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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 13 June 2022


Modernisation of basic school and gimnazija education

In February 2022, the Council of experts of the Republic of Slovenia for general education adopted the background documents for the modernisation of the kindergarten curriculum. To support the developing of the background documents, the ministry responsible for education developed in 2020 the “Insight into the challenges of the Slovenian education” (Pogled na izzive slovenske vzgoje in izobraževanja). It identifies key challenges of the education system based on the analysis made by the ministry in the scope of the internal diagnostics and in consideration of certain recommendations by the public institutes and school inspectorate. To support the process, the ministry carried out in 2021 a cycle of seven technical consultations on future challenges of education, namely on the premiss of the document mentioned.

Other policy developments

In March 2022, the minister responsible for education adopted the Rules on teacher education student grants. It specifies the procedure, requirements and criteria for grants available to students in study programmes that lead to the qualification specified by law and other rules as required for education staff. The objectives behind awarding grants according to the rules are set in response to the long-term priority and employment requirements of public service educational institutions. Grants will serve as means for encouraging young people to study for professions in education, as well as for boosting the prestige of the those professions.

In January 2022, the minister responsible for education adopted the new Rules on the organization and work methods of commissions for the placement of children with special needs. It specified several processes of placement for preschool children. It was a follow-up consolidation with to the new system law the Act Regulating the Integrated Early Treatment of Preschool Children with Special Needs. The law has been standardising since 2019 the education of preschool children with special educational needs (SEN). The new Rules made provision to omit the implementation of individual elements of the programme for children with behavioural and emotional disorders (placed in the relevant educational institutions) in other educational institutions in the function of additional professional support in overcoming deficits, obstacles and/or disorders. Furthermore, it specified that SEN children could only be placed in institutes for education of SEN children and youth if the professional opinion addressed the disorder for which the institute has been established.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In March 2022, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Ordinance on the temporary measures for the prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19. It waived the condition for wearing facial coverings for basic school, upper secondary, higher education students and staff for the duration of implementing the education programme. The condition still applies for participants in practical lessons and work-based clinical training.

In February 2022, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the new Ordinance on the temporary measures for the prevention and control of infectious disease COVID-19. It waived the condition of recovered/vaccinated/tested proof in education, as well as doing self-tests in schools both for staff and students.

In January 2022, the minister responsible for education adopted Decision on winter term examination board composition 2021/2022 school year. It specified the amendment to the oral exam boards in upper secondary schools in the 2021/2022 school year. The school exam board could now not include additional member alongside the president and examiner. The examiner could in exceptional circumstances and because of quarantine or self-isolation participate in examination board online not necessarily face-to-face.  

In January 2022, the minister responsible for education adopted the Decision on measures for uninterrupted educational activities in basic schools in the school year 2021/2022. It specified the assessment of knowledge in basic schools, basic schools with adapted programme and educational institutes for children and youth with special educational needs until the end of the 2021/2022 school year. Among other, it specified lesser number of marks required for individual subjects and that marks should not be obtained with written exams mainly. It was premiss, that the knowledge of students in all subjects should be marked throughout the school year. Students, who because of absence in the first marking period had not received a single mark, could receive missing marks until the end of lessons in the 2021/2022 school year.



Modsernisation of basic and upper secondary general education (gimnazije)

The Government of the Republic of Slovenian adopted in April 2021 the Recovery and resilliation plan (sl). The Council of EU approved it end of July 2021. It includes the process initiated in February, namely the process of modernisation of education programmes and modernisation of the kindergarten curriculum.

The Ministry responsible for education started in February 2021 the multi-year modernisation of education programmes (sl). By the decision of the Minister, the National education institute Slovenia has to develop background material for the modernisation of education programmes in basic and upper secondary general education, background material for modernisation of knowledge catalogues for general education subjects in upper secondary vocation and technical education, and short upper secondary vocational education, as well as background material for modernisation of the Kindergarten Curriculum.

The Institute has to relate the background material to the current Analysis of subject-curricula in basic school and upper secondary general education, the findings of the pilots carried out and development projects and activities, as well as concepts developed in parallel.

The process of developing the background material has to comply with the strategic goals and policies of the national recovery plan that seeks to improve, in particular, the digital competences and sustainable development competences in basic and upper secondary general education, as well as other important strategic development documents of the Republic of Slovenia.

Other policy developments

In December 2021, the ministry responsible for education consulted the public on the Rules on additional professional and physical assistance for children with special needs. It established the right to an interpreter in Slovenian sign language for deaf and deafblind learners if it was so stated in their the placement order.

