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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other Education Staff or Staff Working in Higher Education


10.Management and other education staff

10.6Other Education Staff or Staff Working in Higher Education

Last update: 13 June 2022

Short-cycle higher vocational education

Beside lecturers and instructors, education staff in short-cycle higher vocational colleges also includes librarians and laboratory assistants.


Librarians have a Master’s degree in library science, pedagogic-andragogic educational qualification, as well as they had passed professional examination. A librarian may also have educational qualification for a lecturer, pedagogic-andragogic educational qualification, and a certificate of supplementary study programme in librarian science.

Laboratory assistants

Laboratory assistants must hold an adequate short-cycle higher education degree and have competences in education work.

Higher education

Joint professional services

Professional, administrative and technical tasks at universities and private higher education institutions are performed by the so-called joint professional services – for legal, personnel, financial and investment matters, study and student affairs, international cooperation, etc. They employ professionals and other assistants for individual areas. With numerous system novelties in higher education, the scale and the difficulty of their tasks have been expanding and intensifying. In recent years new professional posts have become necessary: organisers of practical training, coordinators for work with children with special needs, new employees in international offices for establishing mobility programme connections for students and teachers and for work with foreign students.

Career counsellors and professionals

Providing information for students and helping them form their careers is the responsibility of career counsellors in career centres, while professionals in psychological counselling offices offer help to students in solving personal problems. The introduction of distance study and of new forms and methods of teaching and learning requires the employment of professionals for implementing and maintaining modern information communication technologies.

Employment requirements

The higer education institutions specify individual requirements for employment to those post. The candidates are selected after a public call for applications, while their status (employment relationships, salaries, working time, holiday allowances) is governed by the same rules as for other public servants.