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Short-cycle higher education


7.2.First-cycle programmes

7.2.2Short-cycle higher education

Last update: 17 June 2022

Branches of Study

These two-year courses are mainly in the industrial, service and paramedical sectors. The two main types of training at ISCED 5 level (level 5 of the National Framework of Vocational Qualifications) are

Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS)

Prepared in the sections de techniciens supérieurs (STS), the BTS (higher technician's certificate) which are mainly located in secondary schools. In fact, more than 92% of STS students are enrolled in lycées (MENJS-DEPP, Repères et références statistiques 2020, fiche 6.01). At the start of the 2021 school year, there will be 83 BTS specialities available, and four more will open at the start of the 2022 school year. The BTS specialities are divided into fields and cover a wide range of professional sectors. These specialities are divided into two main areas: production (car mechanics, metallurgy, leather, etc.) and services (journalism and communication, health, commerce and sales, etc.). Successful completion of the BTS exam results in the award of 120 ECTS credits.

Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT)

Prepared in two years in Instituts universitaires de technologie (IUT - University Institutes of Technology ). The DUT will be replaced at the start of the academic year 2021 by the university bachelor of technology (BUT), which is a three-year professional licence  (Bachelor) with a technological content (see 7.2.1). However, the DUT will be maintained as an intermediate diploma of the BUT. The DUT leads to the acquisition of 120 credits, at the rate of 30 European credits per validated semester. Teaching is provided in 24 specialities, including :

  • 15 in the production sector (e.g. materials science and engineering; mechanical and production engineering),
  • 9 in the service sector (e.g. information and communication, business and administration management).

There are also other types of training and diplomas recognised at this level of education, such as the Diplôme d'études universitaires scientifiques et techniques (DEUST) or the diplôme national des métiers d'art et du design (DN MADE). The small number of courses available and the low number of students leads these courses and diplomas to be assimilated to BTS and DUT.

Admission Requirements

Since 2018, there has been a single procedure for all pupils in upper secondary education or students seeking a change of direction who wish to enrol in the first year of higher education. This national pre-registration procedure for initial training in the first cycle of higher education, known as Parcoursup, is dematerialised and is placed under the responsibility of the Minister for Higher Education.

According to Article L612-3 of the Education Code, the first cycle is open to all holders of the baccalaureate and to those who have obtained the equivalence or exemption from this degree by proving a qualification or experience deemed sufficient.

According to the same article, a selection of candidates may be made for access to :

  • University institutes of technology;
  • Higher education courses offered in secondary schools
  • Courses leading to scientific and technical university degrees (DEUST).

Article 612-31 of the same code specifies that admission to a section of higher technicians in public education is organised under the authority of the rector of the academic region, who defines, with the heads of the host institutions, the conditions for setting up and carrying out the admission procedure. The admission of a candidate is decided by the head of the host institution, after an admissions committee, mainly made up of teachers of the section requested, has assessed the application of each candidate.

Priority is given to technological and vocational high school students in the short courses:

  • In BTS, a number of places are prioritised for professional baccalaureates.
  • In DUT/BUT, a number of places are prioritised for technological baccalaureates with a target of 50% per institution.

Finally, it should be noted that admission to the BTS preparation course is automatic for candidates (whether students or apprentices) who have obtained a 'very good' or 'good' grade in the vocational or technological baccalauréat whose professional field corresponds to that of the higher technician section applied for. Similarly, admission to the DUT preparation is automatic for students who have obtained a "good" or "very good" mention in the technological baccalaureate whose professional field is consistent with the department of the university institute of technology applied for.


For the BTS, the programmes are defined nationally by decree for each speciality (example of a programme defined in the annex to the order of 19 February 2018 defining and setting the conditions for the award of the 'SME Management' higher technician's certificate).

The curricula for the DUTs are set nationally in the national teaching programmes (PPN, see list on the dedicated website), for each speciality. The PPNs specify the objectives of the training, the timetable, the coefficients, the teaching methods and the methods for testing knowledge and skills.

Teaching Methods

For the BTS, the teaching methods and expectations are also defined nationally in the decrees defining and setting the conditions of issue for each speciality. According to article L643-5 of the Education Code, the BTS can be prepared

  • By the school route, in high schools as well as in private technical schools;
  • By the apprenticeship route defined in Book II of the sixth part of the Labour Code;
  • Through continuing vocational training.

The higher technician's certificate can also be prepared by distance learning institutions under the conditions set by order of the minister responsible for higher education.