In December 2021, the National Assembly adopted the Act amending the Organisation and Financing of Education Act. The amendment related to the objectives in education, personal data processing for setting up and operations of the secured national information system for administering schools and school documentation of learners, as well as to the composition of councils of schools and kindergartens.

The law laid down additional objectives of education: education with the emphasis on the Slovenian culture and European values, and fostering curiosity, inquisitive spirit, imagination and intuitions, as well as developing independent thinking. It set up a single national information system of the highest standard of data protection and included among other: enrolment in kindergarten, basic school and upper secondary school, central civil register, mark book, daybook, school’s annual work plan, national school calendar, agreement on school meals, decision, notifications, and school certificates.

The councils of kindergarten and school will now include three representatives of a founder, three representatives of staff (five before) and three representatives of parents; in upper secondary school, two representatives of parents (three before) and on representative of students (two before).

In November 2021, the minister adopted:

The amendments were made as follow-up to the amendments of upper secondary education programmes “aktivno državljanstvo” (active citizenship) and “Interdisciplinarni tematski sklop” (interdisciplinary theme set). Teachers of active citizenship could have their teaching load decreased proportionally. Schools that provide the interdisciplinary theme set could form additional groups of the interdisciplinary set. By the norm that applied to basic schools, one introduced a new job post for cooks and/or dietary cooks in the upper secondary schools, namely the need for preparing meals according to the medically indicated diets (allergies, hypersensitivity to food, metabolism disorders, and other chronic illnesses) has been ever-present. The amendments to the rules introduced certain changes in educational requirements for employing cooks and technical staff.

In October 2021, the ministry responsible for education adopted the Action plan to work out the proposal for the installation of the Slovenian sign language in the system of preschool education, basic school education and upper secondary education in the period 2021–2024. It was developed by the working group consisted of representatives of professional community (institutes that provide education programmes adapted to deaf and hard of hearing learners, higher education institution), interest groups, National education institute, and ministry responsible for education. The aim is to address the individual aspects of education of deaf and hard of hearing learners comprehensively: the contents of the education programmes as well as mechanisms necessary to support the provision. The action plan includes four sets of activities:

  1. Analysis of the situation and mechanisms of on-going monitoring;
  2. Duties and responsibilities related to education programmes for deaf and hard of hearing learners;
  3. Promotion of learning and teaching of Slovenian sign language;
  4. Planning, coordinating and monitoring of activities.

Under each individual set, it specified the objectives and expected outcomes, as well as type of foreseen activities including indicators, operators, dates or timeframe and funds. Operators have started the activities already in 2021 and 2022. There has been a study ongoing on evaluation of the current model of education for deaf learners. The capturing of data on deaf and hard of hearing basic school and upper secondary students has been improved; the existing and new programmes of training for education staff have been carried out. For more information read the report by the working group.

In October 2021, the National Assembly adopted the Act amending the Organisation and financing of education Act. The amendments related to operations and status of school funds. School funds could now be allocated for participation of children, basic school and upper secondary students from socially less advantaged backgrounds in activities relevant to the provision of an officially recognised programme. These activities could not be covered in full with public funds if this would stand for equal opportunities. The beneficiary for up to 0.3 % of donations by individual residents (part dedicated under annual personal income tax) could be the school fund and/or kindergarten fund.

In September 2021, the minister responsible for education issued a public invitation to submit applications for co-funding of selective and interest school competitions in the  2021/2022, 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 school years. Because of leftover funds, it issued a second invitation in January 2022. In both invitations, there have been 20 interest competitions and 19 selection competitions (11 for basic schools and 8 for upper secondary schools) selected.

The ministry responsible for infrastructure modernised according to the Act amending the Road transport Act (sl) as of 1 September 2021 the system of subsidised tickets for upper secondary and higher education students, as well adult education learners. It introduced the subsidised ticket for integrated public passenger transport. The ticket at a common price of EUR25 for one month and/or EUR200 for the whole year shall allow students to travel unlimitedly on the public transport intercity routes in Slovenia. That means between not only the place of residence and place of education, but on routes all over the country.

