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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice

Belgium - French Community


Last update: 16 June 2022

Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance : ONE


Office for Birth and Childhood.

Certificat d’Études de Base : CEB

CITE 1 et 2

Certificate awarded to students who successfully completed the last year of primary education. If that fails, it may also be issued at the end of the 1st or 2nd year of secondary education. It is also possible to obtain this certificate by obtaining a corresponding title awarded by the Social Advancement Education (adult education). It provides access to secondary education.

Certificat d’études du premier degré de l’enseignement secondaire : CE1D


Certificate issued to students who have successfully completed the first stage of secondary education. It can also be obtained in social advancement education (adult education) or through the Jury of the French Community. It gives access to the second stage of secondary education, which results in the certificate of the second stage of secondary education (CES2D or CESDD).

Transition stream

In the French Community, education takes four different forms (general, technical, artistic and vocational) and consists of two streams (the transition stream and the qualification stream). 

The transition stream prepares pupils for higher education whilst also offering opportunities to enter the labour market, whereas the qualification stream prepares pupils to enter the labour market while also enabling them to continue their studies in higher education. General education is a transition stream, whereas vocational education is a qualification stream. Technical education and artistic education can be organised in the transition stream or in the qualification stream.

Pupils choose a course of study within one of these types of education.

Qualification stream

In the French Community, education takes four different forms (general, technical, artistic and vocational) and consists of two streams (the transition stream and the qualification stream). 

The transition stream prepares pupils for higher education whilst also offering opportunities to enter the labour market, whereas the qualification stream prepares pupils to enter the labour market while also enabling them to continue their studies in higher education. General education is a transition stream, whereas vocational education is a qualification stream. Technical education and artistic education can be organised in the transition stream or in the qualification stream.

Pupils choose a course of study within one of these types of education.

Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire du Deuxième Degré : CES2D or CESDD


Certificate issued to students who have successfully completed the first and second stages of general, technical, artistic or professional secondary education. It can also be obtained in social advancement education (adult education) or through the Jury of the French Community. It gives access to the third stage of secondary education, which results in the certificate of completion of upper secondary education : Certificate of Upper Secondary Education : CESS.

Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur : CESS


Certificate awarded for the last year (end of the third degree) of general, technical or artistic (6 years) and professional (7 years) upper secondary education, on the basis of academic achievement. It may also be issued to students who have successfully completed one of the sections of the social advancement education (adult education) or examinations organized by the Jury of the French Community. Most schools organize a final internal examination on the main subjects (determined by the school). The certificate indicates the courses of study as well as sections of these courses. It is a basic qualification to enter higher education.

Certificat d’Études : CE


Certificate issued to students who have successfully completed the sixth professional secondary education. This certificate can also be obtained in Social Advancement Education or through the Jury of the French Community. It provides access to professional life.

Certificat de Qualification : CQ

CITE 3 et 4

Certificate issued to students who have completed the sixth year (CQ 6) or seventh year of advanced or specialized (CQ 7) education and pass a qualification test in a late qualifying section of the third stage (technical or vocational upper secondary education).This certificate may also be obtained in Social Advancement Education or through the Jury of the French Community. It gives access to professional life.


Part-time secondary arts education


Academy of Research and Higher Education

Haute école

University College

Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire inférieur : AESI


Degree from the High School students who have passed the tests prescribed in the curriculum for each subject and organized by the institution, and has submitted the final written work after three years of non-university higher education. The diploma indicates the section, option, subjects taken, the subject of written work graduation and final mark awarded. The diploma allows teaching in the first three years of general, technical, artistic and vocational secondary education.

Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur : AESS


Degree awarded by institutions of higher education or by the High Schools to students who have already graduated (Bachelor), having passed the tests set out in the program for each subject and organized by the institution, having completed the didactic exercises and having presented two public lessons on completion of one year of university studies. The certificate mentions the subjects taken, the subject of two public lessons and the final mark awarded. The diploma allows teaching in the last three years of general, technical, artistic and vocational secondary education.

Agrégation de l’enseignement supérieur


Degree awarded by universities to students who presented a review before a university jury after graduation. The diploma indicates the field of study, the subject of the dissertation and the potential of each of theses. It helps to teach at the university level, but it is not mandatory.


Agency for the Evaluation of Quality in Higher Education


Walloon Office for Vocational Training and Employment.  It is a public service in Belgium whose competence is employment and vocational training limited to the territory of the Walloon Region, the political entity on which it depends.


Walloon Institute for Dual Vocational Training and self-employed and for small and medium-sized enterprises - in the Walloon Region


Organising Authority (Pouvoir Organisateur)


Centre for Psychological, Medical and Social Services (Centre Psycho-Médico-Social)


School Health Promotion (Promotion de la Santé à l'école)


French-speaking Service for Jobs and Qualifications


Training Service for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - in the Brussels-Capital Region