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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Bosnia and Herzegovina

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 12 June 2022
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The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at its 24th session, held on January 28, 2021. On the proposal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopted a new strategic document for the field of vocational education and training "Improving the quality and relevance of vocational education and training in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Based on the Conclusions from Riga (2021-2030)".

Republika Srpska has adopted the Adult Education Strategy for the period 2021-2031.


With the closure of schools due to the corona-Covid-19 virus pandemic, online vocational and distance learning modalities have been applied in vocational secondary schools, as well as in general secondary schools, and all students have completed the school year online in June 2020.

It was found that 35% of young people encountered difficulties in accessing online teaching, such as lack of appropriate device and internet access, but also the need to share the device with other household members and lack of adequate space for learning.

Education authorities have mobilized existing resources in their own communities to procure ICT devices and the Internet for children who have not had access to online teaching, e.g. contacting telecom companies to provide free internet, engaging international donors and establishing partnerships with the private sector and parents' associations.

Vocational secondary schools, as well as general secondary schools, started in accordance with the law, ie the school calendar, with the possibility of revising the further course in accordance with the epidemiological situation. Classes are organized as for secondary schools and mostly combined classes are used (students in classrooms and online classes), except in the Brcko District, where classes are organized in full school hours, 45 minutes and only in classrooms.

Adult education is carried out in compliance with epidemiological measures and in combination.


In order to improve vocational secondary education, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska in June this year adopted a Rulebook on the manner of education of students at the employer, which prescribes the way of education of students at the employer, mutual rights and obligations of students, parents, or other legal representatives of students, school and employer, as well as other issues of importance for the education of students at the employer. Republika Srpska is also implementing the project "Improvement of Practical Education in Secondary Vocational Education" implemented by the Ministry in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska, the Union of Employers' Association of Republika Srpska and the Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship of Republika Srpska.