In July, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the amendment to the Organisation and Financing of Education Act (en). The amendment introduces a 100 percent funding of the compulsory programme and 85 percent funding of the extended programme, namely supplementary lessons, after-school classes, morning care, and interest activities, in the private basic schools. It laid down eligibility criteria for public funding. Providers have to be on the relevant register, enrolment requirements have to allow access to basic school and upper secondary students without discrimination on the ground of nationality, race, gender, language, religion, political and other affiliation, birth, education, social status, disability or any other personal circumstance. Schools have to have at least 80 percent of teachers needed to implement the programme on staff.

The Minister responsible for education adopted in July 2021 the Rules amending the Rules on the matura for candidates with special needs (sl). The National committee for matura, matura testing committees for mathematics, and representatives of the association Društvo Bravo reached an agreement on the use of a simple calculator while taking the math exam – examination sheet 1 in general matura. Such aid is otherwise not allowed during the exam according to the Subject catalogue for general matura mathematics 2021.

Rules amending the Rules on the organisation and reimbursement of transportation costs for children and young people with special needs (sl) introduced amendments to provision of transportation of disabled children. In the past, head teachers of upper secondary schools had difficulties in finding the transporter with an adapted vehicle suitable for the transportation of students with moderate to severe physical disability. The physical disability of certain students is such that the students can move from a wheelchair into a vehicle on their own despite their disability in circumstances of domestic or organised transport and vice versa. If parents can drive a student in this way than there is no need to a different arrangement in school.

In July 2021, the Ministry responsible for education consulted the public on the following rules and relevant preambles to amendments:

  • Rules on norms and standards of implanting education programmes and the education programme for students with emotional and behavioural disorders in upper secondary education (sl)
  • Rules on norms and standards in upper secondary schools with Italian medium of instruction (sl)
  • Rules on norms and standards in the bilingual upper secondary school (sl), and
  • Rules amending the Rules on methods for funding upper secondary education programmes (sl).

The majority of proposed amendments related to increasing the counselling staff, librarian, and organiser of practical training at work, as well as accounting, administrative and technical staff. The draft rules introduce a new job post of a cook or dietary cook in upper secondary schools, as well.

In June 2021, the Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia signed with the Government of the Republic of Slovenian the Annex to the Collective Agreement for the Education Sector in the Republic of Slovenia (Annex to the Collective Agreement for the Education Sector in the Republic of Slovenia). It amended and/or stipulated the time lag for the salary, namely now it will be paid out on the day 10 of the relevant month at the latest. Further, it amended the commuting, meal and holiday allowances, amount of daily and off-site allowances, allowance per kilometre covered by a personal vehicle for work, holiday allowance, allowance for meals, compensation for upper secondary and higher education students in compulsory practical training, and threshold for acquiring the right to solidary help for members of the representative union. The amount of the allowance for meals will be adjusted twice a year, the amount of the separation allowance, daily allowance for business travels within the country, long-service bonuses and solidarity help once a year, and for the years of service taken into account when acquiring the right to long-service bonus one shall also take into account years of service at concessionaires that pursue activities in the public service network.

In March 2021, the Minister responsible for education adopted

  • Rules amending the rules on norms and standards of implementing the basic school programme  (sl)
  • Rules on norms and standards of implementing the education programmes for SEN children (sl), and
  • Rules on norms and standards of implementing the education programme in bilingual basic schools and basic schools with Italian medium of instruction (sl). The latter was further amended in July 2021.

The amendments will started with the school year 2021/2022. 

The amendments allow for a classification of further job posts for computer-organiser of information activities, so basic schools will be able to assure quality and efficient realisation of goals in the circumstances of distance learning, as well. Basic schools can now classify and employ Roma assistants who have been since over 10 years an important link among Roma children, their parents and education staff within the educational institutions. Basic schools and institutes that provide adapted and/or special education programme for SEN children can now the same as mainstream schools classify a job post for an assistant staff to support the Roma students.

The rules introduced a requirement of a higher level of educational qualification for accountants. They now have to have at least a first cycle higher education qualification or equivalent. The rules on norms in bilingual basic schools and basic schools with Italian medium of instruction on the other hand lower the standard for classifying an accountant.

The rules introduced, also, a new standard for a cook preparing meals in a basic school as it includes the preparation of medically indicated foods prescribed by a doctor. Now, schools can employ cooks on different job posts (cook IV, dietary cook IV, cook V and dietary cook V) according to the level of vocational and/or technical educational qualification and competences in preparing diet foods.

