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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Statistics on educational institutions


2.Organisation and governance

2.8Statistics on educational institutions

Last update: 12 June 2022

This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-primary to upper secondary education level (ISCED levels 0-3). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of the categories of institutions providing publicly-subsidised adult education and training can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.


Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education

Type of educational institution in English (and in national language)

ISCED levels providedMain orientation of the programmes provided​Number of educational institutions


PublicGovernment-dependent privatePrivate independent
Kindergarten (dječji vrtić)0(-)


Primary school (osnovna škola)1, 2G


Upper secondary school (srednja škola)3G, V



Source: Ministry of Science and Education databases (ISCED 0, ISCED 1-3), accessed on 1st of November 2019 Reference year: school year 2018/19

ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= GeneralV= Vocational
(:) Data not available(-) Not applicable

Terminology The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26)


The total number of Kindergartens includes data on other legal entities in the Republic of Croatia implementing early childhood education and care programs, i.e. playgroups in libraries or in other health, social, cultural and sports organisations providing pre-primary and pre-schools programmes. Primary schools providing pre-primary programs are included in the data. Data on kindergartens on all the three governance categories is not available. Ministry of Science and Education publishes a list of kindergartens without specific information on governance.


Primary schools provide single structure education at ISCED 1 and 2. Some primary schools provide pre-primary programmes one year before primary education and are included in both the data on kindergartens and primary schools.


Upper secondary schools in Croatia can be self-standing upper secondary schools providing general education programmes (gimnazije). The same applies for schools providing vocational education programmes. Some upper secondary schools are combined and are providing both general education programmes and vocational programmes. Some upper secondary schools provide vocational education programmes of different duration.


Data on the number of institutions is presented according to the legal entity approach (one educational institution corresponds to a legal, administrative or organizational entity or unit, which may operate on a single institution site or cluster several institution sites).



Statistics on separate educational institutions providing special needs education

Type of educational institution in English and (in national language)ISCED levels providedMain orientation of the programmes provided​Number of educational institutions


PublicGovernment-dependent institutionsPrivate independent
Center for education (centar za odgoj i obrazovanje)1, 2, 3G, V



Source: Ministry of Science and Education database (ISCED 1-3), accessed on 1st of November 2019 Reference year: school year 2018/19

ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= GeneralV= Vocational
(:) Data not available(-) Not applicable

Terminology The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26).


Kindergartens can provide special needs education on ISCED 0 level but data on their number is not available in the official sources of information.

26 centres are providing education at ISCED 1 and 2. 13 centres are providing education at ISCED 3.

Centres for education were founded by the state, county or city and are publicly financed. Centres can be financed by the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Demographics, Family, Youth and Social Policy or by the Ministry of Health.

Data on the number of institutions is presented according to the legal entity approach (one educational institution corresponds to a legal, administrative or organizational entity or unit, which may operate on a single institution site or cluster several institution sites).