The teaching methods for the DUTs are detailed nationally in the national teaching programmes (PPN, see list on the dedicated website), for each speciality. The PPNs specify the objectives of the training, the timetable, the coefficients, the teaching methods and the methods for testing knowledge and skills.

Progression of Students

According to Article L643-6 of the Education Code, the training provided for the preparation of the BTS through the school system is organised in a two-year study cycle. The head of the school decides whether students should move on to the second year after consulting the class council.

For the DUT, according to the order of 3 August 2005, the teaching provided is grouped into two, three or four teaching units (UE) per semester, which are themselves divided into teaching modules. The teaching units are definitively acquired and can be capitalised on as soon as the student has obtained an average grade. The acquisition of a teaching unit leads to the acquisition of the corresponding ECTS credits.  The validation of a semester is automatically acquired when the student has obtained both : - An overall average equal to or higher than 10 out of 20 and an average equal to or higher than 8 out of 20 in each of the teaching units; - Validation of the previous semesters, when they exist.

The juries set up for the passage through each semester and the award of the university technology diploma are appointed by the president of the university on the proposal of the director of the IUT. These panels are chaired by the director of the IUT and include the heads of department and at least 50% of teacher-researchers and teachers. These panels sit separately and take separate decisions on the passage to the next semester and on the award of the university technology diploma. These panels may also make recommendations or give advice to students in order to facilitate their further training.


The training leading to the higher technician's certificate includes training periods organised under the responsibility of the training institutions. The procedures for organising the training and the work placements are specified by order of the minister responsible for higher education. According to Article D643-25 of the Education Code, the specific regulations for each speciality of higher technician's certificate specify, among other things, the duration of the training periods required to sit the examination.

For DUTs, the duration of supervised training corresponds to a minimum of 60 weeks. In addition to the courses leading to the award of the university diploma of technology, there are 300 hours of tutored project work in the IUT and at least 10 weeks of work experience in a company. This internship is intended to help with professional integration and gives rise to the writing of a report and an oral presentation by the student.

In addition, candidates who apply for courses on the parcoursup website are informed about the job opportunities and professional integration rates for each course.

Students Assessment

The BTS is awarded on the basis of the results obtained in an examination certifying the acquisition by the candidate of the skills, competences and knowledge and know-how constituting the units provided for in the assessment reference system of each speciality of the diploma and after passing the certification in English. This certification is subject to external evaluation and is recognised internationally and by the socio-economic world.

The diploma is awarded to candidates who have obtained an overall average of at least 10 out of 20 in all the assessments with their coefficient. The marks obtained in the optional tests are taken into account only for their part exceeding the mark of 10 out of 20. The additional points are added to the total points obtained in the compulsory tests for the award of the diploma.

For DUTs, according to the order of 3 August 2005, the courses taught are grouped by semester into two, three or four teaching units (UE), themselves divided into teaching modules. The teaching units are definitively acquired and can be capitalised on as soon as the student has obtained an average grade. The acquisition of a teaching unit leads to the acquisition of the corresponding ECTS credits.  The validation of a semester is automatically acquired when the student has obtained both : - An overall average equal to or higher than 10 out of 20 and an average equal to or higher than 8 out of 20 in each of the teaching units; - Validation of the previous semesters, when they exist.

The DUT, mentioning the jury's deliberation, the corresponding speciality and, if applicable, the option followed, is delivered by the President of the university on the proposal of the above-mentioned jury, once the four semesters have been validated.


According to Article L613-1 of the Education Code, in France, the State has a monopoly on the award of university degrees and titles, and therefore of the Bachelor (and equivalent titles). Degrees awarded by institutions can only be awarded on the basis of the results of the assessment of knowledge and skills by the institutions accredited for this purpose by the minister responsible for higher education, after consulting the National Council for Higher Education and Research (CNESR). A national diploma confers the same rights on all its holders, irrespective of the institution that awarded it.

The content and procedures for the accreditation of institutions are laid down by decree of the minister responsible for higher education, after consulting the CNESR. The content and procedures for accreditation take into account the link between teaching and research within the institution, the quality of teaching, the territorial map of courses, the objectives of professional integration and the links between the teaching teams and the representatives of the professions concerned by the training. An institution is accredited for the duration of the multi-annual contract concluded with the State. Accreditation may, after a national evaluation, be renewed by order of the minister responsible for higher education, following the opinion of the CNESR. The accreditation order of the institution authorises it to award, in compliance with the national training framework, the national degrees listed by order.

Organisational Variation

There are no organisational variants for this level of education.