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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for academic staff working in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.6Continuing professional development for academic staff working in higher education

Last update: 12 June 2022

The Strategy for Education, Science and Technology, OG 124/2014 proposes measures that are in line with the envisaged strategies of the European Union, but also the objectives that are expected to be achieved by 2025.

The Strategy states the introduction of continuous education of teachers through specially designed courses which would be a prerequisite for assuming teaching obligations, as well as a condition for selection into scientific-teaching titles.

Such courses will be organised either in the form of direct instruction or by e-learning. In addition, short courses will be organised to build on teachers' competences, not only pedagogical but also other transversal competences, such as the use of information technologies or methods of drafting and submitting project proposals. Initial education for the acquisition of teaching competences will be obligatory for all teachers entering the system and will be one of the minimum criteria for the first selection to scientific-teaching or teaching titles. Further continuous education of teachers in transversal competences will be conditioned by quality assurance plans of the higher education institutions themselves.


Organisational Aspects

Some higher education institutions organise additional training for their employees in the fields of teaching competences, teaching and creating e-learning content, entrepreneurship and project management, etc. It may take the form of training or job-shadowing activities.

Training for executive management and professional training of academic staff in Croatia was often organised in the form of project-based activities.


Incentives for Participation in Continuous Professional Development

The Strategy for Education, Science and Technology, OG 124/2014, envisages encouraging and rewarding the quality of teachers by introducing a variable evaluation of work on a given scale through a variable part of the salary. The criteria of fairness and transparency will be followed, which will be defined by the relevant acts of the higher education institution.