In May 2021, the Ministry responsible for education adopted the Funding of school competitions Rules (sl). The competent Ministry consulted other ministries and the public on the new Rules in February 2021. It specifies the requirements, selection procedure, funding, as well as eligible costs for cofunding school knowledge competitions and school talent and skills competitions, as well as competitions aimed to popularise knowledge in basic and upper secondary education. The Rules further specify the method for limiting the number of golden and silver award certificates, selection procedure, as well as eligible costs of international competitions organised in the Republic of Slovenia.

In March 2021, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Basic school documentation Rules (sl) after it consulted other ministeries on it in February 2021. It relates to the coordination of the Act on the Intervention for Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioural disorders in Education. A student’s personal portfolio includes the report of the mobile team, other relevant reports, as well as diagnostics. This portfolio has to accompany the student in case the students transfers to another school. In this way, one secures the continuity of support and understanding of the child’s difficulties.

In March 2021, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Rules amending the Upper secondary school calendar Rules (sl). It will apply from the school year 2021/2022. It introduces some changes to dates (exams and end of school), does away with mismatch with the relevant laws on annual work plan. The names of statistical regions will be updated and start dates for individual holidays amended, that is no-school days (public holidays). It also does away with the mismatch with the Upper secondary school documentation

In January 2021, the Minister responsible for education approved the amendments: - Rules on norms of implementing education programmes and education programme for students with emotional and behavioural disorders in upper secondary education (sl), - Rules amending the Rules on norms and standards in upper secondary schools with Italian medium of instruction (sl) - Rules amending the Rules on norms and standards in the bilingual upper secondary school (sl).

The amendments allow for eventual extra reduction in instruction time in view of the organisation to date for a teacher who is responsible to organise information activities and has proper competences.

In January 2021, one published the Rules on the process and criteria for the award of titles to education staff in the adapted programme for preschool education children and the special education programme for SEN children and youth in social welfare institutions (sl). The Minister responsible for education passed it. It specifies the procedure and requirements for the award of the relevant education staff title. The Rules gave the staff in social welfare institutions now can be promoted to titles the same as staff in mainstream education.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In December 2021, the National Assembly adopted the Act on Additional Measures to Stop Spreading and Mitigate, Control, Recover and Eliminate the Consequences of COVID-19. It specified that in case of the pandemic situation becoming worse, the decision to revert to distant learning for a specific time should be the decision of a head-teacher in consultation with the ministry responsible for education and the National institute of public health. An educational institution would have the opportunity to enter into agreement of employment for urgent duties and for a fixed term without the requirement to made a public announcement about the vacancy, until 31 August 2022.

In December 2021, the ministry responsible for education adopted the General and vocational Matura adjustment in the school year 2021/2022 Decision. It specified the amendment to the subject examination catalogues, implementation of matura in two consecutive terms, keeping record of e-mails of general matura candidates, insight in the examination documentation, appeal, justified reasons for an additional date for insight in general matura, return of examination documentation, nomination and composition of the school examination board, terms, development of test sheets for oral exams, organisation and notification of candidates in written exams, dates of oral exams and written exams, preparation of candidates for written exams, and implementation of oral exams.

In October 2021, the minister responsible for education adopted Decision on the emergency measures in personnel administration required for smooth operations of educational institutions. It specified that in the 2021/2022 school year, the workload of teachers in the centre for school and extracurricular activities (Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti – CŠOD) could be carried out by staff of CŠOD if they fulfil the requirements for education staff. Students in the second cycle study programme for teachers could cooperate under the supervision of a mentor in an educational institution on temporary or occasional basis. This would count for work experience required for them to sign up for a professional examination. In December, the decision was amended to allow employment of counselling staff in basic school, basic schools with an adapted programme or educational institutes for children and youth with special educational needs.

In October 2021, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the method of meeting the condition of morbidity, vaccination and testing to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus. The amendment specified among other that the frequency of screening should be increased for all staff to every 48 hours. Additionally, the amendments introduced self-testing for all students of basic school, upper secondary schools and tertiary education, and also for participating in sports programmes, sports recreational activities and extracurricular activities.

In September 2021, the ministry responsible for education adopted the Decision on the emergency measures in personnel administration required for smooth operations of educational institutions. The decision made provision for educational institutions for children and youth with special educational needs in the 2021/2022 school year to provide, if all other possibilities to enter into employment agreement have been exploited, an interpreter of the Slovenian sign language for deaf and hard of hearing students who had been placed in programmes for children with special educational needs.

