was created by the Government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and promotes the inclusion of people for socially useful work in public institutions and social solidarity sector with activities in the social and health areas during the pandemic. This measure is intended to consolidate institutions that provide family support with an additional 15,000 professionals by the end of 2020.

Following the restart of teaching, non-teaching and training activities at early childhood social facilities, which had been suspended due to the epidemiological situation (COVID-19), a Guide was created that defines a set of standards to be implemented when reopening creches, family creches (creches familiars) and nanny care, guiding and harmonising the process in a safe and informed manner, while focussing on the safety of children and professionals.


Investment in social infrastructure is a strategic aspect of the country's development. As such, the Social Infrastructure Network Extension Programme (Programa de Alargamento da Rede de Equipamentos Sociais - PARES 2.0) foresees the extension of the social infrastructure network, in order to increase provision capacity for children and young people, people with disabilities and the elderly population.

PARES 2.0 foresees supporting investment in social infrastructure that requires urgent building works or the need to adapt facilities and/or replace materials or equipment, especially those jeopardizing safety, well-being and quality of service.

PARES 2.0 is based on applications (established by Government order), supporting investment in social infrastructure, enabling high-quality social provision to users, adopting solutions that guarantee quality and modernisation, as well as an efficient response to new social needs.

The application period for PARES 2.0 (until 31 January 2020) was open to all bodies in the social and solidarity sector whose investment projects are exclusively geared towards creating new places at creches in municipalities with coverage of less than 33% and in the municipalities of the Greater Lisbon and Porto areas, where network coverage is less comprehensive and influenced by commuting between families’ places of residence and workplaces. The budget allocation for extra creche provision, defined for the abovementioned call for applications, amounts to public funding totalling €37,000,000.