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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education


5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.4Organisational variations and alternative structures in single-structure education

Last update: 13 June 2022

Basic schools in ethnically mixed areas

In the Italian ethnic community area, basic school education may be provided in two ways: the language of instruction can be Slovenian and pupils learn Italian; or the language of instruction is Italian and pupils learn Slovenian.  In areas with Hungarian ethnic minority bilingual education is provided in basic schools, with lessons delivered simultaneously in Slovenian and Hungarian.

In addition to the main objectives of basic school education, schools may also strive to achieve other objectives, such as sustainability and development of the Italian or the Hungarian language, culture, history, linguistic skills, and awareness of national identity. Schools in these areas apply adapted educational programmes (curriculum and syllabus). They are subject to special regulations relating in particular to classes and groupings. Special rights in education are regulated by the Special Rights of the Members of Italian and Hungarian Ethnic Communities in the Field of Education Act (sl).

Home-based education

Parents have the right to educate their child at home while the child is formally enrolled in a basic school. His or her knowledge is assessed and examined at the end of each school year.  If the assessment committee ascertains that the child does not meet the required knowledge standards, he or she must continue his or her education in school from the next autumn on.  In the school year 2021/2022 parents of 1613 children chose to educate their child at home.

Provision of education in hospitals

The Basic School Act (sl) makes a provision for pupils who are undergoing medical treatment in hospitals. Classes may be organised on hospital wards. In this environment, pupils are taught in small groups or on one-to-one basis. 

The main objectives of education provided in hospitals include: 

  • to ensure a continuation of school work and to facilitate an easy transition from treatment to going back to school; 
  • to enrich the period of time spent in hospital and thus to mitigate the negative consequences of the hospitalisation and facilitate an easier acceptance of illness and the stay in hospital. 

Hospital schools deliver lessons, organise day activities, social relaxation activities, art and entertainment activities, book loans, visits of artists, athletes and other celebrities.  Such classes are complemented by supportive relaxation and therapeutic activities.  Eleven basic schools provide education in 12 hospitals. Teachers follow official guidelines (sl). 

Classes for athletes

As part of an above-standard programme, schools can organise more hours of physical education than prescribed by the syllabus or can deliver sports education lessons by two teachers simultaneously in years one to five. For this purpose, special classes for athletes are provided which enrol pupils on their request. There are no prerequisites.

International basic school programme

Since 1993, one basic school in Ljubljana (Danile Kumar Basic school) has provided an international basic school programme as part of an international non-profit organisation, the International Baccalaureate Organisation, which enrols foreign pupils. The language of instruction is English. The Ministry covers 60% of the  programme’s budget with school fees covering the rest.

European School

The European School Ljubljana, the only school in Slovenia implementing the European Schools international programme, was established in January 2018 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. It is run as a part of the Ljubljana School Centre. Since the 2018/2019 school year the European School Ljubljana has been implementing the programme in two language sections, Slovenian and English.

The European School Ljubljana Programme receives funding from the state budget, EU funds and tuition fees paid by the parents or guardians of pupils, respectively, enrolled in the European School Ljubljana Programme, as well as from other sources.The amount of tuition fee paid by pupils’ parents or guardians, respectively, is set by the Minister for each school year

The European School Ljubljana programme is designed in a way that enables pupils a continuous schooling from the age of 6 to 18. The European School Ljubljana Programme comprises education at primary level, lasting 5 years (P1-P2), and education at secondary level, lasting 7 years (S1-S7). Pupils finish education with the European Baccalaureate (EB) ensuring enrolment to any university in the European Union.

Basic school for adults

Adults who did not successfully complete the basic school programme as children may enrol in the basic school programme for adults (sl). This programme is provided by folk high schools and by basic schools for adults. The programme and its delivery are adapted to the needs of young adults and mature adults.