The Ordinance on the approach to meeting the recovered-vaccinated-tested requirements to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (sl) came into force on September 6. It imposed self-testing on the students in grades 7, 8 and 9 and upper secondary students, adult education learners, and higher education students. Self-testing is imposed on children and young people enrolled in institutions for education and training for SEN children (institutions for children with emotional and behavioural disorders), and students at third to sixth level of special education programmes unless objective reasons exist against it. Basic school and upper secondary students, adult education learners and higher education students self-test with antigen testing kits at one-week intervals. They receive free test kits at the pharmacist’s. The antigen testing kits shall be state funded.

The ordinance imposed on education staff and other staff at all levels of education the recovered-vaccinated-tested requirement. The results of antigen self-testing kits taken at one-week intervals apply, as well. Employers in education provide funds for self-testing and specify the time and place of self-testing, it can be at home or at work. Employers can according to the ordinance act against the employees who do not meet the RVT requirement, namely according to the rules on occupational health and safety, rules on employment relations, and respective collective agreements. Persons and employees who fail to meet the RVT requirement shall not be allowed to used services and participate or be present during the provision of the service.

By the Decision on educational activities in public educational institutions in the school year 2021/2022 (sl) the new school year started in basic schools and upper secondary schools according to the model B according to the models and recommendations in circumstance of COVID-19 infectious disease (sl). Educational institutions have to account for the current epidemiological situation and pursue the educational activities as recommended by National institute of public health.

By the Distance teaching decision (sl) the distance teaching and learning in basic and upper secondary schools will take place if: Temporary restriction or prohibition of crowding in educational institutions, organisation of educational activities adjusted to epidemiological restrictions (alternate lessons etc.), and the competent inspectorate decides that the institution does not meet the defined restrictions to contain the spread of COVID-19 or quarantining of individual classes.

In March and April 2021, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Decision on the general and vocational matura adjustment in the school year 2020/2021 (sl). It specified adjustments to the subject examination catalogues, assessment, and implementation of matura in two consecutive exam terms, keeping records of electronic addresses of general matura candidates, access to examination documentation, complaint, return of examination documentation, nomination and membership of school examination committee, dates,  development of oral exam sheets, arranging and informing candidates of written exams, dates of oral exams and presentations, duties and responsibilities of the invigilating teachers, arrangement of the examination room, preparing candidates for the oral exam, oral exam execution, and execution of the exam in the fourth subject of the vocational matura.

On 1 April 2021, the deteriorated epidemiological situation and by the relevant ordinance of the Government (sl) all basic and upper secondary schools closed. They welcomed back basic schoolchildren of all classes and upper secondary students in final years (as to the 4- or 3-year programme). Other upper secondary students returned to school according to the hybrid model: half of classes alternate at one-week intervals between learning in school and distance learning. On 10 May 2021, all upper secondary students returned to schools. Hybrid learning was discontinued.

On 8 March 2021 and in accordance with the Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of assembly in educational institutions and universities (sl), the upper secondary schools opened their doors to the remaining students still taking distance lessons. The students returned to school to sit their lessons according to the adapted model C. This means that students alternatively go to school for one week and stay at home and take distance lessons the next. In this way, only half of students or classes are present at school. Present at all time at school for all lessons are final-year uppers secondary students and all students in short upper secondary vocational education.

On 15 February 2021, all basic schools reopened their doors for students of all grades. Final-year students in upper secondary education and all in short upper secondary vocational education, too, returned to school. According to the Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of assembly in educational institutions and universities (sl) as of February 2021,  the staff of educational institutions have to get weekly rapid SARS-CoV-2 tests.


Modernisation of basic education

With the school year 2020/2021, the in 2019 amended Rules on norms and standards of implementing the basic school programme (sl) started to apply. It narrates the normative organisation and inclusion of migrant children. Migrant children now have the right to additional Slovenian lessons according to uniform criteria as set by the new rules for children foreigners who enrol in the Slovenian basic school for the first time after moving to Slovenia. Schools with several foreign students (over 9) can now classify a new education staff post.

In the school year 2020/2021, teachers started to use the new subject-curriculum for learning Slovenian for migrant students and modernised subject-curriculum for compulsory optional subject rhetoric.

In the same school year, upper secondary schools started to use the modernised upper secondary programmes that include a new component, the so-called other forms of educational activities that include selective content in the gimnazija programmes, and interest activities in vocational programmes, as well as compulsory content active citizenship.

In February 2020, the Council of experts of the Republic Slovenia for general education specified three subject-curricula for beginning course of Slovenian for migrant students, namely separately for each of the three levels of the educational cycles. They started to apply with the school year 2020/2021.

