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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
First-cycle programmes


7.Higher education

7.2First-cycle programmes

Last update: 12 June 2022

The first cycle of study includes university and professional undergraduate studies that normally last three years, with a small number of studies taking four years. This level corresponds to level 6 of the European and the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF).

Upon completion of an undergraduate university study, the academic bachelor's degree or baccalaureate including specialization, is awarded.

Upon completion of an undergraduate professional study, the professional bachelor’s degree or baccalaureate including specialization, is awarded.

A few study programmes take the form of short professional studies in the duration of two to two and a half years and after their completion, the degree of associate (including a specialization) is earned. This kind of degree corresponds to level 5 of the European and Croatian qualifications framework.

Certain university study programmes in Croatia, mostly those leading to a regulated profession, are conducted according to an integrated model, which means that they combine undergraduate and graduate levels without intermission. These programmes usually take five to six years and their completion brings 300 - 360 ECTS credit points and the academic master’s degree, corresponding to the level 7 of the European and Croatian qualifications framework.