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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Lifelong learning strategy


2.Organisation and governance

2.2Lifelong learning strategy

Last update: 12 June 2022

Besides other national documents and acts regulating primary, secondary and higher education education system, which touch in many places the issue of life-long learning, as one of the main specific tools targeting life-long learning Croatian Government in 2007 adopted national Adult Education Strategy. The goals of this strategy are:

  • to develop measures, organisational, financial and in regard to human resources for realising lifelong learning as a right and an obligation of all the citizens of the Republic of Croatia: women, men, youth, senior citizens, retired people, the employed, the unemployed, housewives, employers, homeland war veterans, the poor, the illiterate; to include the imagination and abilities of all Croatian citizens and their active participation in all aspects of life with a view to “get Croatia moving”;
  • to develop a system of adult education that will offer equal opportunities for quality learning throughout life to all people, and in which education is based on and results from the demands and needs for learning;
  • to develop measures for joint and coordinated action of the relevant ministries, social partners and educational institutions;
  • to create legal and professional prerequisites for establishing comprehensive adult education as an integral part of the Croatian education system;
  • to adjust educational planning and programming, the strategies and ways of teaching and learning, so that people’s knowledge and skills match the possibilities and needs of individuals as well as the demands of jobs and occupations, work and the social environment;
  • to encourage and equip people to participate in all spheres of modern life, especially in social and political life at all levels, including European level;
  • to encourage the use of new information and communication technology in lifelong learning and adult education, as it, among other things, enables an individual approach to learning that is more suitable for adults (the choice of the most convenient study time and other favourable conditions);
  • to speed up the integration of labour and learning Σ in line with the OECD economies
  • as new trends support a continuous link between education and labour, instead of the traditional separation between studying and lifelong labour.