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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Fundamental principles and national policies


2.Organisation and governance

2.1Fundamental principles and national policies

Last update: 12 June 2022

Fundamental principles of national education system of Croatia are given by the Croatian Constitution. Art. 65 of the Consitution hence establishes that in Croatia education is accessible to all citizens under the same conditions in accordance with their capabilities, as well as that compulsory education (encompassing 8 years of single structure primary and lower secondary education) is free for all.

Pre-primary education is regulated by the Act on Pre-primary education and care (Official Gazzette 10/97, 107/07).

Primary and general secondary education is regulated by the Act on education in elementary and middle school (Official Gazzette 87/08, 86/09, 92/10, 105/10, 90/11, 5/12, 16/12, 86/12, 126/12). Vocational secondary education is regulated by the Act on Vocational Education and Training (Official Gazzette 30/09, 24/10'). Artistic secondary education is regulated by the Act on artistic education (Official Gazzette NN 130/11).

Higher education is regulated by the Act on Science and Higher Education (Official Gazzette 123/03, 198/03, 105/04, 174/04, 02/07, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11).

Adult education and lifelong learning is regulated by the Act on the Adult Education (Official Gazzette 17/07, 107/07, 24/10) and Act on Life-long Learning Centres (Official Gazzette 54/97, 5/98, 109/99, 139/10.)