Modernisation of upper secondary general education (gimnazije)

In February 2020, the Councils of experts of the Republic of Slovenia for general education and vocational and technical education passed the amended upper secondary education programmes. The programmes include a new component or other forms of educational activities: a compulsory set of contents on active citizenship, as well as non-compulsory contents in gimnazije and interest activities in vocational and technical education. Furthermore, the Council of experts of the Republic of Slovenia for general education approved in February the subject-curriculum and catalogues of knowledge for the above set of contents. The revised programmes will come into operation with the school year 2020/2021.

Other policy developments

End of December 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Act on the Intervention for Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioural disorders in Education (sl). The new law specifies the activities of the educational institutions for students with emotional and behavioural disorders that will assume the role of professional centres in four gaographical areas and will on their own or in cooperation with other professional centres provide the integrated support for children and youth with emotional and behavioural disorders. The law provides for several options of flexible support, specifies the cooperation of individual ministries, and introduces the mechanisms for better protection of rights and safety of children, youth and staff. The law aims in particular to set up a single system of integrated treatment of those children and youth in educational institutions that are in the realm of several ministries, and to make the setting up of professional centres that will offer preventive activities, too, to children in kindergartens and schools. In this way, all in need will receive help and support as soon as possible and eventual later placements.

In December 2020, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Rules on norms and standards for funding and provision of public service in adult education (sl). The Rules is the background document for decisions on funding the public service in 2021. This includes counselling service in adult education, and the basic school programme for adults.

In October 2020, one adopted the Rules amending the Rules on the criteria and methods for the valuation of material expenses in educational institutions for children with special needs (sl). The Rules provides for funding after the approval by the relevant Ministry renting extra rooms to institutions that lack sufficiant rooms for the delivery of educational activities.

In August 2020, one adopted the Rules amending the Education staff promotion Rules (sl), namely to honour the agreement signed between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia in December 2018. The Government committed to modernise in cooperation with the Union the career development of education staff. The Rules allow for the education staff to be promoted to the highest title.

In July 2020, the Ministry of education coordinated inter ministries the draft new law on the intervention for children and young people with emotional and conduct disorders and problems in education.

Response to the COVID-19 pandemic

In December 2020, the National committee for the matura concluded that the candidates for the matura 2021 have had unfavourable conditions for preparing in extraordinary circumstances of Covid-19 epidemics and schools being closed in the school years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, lessons nod delivered and distance learning. The Committe adopted in December 2020 the following adjustments (sl):

  • common bonus for all general matura subjects, external parts of examination (written exams, stage performances); 10 % bonus for the failing scope of the external exam part
  • written part in the language of instruction, mathematics and modern foreign lanugages
  • exam performances and written exams in music and contemporary dance
  • oral parts: increased predictability of content in compulsory subjects and modern foreign languages as optional subjects for students, and decreased scope of content for teachers at schools, and
  • practical parts of exams, that are term papers, laboratory assignments and other practical exams will be delivered according to the guidelines the schools received in October (submitted options of matura 2020).

In December 2020, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Decision on the emergency measures in personnel administration required for smooth operations of educational institutions (sl). According to the decision:

  • basic school increased the scope of the systematised post of the computer-information activities organiser
  • upper secondary schools extra decreased teaching workload per week for the teachers organisers of information activities with proper competences.

In December 2020, the Minister responsible for education adopted the Decision on measures for smooth provision of educational activities in basic schools in the school year 2020/2021 (sl) and the Decision on the organisation of lessons and assessment of upper secondary students in the school year 2020/2021 (sl). The decisions replaced the two assessment cycles in the school year 2020/2021 with only one that extends throughout the school year. The decisions further specified assessment. In basic school, the assessment takes place in a class with other students present or in a learning group, during distance learning, it can be taken individually, as well. It specified lower number of marks that the students have to obtain in individual subjects; the current Rules on assessment and marking in basic school specify otherwise. The relevant decision specifies that upper secondary schools have to harmonise the school rules of assessment (assessment methods and times defined with the subject-curricula or catalogue of knowledge, and the assessment plan, number of marks necessary in individual subjects or technical module in the assessment cycle), and teachers or education staff working groups have to harmonise the assessment plans and notify students about the times of assessment.

