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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 21 June 2022

Definition of the target group

There is no definition of disadvantaged learners in higher education in Luxembourg.

In fact, the financial aid for higher education(aide financière pour étudessupérieures)is supposed to provide sufficient support to students at risk of poverty and social exclusion. This aid may also be demanded by political refugees.

Persons with special needs have the possibility to claim an additional financing related to their handicap. This additional financing may be awarded for any kind of technical support needed in order to pursue education and training.

Specific support measures

Students with special needs have the right to demand exemption from the maximum duration fixed for the different types of studies or their individual modules in order to have more time to achieve the required results (règlement grand-ducal du 22 mai 2006 relatif à l'obtention du grade de bachelor et du grade de master de l'Université du Luxembourg, article 8). On presentation of medical certificates corresponding to the types of handicap defined by the social security services, special arrangements for exams can be accorded.

The University of Luxembourg offers language classes to all students alike. Although such classes may facilitate the linguistic integration of immigrants and foreign students, they are not designed as support measures for any specific target groups.