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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 12 June 2022
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There have been no reforms to date in this area.




Ordinance on Amendments to the Ordinance on methods, procedures and elements of student evaluation in primary and secondary schools.

On September 15, the Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on methods, procedures and elements of student evaluation in primary and secondary schools came into force. According to the Ordinance on Amendments, the teacher is obliged to announce a written test at least 14 days before the test.


Amendments to the Education Inspection Act

In May 2021, the Croatian Parliament passed amendments to the Education Inspection Act abolishing anonymous reports, in order to prevent the misuse of reports to the Education Inspectorate.  

Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on conducting excursions, excursions and other educational activities outside the school

In May 2021, Amendments to the Ordinance on conducting excursions, excursions and other educational activities outside the school came into force. Amendments will allow the procedure to be conducted in a shorter time than prescribed and extracurricular activities can be realized after the cessation of circumstances on the basis of which students could not participate in the planned extracurricular classes.

Also, if necessary, amendments to the Ordinance allow remote meetings for parents of students for whom extracurricular activities are planned.

In the event of natural disasters, disease epidemics or other circumstances, all bids from potential service providers will be submitted electronically and not by mail as required by the existing Ordinance.

Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on the promotion of teachers, professional associates and principals in primary and secondary schools and student dormitories 

On 8 April 2021, the Ordinance on amendments to the Ordinance on the promotion of teachers, professional associates and principals in primary and secondary schools and student dormitories (Official Gazette, No. 32/2021) entered into force.

In accordance with Article 7 of the Ordinance, the procedure for promotion is initiated at the request of the educational worker who is obliged to inform the school institution with which he has an employment relationship in writing or electronically.

The request for promotion is submitted by the educational worker to the agency responsible for education and is available in electronic form on the agency's website.


Public consultation on the Draft Proposal of Amendments to the Education Inspection Act

In December 2020 the Ministry of Science and Education has opened an e-Consultation with the interested public on the Draft Proposal of Amendments to the Education Inspection Act. Amendments abolish anonymous reports, in order to prevent the misuse of reports to the education inspectorate. The amendments stipulate that each report must also contain the name and surname of the applicant. The changes were made in order for all citizens to exercise their legal rights, but also in order to protect educators, i.e. school institutions that are subject to the supervision of the educational inspection, from arbitrary or unfounded reports.


Public consultation on the Draft Decision on Adoption of the Curriculum for the Subject Geology for the 4th Grade of the Natural Science Gymnasium in Croatia

In February 2021 the Ministry of Science and Education has opened a public consultation on the Draft Decision on the adoption of the curriculum for the subject of Geology for the 4th grade of the high school of science in the Republic of Croatia. The public consultation was open from 23 February to 25 March 2021 for the purpose of informing the interested public, receiving feedback, and actively involving the interested public in connection with the proposal of the decision.  

Adopted Education Support Program for Members of the Roma National Minority for the period 2021-2023

On March 4, 2021, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Decision on the Adoption of Education Support Program for Members of the Roma National Minority for the period 2021-2023 (Official Gazette, number: 23/2021).

The program aims to support the inclusion of children and students belonging to the Roma national minority in the education system at all levels and to provide conditions for the improvement of their educational achievements and more successful socialization. 

The Ministry of Science and Education will implement this three-year Program is in partnership with local and regional self-government units, kindergartens, schools, and other stakeholders in the education system. Funds for the implementation of the planned activities are provided in the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia.  



Amendments to the Regulations on the Appropriate Type of Education of Teachers and Professional Associates in Primary Schools

Amendments to the Regulations (Official Gazette 75/2020) were published in July 2020. The amendments prescribe the appropriate type of education for teachers and professional associates in primary schools (ISCED 1 and 2) as well as documents that can be accepted as a certificate of fulfillment of the prescribed conditions.


Decisions on curriculum documents for minority languages 

From school year 2020/2021 additional 4 decisions on curriculum documents are in place. 

The decisions on the curriculum for the subject Hungarian language and culture for primary and upper secondary schools with instruction in the language and national minority in the Republic of Croatia (Model A) as well as the curriculum for the subject Hungarian language and culture for primary and upper secondary schools (model C) were published in the Official Gazette (83/2020).  

Furthermore, the decisions on the curriculum for the subject Slovak language and culture for primary and upper secondary schools (model C) and the curriculum for the course language and culture of the Roma national minority in primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia (model C) were published in the Official Gazette in July 2020.


