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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 13 June 2022

In this chapter, you will find information about groups of students who are entitled by law to special support measures. They are students with special needs and students with special status. There is also a description of various types of support, as well as guidance and counselling to students for lifelong learning.

Definition of target group(s)

Students to receive special support:

  • students with special needs (by law: blind and visually impaired students, students with visual function disorder, deaf and students with hearing impairments, speech and language impairment, with physical disabilities, chronic illness or autistic spectrum disorder, and students with emotional and behavioural disorders)
  • Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and foreigners
  • top athletes and artists
  • students who participate in international competitions of knowledge
  • short-cycle tertiary students studying in parallel
  • students who become parents during studies
  • students living in extraordinary family circumstances, or
  • socially deprived students.

Specific support measures

Higher vocational colleges (HVC) and higher education institutions are autonomous in their approach to students with special needs (SEN students) and students with special status. They adapt individual activities and provide those students with equal opportunities. They define the rules with the institution’s statute and other instruments. At most higher education institutions, there are competent coordinators available to those students. All educational institutions that enrol foreign students have appointed a person or have a service for international cooperation.

Measures include:

  • Priority in the selection process, in case of cap on places in individual study programmes
  • Priority in the selection process for student residential homes
  • Adapted implementation of study programmes whereby students may progress and complete the studies beyond the time scheduled with the study programme while maintaining other student rights and benefits
  • Provision of additional equipment and professional assistance to SEN students
  • Rights of deaf and students with hearing impairment to extra hours provided by sign language interpreters (100 hours annually), and the right to sign language interpreting for practical training, lectures and other study obligations at public institutions
  • HVC and higher education institutions schedule up to 10 % places for Slovenian without Slovenian citizenship and foreigners in a call for application and organise learning of Slovenian for them;
  • Personal assistance
  • Assessment of knowledge for persons under international protection who cannot provide proof of educational qualification previously attained; passing candidates may enrol in the first year of short-cycle tertiary or undergraduate study programmes. Candidates have to show sufficient knowledge at the level of general upper secondary education in mathematics and English, and
  • scholarships: state scholarships for students with socially weaker background; SEN students receive extra benefit.

Disabled students are organized under the Disabled Students' Association of Slovenia (sl). The association’s aim is to stand and advocate for students with disabilities, implement programmes of assistance and other activities. Members of the association are physically disabled students, students with visual, hearing or speech impairment, and students with chronic or progressive illnesses or specific learning difficulties.