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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of post-secondary non-tertiary education

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.10Organisation of post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 10 June 2022

Types of institutions

The German-speaking Community only subsidises one educational facility: the supplemental vocational secondary school in medical and health care sciences. This department is not organised by a secondary school but by the Department for Medical and Health Care at the Autonome Hochschule, the only university in the German-speaking Community.

Geographical accessibility

The supplemental vocational secondary school in medical and health care sciences is organised at the Autonome Hochschule in the German-speaking Community, which is located in Eupen.

Admission requirements and choice of school

To be admitted to this course, the student must have completed the 6th secondary school year and be at least 18 years old.

This three-year vocational education is intended for pupils who - and this is the often the case - have completed a sixth year in secondary school or have passed the admissions tests (possibly after a preparatory year). Age levels and grouping of pupils

The SVSS [supplemental vocational secondary school] is divided into three academic years.

Age levels and grouping of pupils/students

See above. 

Organisation of the School Year

See section 6.1.5

Organisation of the School Day and Week

See section 6.1.6

The students regularly participate in practical rotations during the entire duration of their studies. During these weeks, they work according to the working hours of the wards or departments of the care institution at which they are placed.