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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in higher education

Bosnia and Herzegovina

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 12 June 2022
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In mid-March 2020, the education authorities closed everything higher education institutions (8 public and 23 private) due to pandemic COVID-19. Shortly after the suspension of classes across the country, online lectures and student consultations were launched in all higher education institutions. with teachers online. As for the completion of the academic year 2019/2020. year, in three administrative units (Sarajevo Canton, Zenica-Doboj Canton and Central Bosnia Canton) the academic year ended online. On the other hand, in four administrative units classes ended as before the pandemic (in Republika Srpska, Brcko District, Tuzla Canton and Una-Sana Canton).

Classes at higher education institutions will begin in accordance with the law, on October 5. The manner and organization of teaching will be adjusted to the epidemiological measures and recommendations of the competent ministries.


The Center for Information and Recognition of Documents in Higher Education is implementing a European Union-funded Twinning project "Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education". During the third quarter of the EU-funded Twinning project, an Analysis of existing legislation in the area of ​​recognition of higher education qualifications in BiH was completed. Experts from the European Union continued to work on drafting a Roadmap for the systematic implementation of the LRC in BiH. Activities on the development of an external database for recognition of professional qualifications were continued. A contract has been signed with a private IT company to develop the database and a pilot is planned for the second week of September 2019. A draft law on recognition in the Central Bosnia Canton was finalized this quarter. Formal procedures are expected to be launched soon before the Cantonal Assembly. The Ministry of Education of the Zenica-Doboj Canton has adopted a Rulebook drafted with the assistance of the CIP, which is based on the main elements of the Rulebook Model.


With the exchange of diplomatic notes, from 04.07.2018, the validity of the Protocol between the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on cooperation in the field of education has been extended. The Protocol will be valid until the end of the study year in which Bosnia and Herzegovina will become a member of the European Union.

Representatives of the Center for Information and Recognition of Higher Education Documents attended the ENIC / NARIC Early Meeting of the Adriatic Area Centers. The main idea is that the countries belonging to the Adriatic region will establish a regional network. This network would not be outside the ENIC / NARIC network.

The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 139th session on 16.4.2018. established the Proposal for the extension of the validity of the Protocol between the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on cooperation in the field of education.