In November 2020, one adopted the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Mitigate the Consequences of the Second Wave of COVID-19 Epidemic  (sl). According to the new law, the local communities organised free warm meals for children from deprived backgrounds on the days of the distance learning. On the same basis, the Ministry responsible for education provided additional 8,600 computers for educational institutions, namely by the end of 2020 and to the amount of €5.7 million.

In October 2020, the Government adopted the Ordinance temporarily prohibiting gatherings of people in educational institutions and universities and independent higher education institutions (sl).

End of October 2020, the second wave of the pandemic caused schools to close. On 19 October 2020, students in grades 6 to 9 started distance learning. The following week were autumn holidays in line with the school calendar. The holidays were extended for another week. After the holidays, all students stayed at home and joined in the distance learning.

In the school year 2020/2021, the education activities in kindergartens, basic schools, music schools and upper secondary schools started on 1 September, namely in the specified time frame and according to the model B (all go to school). The Ministry developed together with the National education institute and National institute of public health and released the publication "Education in the Republic of Slovenia in reference to Covid-19" (sl).  Four possible models of instruction and relevant recommendations have been introduced, namely about how schools can plan and implement educational activities; it applies by analogy to kindergartens.

The education models of instruction and/or education activities shall apply according to the epidemiological situation in the country: 

  • Model A: all follow instruction in school
  • Model B: all follow instruction in school, but recommendations to prevent infection apply
  • Model C: some follow instruction in school, others do distance learning
  • Model D: all do distance learning

End of August, the public institutes (e. g. the National education institute – ZRSŠ, the Institute for vocational education and training – CPI) implemented various training (ZRSŠ and CPI) to support kindergarten teachers and school teachers, head teachers and other education staff in their endeavours to make distance learning work.

In July 2020, the public institute Arnes initiated the program "Additional support ICT for educational process". Its purpose is to set up ICT infrastructure that will support distance teaching and learning. The goal of the investment is to improve the infrastructure capacities and services, in particular online classrooms, videoconference services, and to purchase around 4,000 notebooks for schools to use in everyday activities and/or if necessary, lend out to students who do not have equipment for distance learning at home. The program is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and it tunes up to €4 m. To learn more about the program ...

In July 2020, one published the results of the study “Distance education in COVID-19 epidemic times in Slovenia” (sl). It was the National Education Institute (ZRSŠ) that implemented the study in May and June 2020, in week 8 of distance education, to analyse various practices of distance education in epidemic times. The research included the experience of distance teaching and learning, organisation and implementation of instruction, use of digital technology, realisation of learning objectives, didactical strategies and method of distance teaching, assessment of knowledge, self-evaluation of skills to implement distance teaching, benefits and challenges, as well as cooperation with different stakeholders.

With the improved epidemic situation kindergartens, schools welcomed back students on 18 May 2020: half of children in kindergartens, grade 1, 2 and 3 students in basic schools, and final-year upper secondary students. On 25 May 2020, grade 9 students, on 1 June students of grades 4 and 5 returned to schools, and on 3 June students of grades 6, 7 and 8. All basic school classes resumed normal dynamics as before the epidemic. On 3 June, all kindergartens and basic schools opened doors for all their children and students; most upper secondary students completed the year with distance learning. Upper secondary schools reopened doors for all their students on 24 June when students came in to pick up their certificates.

The national assessment at basic school was omitted this year. The final-year upper secondary students completed the year as specified by rules, namely with the final examinations, vocational matura or general matura.

In April and May 2020, the Ministry in cooperation with the Ministry of health, National institute of public health, National education institute, Institute for vocational education and training, Slovenian institute for adult education, representatives of the head teacher associations, representatives of the Independent trade union of education, science and culture, as well as other stakeholders joined forces to set the conditions for quality education, care for vulnerable groups, and safe reopening of kindergartens and schools. For this purpose, specific measures and actions were specified in the legislation on intervention measures to supress the epidemic spread and contain the epidemic and reduce or do away with negative impacts; the educational institutions received circular letters, instructions and recommendations for the implementation of educational process, assessment and completion of the school years.

Instructions and recommendations for kindergartens, schools, as well as schools and educational institutions for SEN children, higher vocational collages, residence halls for upper secondary students, music schools (sl) and Information and professional recommendation for adult education institutions (sl) have been published online. 

The decisions published on the websites of the Ministry of education, science and sports: Decision on the declassification of national assessment tests in hard copy and/or digital form in the school year 2017/2019 (.pdf, sl); Decision on deadlines for exercising the right and fulfilling the obligations in upper secondary education for the school year 2019/2020 (.pdf, sl).

