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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Distribution of responsibilities

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

8.Adult education and training

8.1Distribution of responsibilities

Last update: 10 June 2022

 After the latest community election in June 2014, the responsibilities of the Minister changed, which influenced the structure within the ministry. The department of Adult Education is no longer located in the cultural sphere, but in the Department of Education and teaching organisation. Now formal and non-formal adult education and training is organized and managed by the same Ministry department. 

For the legislation period 2019-2024, the Minister of Education and Scientific Research of the German-speaking Community, Lydia Klinkenberg, is also responsible for the organisation of adult education and training. Her main political priorities concerning this specific field :  

  • Combating labour shortages through the acquisition of partial qualifications 
  • In-company and on-the-job training 
  • Identification of new training needs among adults and especially among people with a migrant background Digitalisation (development of learning tools and methods; resilience) 
  • Education for citizenship and democracy 
  • Permeability between forms of training 
  • Structural reform of technical and vocational training  

Diverse Training providers (voir chapitre 8.3):  

  • Training institutes  
  • ZAWM  
  • ADG  
  • Social economy organisation  
  • AHS  
  • Other actors (Dienstelle für Selbstimmtes Leben, Medienzentrum,...)