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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 9 June 2022

The following pieces of legislation may be found in the National Legislative Database in Hungarian.

The Constitution of Hungary (The Fundamental Law of Hungary, 25 April, 2011)





Ministry of Human Capacities decree 20/2017. (IX. 18.)  on the Professional and Examination Requirements of the Training of Crèche Nurses and staff and Day-care Workers providing crèche education and childcare


Government Resolution 1246/2015 (IV. 23.) on Measures Necessary for Successful  Intervention in ECEC

School Education


Act CLXXXVIII of 2012 on the State Takeover of certain institutions providing public education and maintained by municipalities (local governments)

Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education


Government Decree 134/2016 (VI. 10.) on Organisations Participating as Maintainers in Public Education and on the Klebelsberg Maintenance Centre

Government Decree 395/2015 (XII. 12.) on the Implementation of the Act XXXIII of 1992 on the Legal Status of Public Servants in Higher Education, and on Certain Aspects of the Employment in Higher Education

Government Decree 326/2013 (VIII. 30.) on Teacher Promotion System and on the Implementation of the Act XXXIII of 1992 on the Legal Status of Public Servants in Public Education Institutions

Government Decree 121/2013 (IV.26.) on the Educational Authority

Government Decree 52/2013 (II. 25.) on the Klebelsberg Training Scholarship

Government Decree 363/2012 (XII. 17.) on the National Core Programme of Kindergarten Education and Care

Government Decree 229/2012 (VIII. 28.) on the Implementation of the Act on National Public Education

Government Decree 110/2012 (VI. 4.) on the Issuance, Introduction and Implementation of the National Core Curriculum

Government Decree 362/2011 (XII. 30.) on Education Related Identification Cards

Government Decree 152/2005 (VIII. 2.)  on „For the Road” (Útravaló) Scholarship Programme

Government Decree 6/2001 (I. 17.)  on the Benefits of Library Use

Government Decree 277/1997 (XII. 22.)  on Teachers’ In Service Training, on the Professional Examination of the Teachers and on the Allowances and Benefits of In Service Training Participants

Government Decree 100/1997 (VI. 13.) on the Issuance of the Procedural Rules of the Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination

Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 27/2020. (VIII. 11.) on the organisation of the school year 2020/21 

Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 11/2019. (VII. 3.) on the organization of the School Year

Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 18/2016 (VIII. 5.) on the Learning Outcomes of HE Vocational Trainings, BA and MA Programmes and on the Modification of the Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 8/2013. (I. 30.) on the Common Requirements of Initial Teacher Education and the Learning Outcomes of Each Initial Teacher Education Programme

Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 15/2015 (III. 13.)  on the Requirements of the Mandate of the Public Education Experts and on the Chairman of the Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination

Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 15/2013. (II. 26.) on the Operation of the Pedagogical Service Institutions 

Ministerial Decree 8/2013 (I. 30.)  on the Common Requirements of Initial Teacher Education and the Learning Outcomes of Each Initial Teacher Education Programme

Ministerial Decree 4/2013 (I. 11.)  (Ministry of Human Resources) on the Issuance of the Principles of Bilingual School Education

Ministerial Decree 48/2012. (XII. 12.) (Ministry of Human Resources) on the Pedagogical Professional Services and on the Istitutions that Provide Pedagogical Professional Services and on the Requirements of Participation in Pedagogical Professional Services

Ministerial Decree 20/2012. (VIII. 31.)  (Ministry of Human Resources) on the Operation of the Educational Institutions and on the Use of Names of the Public Education Institutions

Ministerial Decree 36/2008. (XII. 23.)  (Ministry of Education and Culture) on Eligibility for, Decision Making Mechanisms, Disbursement, Financial Settlement, and Monitoring of Grants Provided for Teachers Working in Institution Participating in Inclusive Education Scheme