In July 2020, one adopted the Act on Intervention Measures to Prepare for the Second Wave COVID-19 (sl). It specified among other the provisions of the Scholarship Act in reference to reimbursing employers the part funding of sponsorship scholarships and obligation of scholarship recipients as to employment. 

In May 2020, one adopted the the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Mitigate and Remedy the Consequences of the COVID-19 Epidemic (sl). It made provision for the exemption of payment for all parents for the time their child had been absent from the kindergarten during the epidemic; it allowed for the extension of deadlines to enrol in higher education institutions and to consider the extreme circumstances in the procedure of obtaining and maintaining the right to scholarship.

In April 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted and amended the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Contain the COVID-19 Epidemic and Mitigate its Consequences for Citizens and the Economy (sl) that among other, provided the legal background for the implementation of distant teaching and the option for the Minister responsible for education to adapt with a relevant decision the school calendar (academic for short-cycle higher vocational education), assessment and progression, completion of education, deadlines for exercising the rights and fulfilling obligations of all subjects in basic, upper secondary and short-cycle higher vocational education. It made provision for recognising work-based practical trainining, compulsory optional content and/or interest activities in upper secondary eduation. The law regulated the funding for providers of public services, as well as private kindergartens, that had not operated during epidemic.

From the closing of schools in March until the reopening for all basic school students, the public television TV Slovenija aired every day for basic school students an hour-long live show under the title “Izodrom” to support distance education. The show combined entertainment, fun and educational content. Every day it hosted teachers from all over Slovenia. It resulted in 49 shows and a portal hosting content that was and is useful to teachers and students teaching and learning distantly.

According to the Ordinance on the temporary prohibition of assembly in educational institutions and universities, as well as independent higher education institutions (sl), all kindergartens, schools, and most of institutions of education of SEN children, all adult education organisations, universities, and independent higher education institutions, residential halls for basic school, upper secondary and/or higher education students, and music schools closed their doors and have remained closed since 16 March 2020.

The Ministry of education and National Education Institutor Slovenia (ZRSŠ) communicated to basic schools and upper secondary schools the recommendation on how to organise and provide distance learning. At the state’s level, a coordination group was set up. The group coordinates and steers the activities of state institutions in terms of providing support to schools. A single entry point for head teachers and teachers to look for support and guidance, namely at the Slovenian educational network (SIO).  In view of the coronavirus epidemics SARS-CoV-2, several deadline have been extended: enrolment in short cycle higher vocational education programmes and higher education study programmes; application for several calls; cancellation of professional examination for education staff, etc.

Most schools organised distance learning already on the first day after closing, namely supported by the ZRSŠ and ARNES, contentwise and technical support respectively.

The Ministry, ZRSŠ and RTV Slovenia combined forces in developing a special programme for students of up to basic school grade five. The programme is a mix of educational, informative and entertaining contents related to the subject curricula.

In February 2020, the new School textbook fund administration Rules came into operation (sl). School textbook funds have been separate units of school libraries and administered by school librarians. The new rules provide for an expanded range of learning material kept in the textbook fund, and increase in autonomy of school in providing material for learning. It highlights the significance of proper choice of learning material that parents buy. Upper secondary schools that have set up a textbook fund (school autonomy)charge lending fees. Textbook funds are mandatory for basic schools and are state funded. The new methodology used to calculate annual funds now applis to exercise books for grade three students, that is for students in the first educational cycle (grades 1–3), however, schools have discretion to allocate funds across grades. School libraries are now included in the information system COBISS as specified by the new Librarianship Act (2015) and related reforms of school librarianship. The system will provide information to support for the ones overseeing the implementation of the rules, namely with relevant data.

In March 2020, the National Education Institution Slovenia (ZRSŠ) after a month-long public debate of experts published the proposed revision of the concept of identifying gifted and talented learners and educational activities for them. The group of experts on education and educational activities for gifted and talented children at ZRSŠ elaborated the document, and the focus groups gave their critical input, assessment and recommendation. The draft new document is the revised concept of identifying gifted and talented learners and educational activities for such learners at basic school (1999) and upper secondary school (2007). It was premised on appropriate expertise. It provides for identifying potential gifted and talented learners in schools, as well as in kindergartens, and it further outlines the role of mentors, pedagogical coordinators, school counselling service and teachers; It underlines individualisation, differentiation and personalisation in the scope of mainstream instruction and the significance of continuous education and training.