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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 17 June 2022

Bilateral Agreements

Bilateral treaties have been signed with almost 40 countries, and most of them provide for supporting the exchange of the pupils, students and teaching staff, implementation of further education programmes as well as cooperation in order to facilitate recognition of foreign diplomas and qualifications. The following are examples on existing agreements with a third countries:

  • Azerbaijan (04.10.2006.) An agreement on co-operation in education foreseeing exchange of pupils, students, professors and scientists.
  • Belarus (13.05.2004.) an agreement between education ministries of Latvia and Belarus provide for cooperation in education and science, exchange of information as well as of students, researchers and teaching staff; (27.10.2006) an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia and State committee of the Science and Technology of Belarus on co-operation in the field of science and technologies supports the exchange of   professors and scientists; (September, 2010) an intergovernmental agreement on Master level Management study programme cooperation.
  • Canada (25.09.2009.) An intergovernmental agreement on new citizen exchange.
  • China (07.06.1996.) An Agreement between the governments of Latvia and Peoples Republic of China on co-operation in Science and Technologies; (02.09.1996.) an agreement between the governments of Latvia and Peoples Republic of China on co-operation in Culture and Education; (22.10.2010.) an agreement between the MoES of Latvia and the Ministry of Education of the Peoples’ Republic of China on diploma and higher education qualifications’ recognition.
  • Croatia (23.02.2001). Agreement on Co-operation in the Fields of Science, Technology and Higher Education. The exchange of students, professors, scientists and experts is supported.
  • Egypt (01.03.2009.) An intergovernmental agreement on co-operation in education and science.
  • India (01.09.1995.) Bilateral memorandum of understanding with India on co-operation in fields of culture, art, education, science, media and sport.
  • Israel (27.02.1994.) An Agreement between the governments of Latvia and Israel on co-operation in fields of education, culture and science.
  • Mexico (15.04.2005) An intergovernmental agreement on co-operation in education, culture and sport.
  • Moldova (07.09.2006) An intergovernmental agreement on co-operation in education, culture, youth and sport.
  • Mongolia (01.07.2003.) An Agreement on Co-operation in Culture, Education and Science, providing exchange of students, teaching staff and experts.
  • Turkey (19.04.2005) An intergovernmental agreement on co-operation in education, science, culture and sport supports exchange of students, professors, scientists and athletes.
  • Ukraine (21.11.1995.) Agreement on Co-operation in Education, Science and Culture promotes exchange of students, doctoral students, scientists, teaching staff and educational specialists.
  • USA (12.03.2003.) on private education institution "The International School of Latvia"; (January, 2010) bilateral memorandum of understanding on the Fulbright academic exchange programme

Regional co-operation in the field of education among the Baltic countries and Nordic countries

Co-operation among the Baltic countries is orientated towards harmonization of education systems. Agreements signed among the three states – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia - include the establishment of a Tripartite Commission on Education Matters and Co-operation in the Matters of General Secondary Education, Vocational Education and Special Education. All sides have also agreed to recognise qualifications of higher education as well as to provide the same rules for tuition fees and support for studies in higher education institutions. 

The Baltic Education and Eurointegration Co-operation Group is the annual meeting of the ministers of Education and specialists of three Baltic States in order to discuss actual issues, projects or problems in the field of education.

In the beginning of 2007, Ministry of Education and Science signed mutual co-operation agreement with the respective ministries of Estonia and Lithuania. It will help to facilitate mobility between the Baltic States in the field of higher education and mutual  cooperation in the area of the evaluation of the quality of higher education. It is foreseen to develop joint programmes in higher education involving academic staff from the Baltic States. Further, in 2008 an agreement on a common doctoral programme was signed between three Baltic universities, namely, University of Latvia, Univeristy of Tallinn and  Vytautas Magnus University. 

Since the beginning of the 1990s a good co-operation has evolved with the Nordic Council.

WitNordic and Baltic flags.jpgh support of Nordic Council of Ministers, Latvian students, representatives of teaching staff, scientists and officials exchange and gain experience, establish contacts with education institutions in Nordic Countries and develop new projects. Since 2008 Latvia participates on equal footing with Nordic Countries in Nordplus programme, which offers financial support to a variety of educational cooperation between partners in the area of lifelong learning. 

Latvia is also a member of the Council of Baltic Sea States - an overall political forum for regional inter-governmental cooperation. The Members of the Council are the eleven states of the Baltic Sea Region as well as the European Commission.

Cooperation and participation in worldwide programmes and organisations 

More than 50 schools in Latvia are participating in the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) since 1993. Schools from all regions of Latvia take part in the project by developing pilot projects within innovative solutions to one of the ASPnet priority thematic fields of activity – multicultural and civic education or cooperation in environmental education in the Baltic Sea region among flagship projects.

Participation in International Education Surveys

In 2016 the Ministry of Education and Science has started the European Social Fund project ‘Participation in International Education Surveys’ (Dalība starptautiskos izglītības pētījumos) with the objective to introduce in Latvia internationally comparable education quality monitoring system. The project will ensure Latvia’s data analysis of PISA 2015 and participation in PISA 2018 survey, as well as gathering and analysis of TALIS, IEA PIRLS 2016 data, and participation in some other surveys.

The project ensures Latvia's participation in OECD Indicators of Education Systems (INES) programme, allowing international comparison of Latvia's data in the report 'Education at a Glance'.

Results of data analysis will develop education quality monitoring system and will strengthen education quality in general, because the evidences will be used for policy planning and evaluation. Other project partners are the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia and Institute of Educational Research of the University of Latvia.

The project is carried out since July 2016 till December 2019 and the total public funding of the project, including the ESF funding and national budget contributions is 2 399 998 EUR.

Participation in International Skills Competitions

Being a part of WorldSkills Europe and a participant of Euroskills competition, in 2011 Latvia has become an associated member of WorldSkills International. The participation of Latvia provides means to evaluate the competitiveness of the vocational education system on the global scale and provides impulses for improving the curriculum and delivery methods of vocational training.Skills latvia.jpg

Successful participation of young Latvians in EuroSkills and WorldSkills competitions makes vocational training more attractive and increases the motivation of VET students. Education policy makers are getting a realistic impression of the quality of vocational training and ideas for improvement VET system in Latvia, but labour sector experts can learn about global development trends in their respective sectors.

WorldSkills EuropeWorldSkills Internationalparticipation of Latvia