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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Distribution of Responsibilities


8.Adult Education and Training

8.1Distribution of Responsibilities

Last update: 16 June 2022

At top level, the responsibility for adult education and training is distributed between three ministries; the Ministry of Children and Education, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture.

The Ministry for Children and Education

The Ministry of Children Education is responsible for formal adult education and continuing training equivalent to the Danish Folkeskole, youth education and vocational training. More precisely, this includes:

General adult education: (At lower/upper secondary level + special offers at levels that cannot be indicated precisely)

  • Preparatory Adult Education (Forberedende Voksenundervisning, FVU)
  • General Adult Education (Almen Voksenuddannelse, AVU)
  • Single Subject Courses leading to Higher Preparatory Examination at upper secondary level (HF enkeltfag)
  • Various courses at levels that cannot be indicated precisely: Provided for adults with special needs, for instance "Danish as a Second Language" aiming to support integration in Denmark, and "Special education for handicapped adults".

For more information: Fact sheet on the general adult education programme.

Adult vocationally-oriented education: (From initial vocational education and training level to the highest level)

  • Adult Vocational Training Programmes (Arbejdsmarkedsuddannelser, AMU)
  • Basic Adult Education (Grundlæggende Voksenuddannelse, GVU)

For more information: Fact sheet on adult vocational training.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science is responsible for formal higher education for adults. This includes:

  • Advanced Adult Education (Videregående Voksenuddannelse, VVU) – comparable to short-cycle higher education level/ academy profession programmes within the ordinary educational system.
  • Diploma programmes (Diplomuddannelse) – comparable to medium-cycle higher education level/bachelor’s programmes.
  • Master programmes (Masteruddannelse) – comparable to a long-cycle higher education level/ master’s degree (kandidatuddannelser)

The Ministry of Culture

The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the non-formal adult education and training such as:

  • The Folk High Schools
  • Evening Schools
  • Day Folk High Schools
  • University Extension Courses

At lower level, adult education and training takes place at a number of different institutions. General qualifying educational offers such as General Adult Education (AVU) and Preparatory Adult Education (FVU) take place at institutions for vocationally-oriented programmes, adult educational centres (VUC) and higher educational institutions, while non-formal education is offered at production schools, folk schools and evening schools. Adult education and training at regional and local level is specified in chapter 8.3, “Main Providers”.

A glossary listing terms referenced on this page can be found here.