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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working in adult education and training


10.Management and other education staff

10.8Other education staff or staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 8 June 2022

Qualifica centres

In addition to the coordinator, the staff of each Qualifica Centre is made up of guidance, recognition and validation of competences (GRVC) professionals (Técnicos de Orientação, Reconhecimento e Validação de Competências – TORVC), trainers or teachers in the various key competency areas and the different education and training areas for processes of recognition, validation and certification of school and vocational competences.

This team can also be supported by a member of administrative staff whose work is overseen by the coordinator and the respective orientation, recognition and validation of competences staff.

The GRVC professional is responsible for the different stages of the process.

The main duties of these staff are:

  • registering candidates in the Information and Management System of the Education and Training Provision (SIGO) and giving information on the Qualifica Centre’s work.
  • providing guidance sessions to enable each young person and adult to identify the most appropriate opportunity in accordance with their skills and interests.
  • organising information sessions on education and training provision, the current job market, job opportunities, diagnosing training needs and mobility opportunities in Europe and further afield regarding training and work.
  • organising guidance sessions that help every young person and adult identify the provision most suited to their skills and interests.
  • referring candidates, considering information on the job market and education and training courses given by training bodies from the respective area or, in the case of adults, for the RVCC process whenever appropriate.
  • monitoring the pathway of candidates referred by the centre for certain training.
  • organising information sessions for various audiences residing or studying in the area they work regarding the Qualifica Centre’s role and qualification opportunities, such as dual certification provision.
  • placing candidates in RVCC process (academic, vocational or dual certification) according to their life experience and skills profile.
  • providing information regarding the methodology adopted in the RVCC process, the techniques and tools used and the certification of competences, according to different forms of intervention.
  • monitoring candidates throughout the RVCC process, via sessions for recognition, support for constructing the portfolio and the application of specific assessment tools, in conjunction with trainers or teachers.
  • identifying, in conjunction with trainers, teachers and other staff specialised in skills gaps, candidates’ training needs, which, after partial certification, may involve referral to provision that leads the completion of a qualification.

The GRVC professional must have a higher education qualification and professional experience in one of the following:

  • school or vocational guidance
  • methodologies for monitoring young people or adults in different training types, as well as training in a work context
  • work methodologies appropriate for people with disabilities
  • adult education and training methodologies, including the balance of competences and the construction of portfolios.

Trainers’ and teachers’ main responsibilities at Qualifica Centre include:

  • participating in the RVCC, academic, vocational or dual certification process via the application of recognition and validation of competences tools, as well as supporting candidates to prepare their portfolio.

  • informing the certification panel regarding the RVCC process of the candidates they have assisted.

  • being part of the panel certifying candidates involved in RVCC processes.

  • identifying the training needs of each candidate to properly define the supported referral to complete or partial training pathways to obtain a school or vocational qualification, or both, in conjunction with the guidance, recognition and validation of competences professional.
  • organising and providing complementary training sessions, overseen by the centre, that allow the candidate to gain a qualification.
  • collaborating in the diagnosis, guidance and referral stage of candidates registered for recognition, validation and certification of vocational competences or dual certification.

Adult education and training courses

In addition to the group of trainers, the adult education and training course’s technical-pedagogical team is made up of the personal and social mediator and the training in a work context, tutors when applicable.

The personal and social mediator is responsible for:

  • collaborating with the organising body’s representative to create training groups, participating in the trainee recruitment and selection process.
  • monitoring the trainees and providing them with personal, social and pedagogical guidance of the trainees.
  • involving the technical-pedagogical team in the training process, safeguarding the individual and training group pathways.
  • coordinating the technical-pedagogical team and training group, as well as between them and the training body.

The mediator should not be involved in more than three adult education and training courses or when in that capacity, take the position of trainer in any training area, except in exceptional circumstances, when duly justified and authorised by the body responsible for authorising the course.

The position of mediator is held by trainers and other professionals, such as guidance professionals with higher education qualifications and specific training for that function or relevant experience in the field of adult education and training.

Trainers must:

  • analyse and identify trainees, in conjunction with the personal and social mediator.
  • in conjunction with the other members of the technical-pedagogical team, draft the training plan most appropriate to the training needs identified in the previous analysis or, whenever applicable, in the RVCC process.
  • provide training in the area for which they are qualified.
  • design and produce the technical-pedagogical resources and evaluation tools necessary for the training process, regarding the area for which they are qualified.
  • work closely with the other members of the pedagogical team, particularly upper secondary level EFA courses, reflective learning portfolio (PRA) evaluation processes via joint sessions with the personal and social mediator.