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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility and internationalisation

Bosnia and Herzegovina

13.Mobility and internationalisation

Last update: 12 June 2022


Encouraging mobility for learning and improvement of the international dimension of education, and the development of international relations among educational institutions, is one of the most important strategic goals. In order to achieve these objectives, a number of instruments were established, of which the most important are funds and programmes of the European Union, and intergovernmental bilateral and multilateral programmes and initiatives. Bosnia and Herzegovina benefits Community programmes supporting mobility for learning.

The internationalization of education, especially higher education is an integral part of all policy documents at national and institutional level. The legal framework is developed in the direction of facilitating and encouraging internationalization in all its aspects, including mobility.

The Strategic Directions of Development of Education in BiH with Implementation Plan 2008-2015, projects the year 2015 as the year in which the process of inclusion of BiH higher education in the European Higher Education Area and European Research Area is completed. In accordance with the EU Lisbon objectives, BiH strategy for 2015 is projected to increase net generational enrollment rate at 32%, with 20% at the time of drafting the Strategy.

Internationalization of higher education is one of the priorities of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Higher Education in the Federation of BiH from 2012 to 2022. This document has 24 targets and each of them is directly or indirectly part of the institute of internationalization.

Education Development Strategy of the Republic of Srpska for the period 2010-2014 prefers reaching European models and standards of education system, particularly in terms of learning outcomes and profile of the teaching staff, and improving general education parameters to the level of the surrounding countries.

Internationalization is one of the key objectives of the Strategy of Development of Higher Education in the Canton of Sarajevo 2010-2015, and strategic tasks in this field are grouped under the name "International Cooperation".

The third strategic objective of the Strategy 2012-2017 of University of Mostar is inclusion into the European mainstream of higher education and science. This goal has seven tasks.