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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to transversal skills and employability


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 9 June 2022


Grants for training for parents with small children

The government has launched a new call for grant to advance the labour force capacity of parents with small children. The grant can be used for adult education and training and its amount is 100 000 HUF per month. The programme helps participants complete grades 5-8 of basic school, grades 9-12 of upper secondary school, or obtain a registered vocational qualification in a school based or a non-school based, adult training programme. The amount is given for a 12-month period at a maximum, and e.g. can also be spent for travel costs incurred during school visits. The overall budget is 3 billion HUF and the initiative targets at least 2500 parents with small children and lasts until 31 December 2022. One of the requirements is that the applicant's highest level of education should be upper secondary or less.


Foreign language learning programme 

All students -of upper secondary institutions (grammar schools and vocational grammar schools)- in grades 9 and 11 are eligible to participate in the Foreign Language learning programme. For participation, they need to apply for a grant.

In the 2019/2020 school year*, students and schools may apply for an individual or group educational excursion including a foreign language programme. The public education institution or its maintainer where the student is enrolled in may submit group applications. In this case, the applicant institution undertakes a number of organizational tasks (eg. coordination with the language school, organization of the travel, providing accompanying teachers). Participation in the Foreign language learning programme does not mean an obligation for public education institutions and its maintainers.

In the programme, students (parent or guardian) may submit an individual application as well. In this case, the applicant student’s parent/guardian is responsible for choosing the courses and organizing the trip.

Students can attend language classes in the countries of their first foreign language for two weeks (the options for first foreign languages are determined in the National Core Curriculum: English, French, German, and Chinese). The target countries are the followings: Austria, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Malta, Germany and China.

The programme provides full support; it covers the cost of the foreign language course, travel expenses to the country, accommodation and provision abroad, and the travel expenses emerging in relation with studies during the stay in the country.

*The programme has been postponed as a consequence of the present corona-virus pandemic.


Language Learning Student Loan

The loan was available from 1 October 2019 for students who had an active or passive student status or passed his/her final exam, but had not received his/her degree in the absence of the required language exam, or he/she did not have the language exam from the language needed to obtain the degree, or his or her level of language exam was not sufficient to obtain the degree.

Students could apply for a minimum of 100 000 HUF and the maximum of 500 000 HUF.

The Language Llearning Student Loan was terminated on 30 April 2020 on the basis of new regulations. The on-going loans have been automatically merged into the interest free Student Loan Plus.

Open Education and Learning Centres

Open Education and Learning Centres have already supported the training programmes in 50 cities across the country. The Centres provide infrastructural background and assistance in the development of labour market competences to the disadvantaged participants. The direct target group of the programme are persons in active age (16-64), whose low level basic skills and key competences hinder

  • their integration into society and labour market,
  • their ability to keep their jobs and
  • their career development.

The programme types of the trainings are:

  • industry,
  • IT,
  • foreign languages,
  • other (e.g. self-management, presentation techniques, future work tools).

By the beginning of 2019, the number of involved adults was 5,400. The goal is to reach 29,000 participants.