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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education


5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.4Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Organizational variations

The vast majority of primary schools in Hungary are state-run. Since 1990, besides public schools, churches, business organizations, foundations, associations and individuals are allowed to offer educational activities. The legislative environment allows all educational activities to be pursued within the framework of private education. Due to the nature of private financing, such institutions also provide additional services.

The establishment of non-public schools is subject to the condition that the founders certify that they are authorized to carry out such activities and that they obtain licenses to certify registration and lawful operation. The issuance of an operating license is subject to compliance with the prescribed material and personal conditions and the availability of appropriate equipment, facilities and infrastructure. All of these criteria are similar for establishing publicly funded institutions.

Private institutions often provide educational services in exchange for tuition or training fees. However, it is possible for a private school to enter into an agreement with the state. In this case, the istitution shall offer educational activities free of charge.

As required by the Public Education Act and the Annual Budget Act, the State grants subsidized rights to private education institutions. The amount of state aid depends on the legal status of the maintainer, the tasks performed at the institution concerned and the number of children enrolled. Government funding is also available through tendering. The non-profit sector (foundations, associations, etc.) tends to receive more funding than private entrepreneurs. State aid covers 60-70% of the operating costs, with the remainder being the responsibility of the operator. The part of the operating budget allocated to schools operated by churches registered in Hungary shall be disbursed by the State in accordance with the agreement between the Republic of Hungary and the Holy See.

In order to improve the knowledge of foreign languages, two primary schools or classes with two languages of instruction can be established, where all (or at least 3) subjects are taught in foreign languages (English, French, German, Italian, Russian or Chinese).

Alternative Structures

Alternative kindergartens and schools prepare their pedagogical program as defined in the kindergarten curriculum, framework curriculum and curriculum that they have prepared and approved by the minister responsible for education. The alternative kindergarten teaching program, the alternative school core curriculum, the alternative primary school of art curriculum, and the curriculum program may specify definite principles of kindergarten education and planning of kindergarten life:

  • curriculum and requirements taught at school,
  • ongoing preparation for state exams,
  • a compulsory weekly number of lessons for students,
  • rules on the working hours of teachers,
  • regulations regarding building structure, tools and equipment used, the system, methods and tools of the quality policy,
  • a functioning leadership model, education and training organization,
  • accepted teacher education and professional qualifications.

Basic art education

It is the task of the Elementary School of Art to develop artistic skills, talents and, if required, prepare students for further studies. Elementary School of Art has a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve grades, which include education in pre-primary, primary and further education in music, fine and applied arts, puppetry and dance areas. After completing the last year of primary education, the student may take the basic art exam and, after completing the last year of advanced education, take the final art exam. In state-run and public task-participant elementary art schools, six teaching sessions per week are provided for a fee to teach the subjects’ practice and theory, and one hearing per year and one artistic presentation, as well as the use of school facilities and equipment are provided. In any case, participation in the first elementary arts education is free of charge for disadvantaged, cumulatively disadvantaged, physically, organically (visually, hearing), moderately and mentally handicapped, or autistic students.

The sports school

The sports school system has been built around a twofold goal: On one hand, to develop health-conscious behavior and lifestyles in the growing generations, making them live their daily lives as a citizen who enjoys physical activity and sports after leaving the public education system. On the other hand, to promote competitive sports, which are the base of the supply of top sports. The sports school system is a part of the public education system, and this new type of sports school system is an integral part of the unified and comprehensive system of youth education.

Nationality education

The primary and secondary schools aim to preserve languages and strengthen the identity of ethnic minorities in Hungary. In such schools, education and learning is conducted in one of the seven Hungarian ethnicities (Greek, Croatian, German, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian). Children (ethnic or non-ethnic), whose mother tongue is Hungarian, minority languages are learned as a foreign language. According to the Minorities Act (CLXXIX of 2011 on National and Ethnic Minority Rights), at the request of at least 8 parents, a nationality class or study group may be set up. For groups of less than 8, language studies are organized in an extra-curricular form and, if necessary, travelling teachers are provided.

The organization of minority kindergarten education and minority school education can be initiated by the parents and legal representatives of the same nationality by filing an application, which must be submitted to the obligated person by 31 May each year. If at least eight parents of the same nationality initiate the nationality kindergarten education or nationality school education, scholarship shall be organized in a system starting from the school year or the school year starting in the calendar year following the receipt of the application. Education is only organized if the actual enrollment of at least 8 children happens.