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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Three categories of students benefit from scholarships of teaching grants:

  • Excellent students;
  • Students enrolled in study programmes that constitute a national priority;
  • Students who belong to disadvantaged social groups.

Scholarships for excellent students are awarded to students with maximal GPA in admission, at national level, regardless of the study programme or the institution where they have chosen to attend their studies. The student continues to benefit from this grant if throughout the years of study her/his results continue to be excellent. Scholarships for students are granted to those students who have chosen to attend a study programme in a public higher education institution whose area of study constitutes a national priority, as provided by Council of Ministers. Scholarships for students of disadvantaged social groups are allocated to students who are admitted to public higher education institutions and meet the criteria to be considered students in need, as provided by Council of Ministers. The student loan scheme is open to all students who earn the right to study in higher education.

During school year 2016-2017 the number of assistant teacher for children with limited abilities at basic education amounted to 310 teachers. 

Within the framework of the fight against trafficking of human being during the period 15 February-15 March 2017 trainings with teachers in the regions of Shkodër, Tiranë, Vlorë and Korçë were organized on the use of the Curricular Module for prevention of human being trafficking. This module was drafted with the support of IOM and in cooperation with the National Coordinator for Anti-trafficking. These trainings were attended by 195 teachers of the subjects Citizenship, Education for the Society, History and Geography which in turn were certified for the attended trainings.

MESY in cooperation with the Psycho-social Center “Vatra” during the period February-April 2017, trained 60 psychologists and social works of RED of Fier, Fier, Vlorë, Berat and Gjirokastër on the risk of trafficking and exploitation of human beings.

During the period February-March 2017 forms have been filled in with data for Roma and Egyptians on ROMALB portal. For the school year 2016-2017 3444 Roma pupils and 5 833 Egyptian ones are provided with free of charge school textbooks. Free textbooks are provided as well for sixteen social vulnerable groups (orphans, children with disabilities, children with one living parent receiving social financial assistance, the 3d and younger children in families with more than three children receives free school textbooks: making up approximately 100.000 children in 2016-2017). Meanwhile, free transportation is provided in kindergartens and schools for Roma and Egyptian pupils that travel for a distance of more than two km from their residence to frequent those institutions.

Regarding the guarantee of transportation for pupils that follow pre-school and basic education in a distance for more than 2 km from their permanent residence place and for teachers that live in a distance more than 5 km from their working place and the 100% covering of expenses of transportation with state budget means they are treated in compliance with DCM No. 682, dated 29.07.2015 "For the use of public funds for transportation of education personnel and teachers that work and study away from their place of residence”.

Each academic year MESY approves guidelines, part of which are facilitations of admission of person with special needs. At the same time, DCM are approved on the exclusion of the tuition fee payment for the first cycle of studies and on the reduction of the tuition fee payment for the second cycle of studies.