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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.2Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 9 June 2022

The guiding and control positions in Pre-academic education are:

  • Guiding and control positions in the County School Inspectorates: school speciality inspector and school inspector.

  • Guiding and control positions in the Ministry of National Education: general inspector, specialty principal inspector, other positions established through Government Decision.

Management positions in the County School Inspectorates are General School Inspector and Deputy General School Inspector.

Guiding and control positions can be occupied only by permanent teachers.

The responsibilities of the inspectors are set such as to make the accomplishment of the County School Inspectorates attributions possible. Inspectors are responsible for the evaluation of the education system and educational process, according to the provisions of the law. The General School Inspector designates a certain number of schools in a specified area of the county for monitoring and evaluation for each inspector.

The main responsibilities of the inspectors include:

  • School inspections of all types – usually performed by teams of inspectors, according to the procedures, rules and regulations established through Ministerial Order.

  • Monitoring and evaluation of various activities performed within the schools in their responsibility.

  • Participation in various commissions organised at the level of the County School Inspectorates for educational planning, teachers mobility (selection, recruitment, appointment and transfers), evaluations for awarding the merit grade incentive, organisation of national exams for the pupils, etc..

  • Support for and guiding of in-service teacher training through organising various activities at the level of the County School Inspectorate and Teaching Staff Centre.

  • Coordination of subject competitions organised for pupils.

Requirement for appointment

Guiding and control positions can be occupied by permanent teachers with at least didactic grade II and 8 years seniority in education, distinguished for their professional, managerial and moral qualities. Appointment for guiding and control positions is based on open competitions organised by the County School Inspectorates or by the Ministry of National Education respectively (open recruitment procedure).

The competition for appointment in a guiding and control position is based on:

  • Analysis and evaluation of the CV.

  • Recommendation from the administration council of the educational institution where the candidate is appointed as permanent teacher.

  • Special inspection.

  • Practical test (class observation, analysis of lessons, organisation of the inspection).

  • Interview before a commission on school legislation, educational management and professional deontology.

  • Written examination according to the profile of the position (only for guiding and control positions in the Ministry of National Education).

Appointment in guiding and control positions in County School Inspectorates is accomplished by the General School Inspector with the agreement of the Ministry of National Education. Appointment for guiding and control positions in the Ministry of National Education is accomplished through Ministerial Order.

General School Inspectors and the Deputy General School Inspectors (management positions in the County School Inspectorates) are appointed on a contract-basis for a period of 4 years by the Ministry of National Education, through an open competition. The General School Inspector position can be occupied by permanent teachers with didactic grade I and 8 years of seniority in education, distinguished for their professional, managerial and moral qualities. The General School Inspector coordinates the entire activity of the County School Inspectorate and is subordinated to the Ministry of National Education through the Secretary of State for Pre-academic Education.

The competition for appointment in a management position in the County School Inspectorates is based on:

  • Analysis and evaluation of the CV.

  • Professional qualities proved in teaching activity, as well as in management and/or guiding and control positions previously held.

  • A diploma de doctor or didactic grade I.

  • Interview before a ministerial commission on school inspection, school legislation, educational management and professional deontology.

Appointment of the General School Inspector and of the Deputy General School Inspector is accomplished through Ministerial Order.

Conditions of service

As a general rule, the inspectors working in the County School Inspectorates, the General School Inspectors and the Deputy General School Inspectors are appointed for a 4-year term of office. Inspectors are appointed by the General School Inspector, with the agreement of the Ministry of National Education, and General and Deputy General School Inspectors are appointed though Ministerial Order. The conditions of service are established within the Teaching Staff Statute, various orders of the Ministry of National Education, as well as within the job-description elaborated by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports. The job-description signed by the two parts – employer and employee – becomes an annex of the individual labour contract.

As part of their activity, inspectors working in the County School Inspectorates have the obligation to perform 2 teaching periods per week. Inspectors can be paid for supplementary teaching periods – in the limit of 4 to 6 periods per week. Working time is of 40 periods per week, including teaching periods. Inspectors manage their time such as to accomplish all their duties set by the legislation.

When acting in schools as part of their duties, inspectors have to follow a set of rules of conduct established within the Ministerial Order regarding organisation and deployment of the school inspection.

The basic salaries of guiding and control personnel, as well as of management personnel in the County School Inspectorates, are established according to their teaching positions. To the basic salary is added an indemnity established within the following ranges: 30-40% for the speciality inspector; 25-30% for the school inspector; 35-45% for the Deputy General School Inspector; 45-55% for the General School Inspector; 45-50% for the speciality principal inspector or equivalent positions in the Ministry of National Education; 45-55% for the general inspector or equivalent positions in the Ministry of National Education.

Teachers appointed in management, and guiding and control positions benefit of teaching post reservation – meaning that upon finishing their term of office they can return to the previously held teaching position. At the same time, upon finishing the term of office, they can compete again for the same or another position.

Individual professional performances of the management and of guiding and control personnel are evaluated annually by the Ministry of National Education and the General School Inspector respectively. The evaluation is similar to the one undertaken by the teachers except that is focused on the specific duties.

Considering the fact that for all guiding and control positions in Pre-tertiary education are appointed teachers for a limited period of time, all the general provisions of the legislation concerning condition of service of teachers apply accordingly.