Strategic Framework for Full-Day Classes

At a press conference held in June at the Ministry of Science and Education, the Minister presented a strategic framework for conducting full-day classes. This project was planned for fall 2020, but unfortunately, it was postponed because of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The experimental implementation is planned to start in the fall of 2021 and full implementation in 2023.  Minister presented four strategic goals for the implementation of full-day classes. These are improving the student academic achievement, ensuring equal educational opportunities for holistic development, improving the well-being of students and their families, and increasing the autonomy and responsibility of schools and founders. Moreover, discussion points for further analysis and improvement were addressed.


Amendments to the Regulations on Promotion of Teachers, Professional Associated and Principals in Primary and Secondary Schools

In May 2020 some changes were introduced in regard to conditions for teacher promotion. The most important changes to the Regulations are in the subcategory ‘Lectures, workshops and training’. It is necessary to collect 30, instead of the previous 40 points and more points can be earned by creating and publishing teaching materials. Furthermore, the application deadline is extended by one month, applications are now accepted until 1 April for the current school year.


Ordinance on Amendments to the Ordinance on State Matura Examination 

On 9 May 2020, the Ordinance on Amendments to the Ordinance on State Matura Examination came into force. Ordinance on Amendments enabled exceptionally during the validity of the Decision of Declaration of Epidemic Diseases Covide-19 in the Republic of Croatia to register, change, unregister and pay exams that have not been registered, no later than 8 days from the day of the change of the Exam Calendar.


Decision on Allocation of Funds to Primary Schools for the Purchase of Laptops / Hybrid Computers for Regional Schools

In May the Minister of Science and Education passed a Decision on Allocation of Funds to Primary Schools for the Purchase of Laptops / Hybrid Computers for Regional Schools. This decision approves funds for the purchase of laptops / hybrid computers for 1137 primary regional schools in the total amount of HRK 15 334 000.00.


Amendments to the Ordinance on the Procedure of Determining the Psychophysical State of Child, Pupil and the Assembly of the Expert Committee

These Amendments prescribed methods for determining the Psychophysical State of Child while the Decision of Declaration of Epidemic Diseases Covide-19 in the Republic of Croatia is in force.

Amendments set out the conditions which have to be fulfilled to appoint the president and members of the Expert Committee as well as the procedure for determining the psychophysical state of a child in case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation determined by the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia. Furthermore, the deadlines are extended and specific conditions to carry out the examination remotely are also prescribed  

Preparation, monitoring and evaluation of the comprehensive curricular reform experimental programme 'School for Life'

On 15 April 2020 the Ministry of Science and Education published the exposition on the comprehensive curricular reform experimental programme 'School for Life'. The document aims to provide an explanation of the process of monitoring and evaluation of the curricular reform experimental programme 'School for Life', as well as the description of the context in which the process is taking place.


Strategic framework for the digital maturity of schools and education system (2030)

In March 2020 the Ministry of Science and Education published a Strategic framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools and Education System (2030).  The Framework for the Digital Maturity of Schools defines five areas and five levels of the digital maturity of schools. It is being developed as part of the e-Schools pilot project and is coordinated with the European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations. Furthermore, the Framework is the basis for a common understanding of the digital maturity of all the stakeholders in the educational system.


Action Plan for the Prevention of School Violence

On the proposal of the Ministry of Science and Education, on 6 February, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Action Plan for the Prevention of School Violence for the period 2020-2024.

The action plan has been drawn up by a committee of 23 members, with representatives of unions, professional associations, pedagogues, psychologists, school representatives and principals, including students and a UNICEF representative. A total of 6 objectives are outlined, including a partial change in the legislative framework, systematic data collection and improvement of the quality of programs implemented in schools in relation to violence prevention.

For the period 2020-2024, a budget of 27 million HRK has been allocated for the implementation of the activities, with the possibility of obtaining additional EU funding.


Public consultations on the proposal of the Regulations on the number of students in regular and combined classes in primary school

Ministry of Science and Education opened public consultations in February 2020 on the Regulations on the number of students in regular and combined classes in primary school (ISCED 1 and 2). Education staff employed in schools was consulted and the result of the process is 367 suggestions.


Public consultations on the Draft of Decision on curriculum documents for the Spanish language

At the beginning of 2020, the Ministry of Science and Education opened a public consultation on the Draft of Decision on curriculum documents for the Spanish Language for primary schools (ISCED 1 and 2) and upper secondary general education (ISCED 3). Public consultations were open until the end of January 2020.