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European perspective

Bosnia and Herzegovina

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.6European perspective

Last update: 12 June 2022


Education and training have a prominent place in the Europe 2030 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. A headline target has been set for education which specifies twin goals on early school leaving and higher education attainment, while under the European semester of economic governance, the key messages of theAnnual Growth Survey (AGS) as well as the Country-specific Recommendations have strong links with education and training.

BiH's education priority is a reform in vocational and higher education. For vocational education, priority is the introduction of a quality assurance system. For higher education, one of the key priorities is the development of study programs based on learning outcomes, where this has not yet been done. Realizing these priorities is closely related to employment. It is also necessary to improve conditions for performing practical teaching (equipping cabinets / workshops), establishing school partnerships with employers, motivating employers to receive students in practice, and enabling professional development of teachers of professional subjects in enterprises. In addition, further strengthening of the autonomy of the University of BiH, scientific research work, and stronger linking of higher education with the labor market is needed.

For more information on reforms see the National reform programmes 2021-2023.