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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach


12.Educational support and guidance

12.8Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach

Last update: 27 June 2022
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Under the Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act (VPETA) each canton maintains a coordinating body for occupational, study and career guidance. These counselling services support young people in their choice of first career and adults in the choice of study and career planning. The services provided extend from entry into the world of work through CET measures to changes of career. The cantons also operate job information centres (BIZ) with information on careers, continuing education, and training. The Swiss Conference of Directors of Occupational, Educational and Career Guidance (KBSB) deals with all questions involving the coordination of occupational, study and career guidance in the cantons.

The Swiss Service Centre for Vocational Training, Study and Career Counselling (SDBB) has been in existence since 2007. It provides services in areas that have been transferred to the cantons under the VPETA. These include, inter alia, the production of information resources for occupational, study and career guidance, and training for professionals in the field of occupational, study and career guidance. The SDBB is responsible for, an Internet portal with comprehensive information on choice of profession, study and career issues.

For the unemployed the regional employment centres offer ‘labour market programmes’ which include CET and retraining courses, training placements and work experience, placements at practice firms and participation in temporary employment programmes, for instance.

There is also a variety of private providers, associations, foundations and educational institutions offering services in the field of occupational, study and career guidance.



Legislative References

Bundesgesetz über die Berufsbildung [Federal Act on Vocational and Professional Education and Training]