Ministerial Decree 14/2006. (IV. 3.)  (Ministry of Education) on the Rules of Eligibility, Disbursement and Financial Settlement of Grants Provided for Practical Training in Grades 9 in Vocational Schools and Vocational Secondary Schools

Ministerial Decree 31/2004. (XI. 13)  (Ministry of Education) on the Tasks of National Experts and on the National Register of Experts, Examiners, Professional Experts, and Professional Exam Chairs

Ministerial Decree 46/1999. (XII. 13.) (Ministry of Education) on the Accreditation Board of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development

Ministerial Decree 40/1999. (X. 8.) (Ministry of Education) on the Tasks and the Rules of Operation of the Office of the Ministerial Commissioner of Educational Rights

Ministerial Decree 27/1998. (VI. 10.) on the Requirements of Basic Arts Education and on the Introduction and Issuing of its Curriculum

Ministerial Decree 26/1997. (IX. 3.)  on Medical Services in School

Ministerial Decree 26/1997. (VII. 10.) on the Issuing of the Principles of Bilingual School Education


Parliamentary resolution 126/2008. (XII. 4.)  on the Approval of the National Talent Programme, the Financial Principles of the National Talent Programme, and the Principles on the Establishment and Management of the National Talent Coordination Forum

Parliamentary Resolution 78/2008. (VI. 13.) on the National Talent Programme

Government Resolution 1382/2017. (VI. 16.) on the Public Education Advisory Bodies

Government Resolution 1705/2016. (XII. 5.) on the Action Plan of the “LLL Policy Framework Strategy”  for the 2014-2020 Period

Government Resolution 1536/2016. (X. 13.) on the Digital Reform of Public Education, Vocational Education, HE and adult training system and on the Hungarian Digital Education Strategy

Government Resolution 1672/2015. (IX. 22.) on the Governmental Implementation Plan on the Implementation of the “Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy II” for the 2015-2017 Period

Government Resolution 1603/2014. (XI. 4.) on the Adoption of the Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy II, of the LLL Policy Framework Strategy, of the Public Education Development Strategy, and of the Mid-term Strategy against School Leaving without Qualification

Government Resolution 1265/2017. (V.29.) on Securing the Financial Resources for the Simultaneous Introduction of the Free Textbook Policy for grades 5-9 

VET and adult learning


Act LXXX of 2019 on Vocational Education and Training

Act LXXVII of 2013 on Adult Education

Act LXXVI of 2009 on the general rules of commencement and continuation of Service Activities


Government Decree 12/2020 (II.7.) on the implementation of the Act on VET and its Annex nr. 1, the Register of vocational occupations

Government Decree 11/2020 (II.7.) on the implementation of the Act on Adult Education

Government Decree 230/2012. (VIII. 28.) on Tertiary Vocational Education and on the Practical Training Required for Higher Education

Government Decree 150/2012. (VII. 6.) on the National Qualifications Register and on the Procedure of Amending the National Qualifications Register

Ministerial Decree 14/2006. (IV. 3.) on the Rules of Eligibility, Disbursement and Financial Settlement of Grants Provided for Practical Training in Grades 9 in Vocational Schools and Vocational Secondary Schools


Government Resolution 1229/2012. (VII. 6.) on the Tasks Related to the Introduction of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework, and on the Amendment of Government Decision No. 1004/2011. (I. 14.) on the Establishment and the Introduction of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework 

Government Resolution nr. 1168/2019 on the strategy „Vocational Education and Training (VET) 4.0 – mid-term policy strategy for the renewal of VET and Adult Education (AE), the answer of the VET system for the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution"

Higher Education


Act CCIV of 2011 on Higher Education

Act CXXXII of 2011 on the National University of Public Service and on the Higher Education of Public Administration, Policing and Military


Government Decree 389/2016. (XII. 2.) on Financing the Core Activities of the Higher Education Institutions

Government Decree 395/2015. (XII. 12.) on the Implementation in the HE of the Act XXXIII of 1992 on Public Servants and on the Employment in HE

