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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational support and guidance


12.Educational support and guidance

Last update: 17 June 2022

General aim of education development policy in Latvia is qualitative and inclusive education for personal development, human welfare and sustainable development of the country.

Inclusive education is a process where all relevant and multiple needs of students are ensured, increasing their participation in education process, in culture and communities,  and diminishing exclusion opportunities from education and education process.

General context

According to the Education Development Guidelines 2014-2020 (document available in Latvian language) approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, main target groups in need of support and inclusive education are groups at risk due development, ability, health and social background conditions and problems. Third-country citizens, ethnic minorities and Roma children also are among target groups for inclusive education, as well as children of returned emigrant families and Latvia’s citizens’ children who born abroad (see also about Roma integration policy).

There are also some support measures for talented children in general education programme. On the other hand, there are many vocationally oriented education programmes in arts and sports, and interest-related education programmes in different fields where talented children are welcomed to participate and develop their talents. However, talented children are not recognised by the main steering documents as a target group in need of special support.  

Legislative framework

Recent amendment to the Education Law states that education institutions are responsible for ensuring of career guidance support.

The Law also states that education in Latvia may be acquired in other language than Latvian in public education institutions where education programmes for ethnic minorities are implemented. This regulation ensures significant support for children of some immigrant groups as well as for ethnic minorities of Latvia.

At the same time, the Law defines persons with special needs as one of the main and specific education target group. For the needs of this target group special education programmes are offered. The General Education Law states that students with special needs may acquire special education programmes in special educational institutions or classes. The General Education Law also states that mainstream educational institutions, which have the appropriate provisions, may integrate students with special needs on the basis of an opinion of a state or local government pedagogical medical commission.

National policy objectives

Implementation of principle of inclusive education and reduction of social-exclusion risk

 Base value (year)Year 2017Year 2020
Reduction of proportion of Roma children – early school leavers10% (2012)9%7%
Reduction of proportion of 11 years old children who were abused by their peers in education institution at least twice during recent few months23% (2010)20%15%
Proportion of special needs children integrated in general education institutions  ISCED 1-3, as percentage from total number of students4% (2012)10%33%
Diagnostic of children’s special needs and learning difficulties at early stage for timely prevention and correction10%20%20%

Reduction of early school leavers (ESL)

 Base value (year)Year 2017Year 2020
Proportion of children of compulsory schooling age not enrolled in any education institution5,4% (2013)4,4%3%
Proportion of ESL (18-24 years of age)10,6% (2012)10,2%10%
Proportion of drop-outs from vocational upper-secondary institutions6% (2012)5%3%

Education content quality development (support for talented pupils)

 Base value (year)Year 2017Year 2020
Pupils with high learning achievements (15 years old, PISA level 5 and 6) proportion of them in reading literacy, mathematics, science4,2%, 8%, 4,3% (2012)4,5%, 8%, 5,5%7%, 8%, 8%

Source: Education Development Guidelines 2014-2020 (in Latvian language)