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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational support and guidance


12.Educational support and guidance

Last update: 12 June 2022

One of the core national priorities requiring unified efforts of the Bulgarian society is concerned with the transition of Bulgarian education into an efficient system which makes an integral part of pan-European educational space. Therefore the state policy in the field of education is directed towards acceleration of its modernization and development and at the same time keeping the traditional values of the Bulgarian educational system. In the last couple of years a number of concrete steps have been made for the harmonization of Bulgarian legislation with the European one in view of the opening of the Bulgarian educational system and assuring equal access to quality education for every child, pupil and student. Along with the legislative changes in the sphere of pre-school education and training, school and higher education certain conditions and basic principles were regulated to provide a supportive environment for children and pupils with different kind of disabilities and of disadvantaged position which can allow their equal and full participation in the educational process, in external evaluation of pupils of IV, VII and VIII class and at state matriculation examinations. Measures for building a supportive environment are related both to the provision of architectural, information and communication access at schools and universities, and to the development of special syllabuses and educational programs, printing adapted textbooks and teaching adds, teachers training, etc. These principles are regulated in a number of laws and normative acts and in various national strategy plans and programs.

Public Education Act Changes in the Law in 2002 have regulated integrated training of the children and pupils with special education needs at the kindergartens, schools of general education and vocational schools.

Rules for the Public Education Act Enforcement Changes in the rules in 2003 regulated practical enforcement of integrated training by defining children and pupils with special education needs, by formation of teams for complex pedagogical evaluation in regional inspectorates on education, by creation of a supportive environment for kindergartens and schools where these children and pupils are trained, by composition of teams of experts at the kindergartens and schools where children and pupils with special educational needs are trained on an integrated basis.

Law on the Integration of People with Disabilities It regulates the commitments of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (MEYS) for providing integrated training of the children and pupils with special education needs of pre-school and school age, as well as arrangements of high schools related to the admission and training of pupils with disabilities.

Ordinance No 1 of 23.01.2009 for training of children and pupils with special education needs and/or with chronic diseases It defines fundamental principles and objectives of complex pedagogical evaluation, imposed by practice additional functions of expert teams, coordination of activities of resource support in the process of education and training, cooperation with parents of disabled children, new functions of specialized schools in compliance with the new priorities in the activities of the Ministry of education youth and science, related to the development of integrated education.

National plan for integration of children with special education needs and/or with chronic diseases in the system of national education, adopted by Council of Ministers’ Decision in 2003 The document defines for the first time certain specific activities, time frames, and responsibilities of various institutions and organizations for implementation of integrated training.

Program for development of education, science and youth policies in Republic of Bulgaria (2009-2013) Strategic priority directions of the MEYS are defined, one of which is equal access assurance to education.

Ordinance No 3/2004 for organization and conduct of state matriculation exams, Ordinance No 3/2003 for evaluation system, Ordinance for textbooks and teaching aids of 2003, Ordinance on the terms and conditions for protection of gifted children of 2003, Strategy for Educational Integration of Children and Pupils from Ethnic Minorities, National Strategy for Children 2008-2018, National Program for Child Protection, National program for safeguarding the rights of children with disabilities 2010 – 2013, Ordinance No 3/2009 on the terms and conditions for providing free education in Bulgarian language as well as for learning the mother tongue and culture of students at compulsory school age – children of citizens of member-states of the European union, European economic space and Switzerland, etc., – all of these documents regulate specific educational, social and other measures in order to ensure conditions and opportunities for all children to learn and develop their potential, to live and participate as full citizens in a modern society, regardless of their origin, health condition, abilities and special needs.