Government Decree 139/2015. (VI. 9.) on the Register of Qualifications in HE and on the Registering of New Qualifications

Government Decree 87/2015. (IV. 9.) on the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education

Government Decree 24/2013. (II. 5.) on the Excellence in HE

Government Decree 423/2012 (XII. 29.) on Higher Education Admission Procedure

Government Decree 387/2012 (XII. 19.) on doctoral schools, on the order of doctoral procedures and on habilitation

Government Decree 283/2012 (X. 4.) on Initial Teacher Education, Specialisation and the Register of Degree Courses in Teaching

Government Decree 248/2012 (VIII. 31.) on Measures Required for the Implementation of Act CCIV of 2011 on Higher Education

Government Decree 230/2012. (VIII. 28.) on the Traineeship of Programmes in HE

Government Decree 19/2012 (II. 22.) on Quality Assurance and Quality Development in Higher Education

Government Decree 1/2012 (I. 20.) on the Student Loan System

Government Decree 362/2011 (XII. 30.) on Identification Documents used in Education

Government Decree 156/2010 (V. 6.) on the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS III.)

Government Decree 51/2007 (III. 26.) on the Student Allowances and on Certain Student Fees in Higher Education

Ministerial decree 8/2013 (I. 30.) on the Common Requirements Applicable to Degree Courses in Teaching and the Outcome Requirements Specific to Individual Degree Courses

National Economy Ministry Decree 1998. 15/1998. (IV. 30.) on Professional Duties and Conditions of Operation of the Personal Care Providing Child-welfare and Protection Institutions and Persons


Government resolution 1359/2017. (VI. 12.) on the Action Plan of the Mid-term policy-based Strategy of HE 2016” for the 2016-2020 period

Government resolution 1785/2016. (XII. 16.) on the “Mid-term Policy-based Strategy of HE”

Government resolution 1668/2012 (XII. 21.) on Reforming Hungarian Higher Education



Fundamental Law of Hungary, 25 April 2011

Act V of 2018 on the List of Ministries in Hungary and Modification of the Relating Legislation

Act C of 2017 on the Central Hungarian Budget of year 2018

Act XXXVI of 2013 on the Election Procedure

Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code

Act CCVI of 2011 on the Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Status of Churches, Religious Denominations and Religious Communities

Act CCIII of 2011 on the Election of the Members of the Parliament

Act CXCVI of 2011 on National Assets

Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances System

Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments

Act CLXXIX of  2011 on the Rights of Nationalities

Act CLXI of  2011 on the Organization and Administration of the Courts

Act CLI of  2011 on the Constitutional Court

Act CXI of  2011 on the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights

Act CLXXXV of 2010 on Media Services and Mass Media

Act I of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Persons with the Right of Free Movement and Residence

Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals

Act LXXX of 2007 on Asylum

Act LXXXIV of 1998 on Family Benefit 

Act XXVI of 1998 on the Rights of Disabled Persons and on their Equal Opportunities

Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection

Act XXXI of 1997 1997 on Child Protection and Guardianship Administration

Act III of 1993 on the Administration of Social Affairs and Social Benefits

Act XXXIII of 1992 on the Legal Status of Public Servants

Act IV of 1991 on the Employment Enhancement and Unemployment Care


Government Decree 321/2011. (XII. 27.) on the Rules of Planning Equal Opportunity Programmes at Local Level and on the Equal Opportunity Mentors

Government Decree 328/2011. (XII.29.) on the fees in the basic child well-fare service provisions for personalized care and in the child protection provisions and on the possible set of evidences used for application


Government Resolution 1308/2017. (VI. 8.) on the Tasks Relating to the Implementation of the Digital Wellbeing Programme

Government Resolution 1698/2013. (X. 4.) on the Migration Strategy, and on the basis thereof, the Seven-Year-Strategy in Connection with the Refugee and Migration Fund to be Established in the Cycle 2014-2020 by the European Union