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Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 17 June 2022

The Law on Education specifies that the purpose of education supervision is to monitor the availability and quality of education and promote educational development, provide guidance and evaluate performance. Education supervision comprises monitoring of access to education and its quality, provision of guidance to education providers, assistance agencies and education management entities, implementation of preventive measures, external evaluation, application of sanctions, promotion of measures for enhancing education improvement and other statutory instruments.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is charged with the task of performing state supervision of education providers' activities. Supervision of schools is performed by institutions implementing the rights and obligations of the owners (budgetary institutions in case of state schools), municipal executive institutions (budgetary institutions in case of municipal schools), institutions (meetings of participants) implementing the rights and obligations of the owners (public self-governing institutions in case of state and municipal schools) and the owners (meetings of participants) (in case of all other schools), with the help of external evaluators, if necessary. Supervision of the quality in higher education is performed in accordance with the procedure specified in the Law on Higher Education and Research

Schools and teachers are provided assistance aimed at promoting improvement of performance and attainment of better education quality through professional guidance, performance of both self-evaluation and external evaluation of the quality of school performance and creation of conditions for teachers’ continuing professional development. 

External evaluation of schools (except for higher education) is performed regularly at the initiative of institutions implementing the rights and obligations of the owners (budgetary institutions in case of state schools), municipal executive institutions (budgetary institutions in case of municipal schools), institutions (meetings of participants) implementing the rights and obligations of the owners (public self-governing institutions in case of state and municipal schools) and the owners (meetings of participants) (in case of all other schools). The procedure for organisation and performance of external evaluation in schools implementing the general education and formal vocational training curricula is established by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport. The procedure of external evaluation in schools providing non-formal education is established by institutions (meetings of participants) implementing the rights and obligations of state and municipal schools and by the owners (meetings of participants) in case of all other schools.

Requirements for appointment

Employees of the Ministry of Education, Science abnd Sport who perform the supervision of state education providers’ activities and employees of the municipal administration who perform the supervision of municipal education activities are civil servants. Their recruitment, duties and responsibilities, performance evaluation and other operational aspects are regulated by the Republic of Lithuania Law on Civil Servants

The National School Evaluation Agency performs selection and certification of independent experts to carry out the external audit to assess the quality of performance in general education schools subject to the Rules for the Selection and Certification of External Evaluators to Carry out the External Audit to Assess the Quality of Performance in General Education Schools.

An applicant wishing to participate in the selection of external evaluators must meet certain general and specific requirements. The general requirements include higher education and a teacher’s professional qualification, at least three years of teaching and/or managerial experience in the system of education and computer literacy. The special requirements comprise being well-versed in legislation on education and methodology for carrying out the internal audit to assess the quality of performance in general education schools; ability to analyse, organise and summarise information, draw conclusions and express one’s thoughts fluently and coherently both orally and in writing; ability to communicate and collaborate, be an active member of the team and have trust in others; competence in quick and efficient organisation of one’s own and others' work and objective decision-making, while maintaining a balance between rational and emotional intelligence.   

The applicant submits a reasoned application, his/her CV and also an analysis of the lesson observed and its evaluation to the National School Evaluation Agency. The External Evaluators Selection Committee that assesses the applicant’s documents selects external evaluators. Applicants who meet the general requirements are invited for interviews. During the interview, members of the Selection Committee assess whether the applicant complies with the specific requirements.

Conditions of service

Employees of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport who perform the supervision of state education providers’ activities and employees of the municipal administration who perform the supervision of municipal education activities are civil servants. Their working load is 40 hours within 5 working days of the week.

The civil servants’ conditions of service are regulated by the Law on Civil Servants, Labour Code, Government resolutions and other legal acts.

For the period of performing the external audit to assess the quality of performance in general education schools, external evaluators conclude a service contract with the National School Evaluation Agency. They remain employed in their main job, but, in agreement with their employer, may carry out the external audit of school activities during the time of their unpaid or ordinary leave. Remuneration for the performance of the external audit of the school depends on its duration, but the basic hourly rate is approved by the Coordinating Council of the National School Evaluation Agency.